Main Regulations and Method of Calculating Tuition Fee

There is an agreement with the Hebrew University, Ben Gurion University, Bar Ilan University, Haifa University, the Technion and the Open University to study one or two courses at another university for the purpose of enrichment of the program of studies or the research program.


Students studying at Tel Aviv University for a bachelor’s / master’s / doctoral degree wishing to study at another university within the framework of the inter-institutional arrangement must submit a request for inter-institutional approval in the student portal. After obtaining the approval of the academic unit and approval of the director of the Registration and Students Administration Division, an email will be sent to the requested institution with a copy to the student.


Students from the Hebrew University, Ben Gurion University, Bar Ilan University, Haifa University, the Technion and the Open University interested in studying at Tel Aviv University within the framework of inter-institutional studies shall present to the registration and admission unit an application form on inter-institutional studies signed by the University where they are studying for a degree.


After admission, the students will declare through the inquiry portal how many hours they intend studying and they will be issued with a payment voucher according to the following rules.


Students obtaining approval to study at another institution within the framework of inter-institutional studies will pay the host institution a tuition fee for the course or courses according to the following rules:

Bachelor’s degree student – 2.5% per semester hour.

Master’s degree student – 5% per semester hour.

Doctoral student – up to 4 semester hours for the entire degree, no charge and each additional hour shall be charged at 2.5%.

No payment of registration fee and/or ancillary fees.

Upon completion of courses at the host institution and submission of a transcript to the faculty student office, the grades will be entered and no further payment will be collected beyond the charge paid at the host institution.

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