Tel Aviv University Leadership

Chairwoman of the Board of Governors

Dafna Meitar-Nechmad


Chairman of the Executive Council

Mr. Eli Gelman


President of Tel Aviv University

Prof. Ariel Porat


Rector of Tel Aviv University

Prof. Mark Shtaif


Vice President of Tel Aviv University

Prof. Milette Shamir


Vice Rector of Tel Aviv University

Prof. Eyal Zisser


Vice President for Research and Development

Prof. Dan Peer


Vice President for Resource Development

Mr. Amos Elad


Deputy Chairperson of the Board of Governors

Dr. h.c. Jeremy Coller

Dr. h.c. Dame Shirley Porter 


Vice Chairpersons of the Board of Governors

Dr. h.c.. Sylvan Adams

Dr. h.c. Josef Buchmann

Dr. h.c. Boaz Dotan

Mr. James Dubin Esq. 

Dr. Anita Friedman

Dr. h.c. Sami Sagol



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