Tel Aviv University's Career Development Center

The Tel Aviv University’s Career Development Center is here to promote and upgrade the future careers of our international students and offers a variety of services:


  • Career counseling sessions – 1-on-1 meetings that will set you on the path to defining your career goals. Get to know the best job search tools, insights on how to write a great resume and how to make your LinkedIn profile shine.  Our counselling sessions will give you the tools to prepare for job interviews and to plan a job search strategy in Israel or abroad.
  • Career workshops – An opportunity to enhance your skills by participating in workshops on various topics.
  • Job Fairs – Meet the top employers in the Israeli market at our Technological Fair taking place in the winter and specifically designed for our engineering or exact sciences students. Each spring we also hold a larger and more general Job Fair, where students from all fields of study can meet potential employers, learn about their recruitment process and hand in their CV on the spot.
  • Company presentations – An opportunity to get to know more about your dream organization and talk to the company's representatives.


For further details call or email Kinneret Barkol-Dayan:

Phone: +972-3-6409695

Email Kinneret Barkol-Dayan

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