Connections: International Reach
TAU Aim:
Now more than ever, as a muscular response to the boycott of Israeli academia, we need to bolster funded joint programs with prominent overseas universities.
- Simply: Will help counter the BDS movement.
- Will bolster the prestige of TAU and Israel as an academic destination and partner.
- Will ramp up academic exchange between the donor’s home university and Israel, bringing recognition in his/her community and in Israel.
- Will support the Israeli government’s goal of making Israel a magnet for outstanding international students.
Current Statistics
- Over 30,000 international alumni worldwide
- 19 master’s and 4 undergraduate degree programs taught in English, including a new International BA in Management & Liberal Arts and two new Master’s in Biomedical Engineering and Environmental Engineering
- Cooperation agreements with over 280 institutions in 46 countries
- Ranks 3rd among Europe’s research institutions for ERC (European Research Council) Young Investigator grants, and among the top 10 universities in all Europe for “Horizon” scientific funding.
Latest Developments
- Tel Aviv University launched the Collaborative Initiative in Medical Sciences and Education between McMaster University in Canada and the TAU Faculty of Medical & Health Sciences in order to deepen the understanding of the basic mechanisms underlying human diseases.
- The ELI Gap-Year Program was recently launched by the Lowy International School – Israel’s first high-level college-preparatory program that gives select high-school graduates an opportunity to gain important life skills in an immersive environment.
- In light of a recent surge in Aliyah applications, TAU partnered with the Israel Student Authority to launch new degree options for Olim, allowing them to start studying in their native tongue and eventually graduate in Hebrew.
Donor Opportunities: