Main Regulations and Method of Calculating Tuition Fee


A.  Students studying for a diploma or degree

Students studying for a diploma or degree are obligated to pay the tuition fee continuously each year until the completion of all their obligations and they are entitled to a degree – including the submission of papers, examinations, final papers, etc. The date of entitlement to a degree is the day on which the students completed their final degree obligation, sat an examination or submitted a paper. An academic extension for the submission of a paper/an examination – does not exempt from payment of tuition fee. The tuition fee is calculated according to the semester in which the paper/examination was submitted.


Students who received an academic extension for the submission of a paper, with the exception of a thesis, and they submitted the paper up to one month after the commencement of the academic year, will be charged for the prolongation of the paper to Semester A, without ancillary fees.


A credit for the ancillary fees will be made at the time of signature on the completion of studies form, on condition that the student does not continue to study other degrees in the same academic year.


B. The following regulations apply to all students, new and continuing.


C. The following regulations relate to Semester 1 and 2 of each academic year. Regulations on the Summer Study Season <


D.  Students studying for multiple degrees: students studying at the same time for more than one degree (such as Law and Economics or 3 majors in a dual degree program) will pay the tuition fee deriving from the accrual of the tuition fee required for each degree separately (the obligation to pay any surcharge/prolongation charge will apply to each degree separately according to the regulations).


E.  Supplementary studies


Supplementary studies or surplus courses are not counted in the standard hours for a degree, and therefore will be charged an additional payment beyond the minimum tuition fee for a degree.


The payment for supplementary studies will be calculated from 2016-2017 (according to 5% per semester hour [1]


F.  Cancelation of course on permitted date


Please note that every course to be registered in the timetable will be charged. It is therefore recommended that students who decide not to study in a certain course cancel the course by the permitted date.


G.  Departments in which enrollment for courses takes place twice a year


For the purpose of calculating the annual tuition fee in the departments where enrollment for courses takes place twice a year (before each semester), students are requested to notify at the time of enrollment for Semester 1 courses how many hours of study they intend studying in Semester 2. After enrollment for courses in Semester 2, the declaration will be updated accordingly.


H. Changing the cap of credit hours for a degree during studies


If in the course of the academic year for a degree the cap of credit hours required for the degree changes (resulting from an academic decision, a change in the study track, a change in the composition of classes, etc.), the tuition fee percentage for the academic year will be calculated according to the updated cap and the tuition fee will be calculated accordingly, under the new fee rate, from the commencement of the degree studies.


Sections E-H apply only to students studying for a bachelor’s degree, a master’s degree or a teaching diploma.


[1]   In the Faculty of Humanities and Arts, up to 12 semester hours a year. The charge will be at a fee rate of 5% per semester hour. From the 13th hour the charge will be at a fee rate of 2.5% per semester hour (the number of hours relates to each year separately).


Tuition Fee Definitions Main Regulations Minimum Tuition Fee Required for Degree Language Studies Studies Between Institutions

The data on the method of calculation of the tuition fee for all degrees

Number of standard years for different degrees and accrued tuition fee required for each degree

Department Standard years for degree – minimum period of study to obtain degree

Minimum tuition fee for degree (accrued tuition fee percentage according to standard years)

Bachelor’s degree

Architecture 5 500%
Engineering, School of Music 4 400%
Physiotherapy, Nursing 4 400%
Accountancy (starting from the 2020-2021 academic year) 3.5 350%
Law 3.5 350%
Occupational Therapy 3.5 350%
Communication Disorders 3.5  350%
Materials Science and Engineering and Chemistry 4.5 450%
Nursing – for registered nurses 2 200%
Nursing – retraining for students who already hold a bachelor’s degree 3.5 350%
Film and Television – production track 4 400%
One double-major 3 300%
Remaining departments* 3 300%
School of Medicine 3 years for bachelor's degree 300%
  3 years clinical 300%
School of Dentistry 3 years for bachelor's degree 300%
  3 years clinical 300%

Master’s Degree

School of Medicine for students with a bachelor’s degree 4 400%
Master’s degree in school counseling 2 200%
Early childhood education 2 200%
Remaining departments 2 200%
Teaching diploma 2 200%
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