Breakdown of tuition fee and ancillary fees


Tuition fee amount

Below are the updated fee rates for the 2023-2025 academic year:


Base tuition fee for a bachelor’s degree is NIS 11,653(1)


Base tuition fee for other degrees is NIS 15,748


Cost of Advanced English 1 (intermediate) course – NIS 1,575


Prolongation fee / surcharge for bachelor’s degree NIS 1,165


Prolongation fee / surcharge for other degrees NIS 1,575


Ancillary fees

Security fee for the 2024-2025 academic year – NIS 642


Social services fee for the 2024-2025 academic year – NIS 379


Student union – NIS 10



The tuition fee is fully linked to the consumer price index for the month of July 2024. In any event the tuition fee for the 2024-2025 academic year will not be less than the tuition fee amount after linkage to the index for the month of July 2024, and subject to changes pursuant to the decisions of the competent University institutions.


The amount of ancillary fees is also fixed for students studying in one semester and those persons studying part-time.


Security Fee: Starting from the 2023-34 academic year, the security fee collection will be based on the actual study period and the corresponding tuition payment rate for each semester. If the annual tuition payment is less than 50%, a 50% security fee will be charged. For annual tuition payments of 50% and above, a 100% security fee will apply. In any case, the security fee payment will not exceed 100% per year. In mid-July each year, the tuition fee for the upcoming academic year will be calculated based on the full security fee rate. After the start of the academic year, the tuition fee will be updated according to course registrations, and security fees will be recalculated based on the percentage of the annual tuition fee. Students beginning their studies in the second semester/summer will have their security fee rate calculated at 50% of the regular rate. Following the period of course registration changes, security fees will be determined according to the aforementioned rules.


B. Exemptions from ancillary fees:

1. In the summer study season, students who paid ancillary fees as part of the tuition fee for the academic year.


2. Research students, students of Tel Aviv University who are abroad for the purpose of their studies throughout the academic year. They are obligated to pay the tuition fee and are exempt from the ancillary fees (for which they are required to furnish a suitable confirmation document for the tuition fee office from the Research Students Office or from the faculty).



1) For bachelor’s degree students

The tuition fee for a bachelor’s degree for the 2024-2025 academic year is reduced, according to the decision of the Committee for the Gradual Reduction of Tuition fees at Institutes of Higher Education, in comparison to the tuition fee customary in the 2000-2001 academic year.


According to Government Decision No. 808 and the instructions of the Council for Higher Education, new students for a bachelor’s degree are entitled to such a reduction only if in the 2023-2024 academic year they enrolled and successfully met the academic requirements of at least 18 semester hours.


Anyone registered for less than 18 semester hours, or who failed to successfully meet the academic requirements of at least 18 semester hours, or anyone who terminates their studies during the year and who has not yet completed the above requirements, will pay the full tuition fee without any reduction according to the number of hours in which they were enrolled.


However, the aforesaid decision on a reduction in the tuition fee is based on the Government’s undertaking to finance this reduction.


If the University does not therefore receive the cover for any such reduction from the Government, the bachelor’s degree students will pay the full tuition fee, on the date to be notified by the University.

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