TAU Dedicates Chair to Philanthropist Joseph Safra

Prof. Dan Amiram of Coller School named incumbent
07 June 2021
Prof. Dan Amiram of the Coller School of Management

Tel Aviv University dedicated the Joseph Safra Chair for Capital Markets and Financial Institutions in memory of Joseph Safra (1938-2020).

Safra was one of the world’s top bankers and businessmen. He was a longtime and influential philanthropist in Brazil, where he lived for most of his life, as well as in Israel and across the Jewish world. In Israel, his generosity greatly benefited hospitals, museums, educational institutions and other diverse organizations. He was an Honorary TAU Governor, and his children have continued his legacy of friendship with the University.


​Prof. Dan Amiram, Vice Dean of the Coller School of Management, is the incumbent of the Joseph Safra Chair. Prof. Amiram’s research focuses on the effects and consequences of frictions created by information asymmetry, taxation and business law on debt and equity markets around the world. He is frequently tapped as a consultant by governmental organizations, corporations, financial institutions and the media, including the New York Times, Wall Street Journal and Forbes. Moreover, he is the recipient of numerous prestigious awards for both research and teaching.

The late Joseph Safra.

Photo: Jose Cordeiro


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