BOG 2016: Cornerstone Laid for Life Sciences Building

The building will provide state-of-the art facilities for generations of graduate students
05 July 2016
Dean of Life Sciences Danny Chamovitz at the cornerstone laying ceremony Photo: Michal Roche Ben-Ami

A cornerstone ceremony was held for a building that will serve as the new heart of life sciences, integrating between various departments and reinforcing TAU’s emphasis on interdisciplinary research. The building will provide vitally-needed facilities to graduate students and faculty of the George. S. Wise Faculty of Life Sciences, including four state-of-the-art teaching laboratories.


At the cornerstone laying ceremony, which was held during the 2016 Board of Governors meeting, TAU President Joseph Klafter said, “This building will advance student wellbeing, since it will give talented students the very best conditions to fulfil their potential, thereby supporting many new generations of life sciences students and researchers.”


As such “it will serve as a literal and figurative bridge for the Faculty,” said Dean of Life Sciences Prof. Danny Chamovitz. “By physically connecting the two existing life sciences buildings, it will function as a focal point where graduate students can meet, study and brainstorm together in an informal setting. “The construction of this building is a dream I’ve had for a while,” said the Dean.



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