Yoni Bhonker, Genetics

Yoni is on a mission to make science fun, accessible and – most important – a meaningful part of people's lives

Yoni Bhonker, PhD Candidate
Quick Facts
  • Age: 27
  • Award: Teva National Network of Excellence in Neuroscience Fellowship
  • Field: Genetics
  • Raised in: California, USA
  • Hobbies: Martial arts and video games

Why is the genome similar to your grandmother’s cookbook? Is Ozzy Osbourne really a Neanderthal? How is a cancer cell like the 2009 Iranian election protests? Yoni Bhonker, a PhD student in TAU’s Sackler Faculty of Medicine, answers these and other quirky questions in his blog, Genome Tours, and in his popular science lectures given regularly throughout Israel. By explaining complicated topics in an engaging way, Yoni is seeking to educate the general public about the complex and rapidly changing world of science and technology.


What inspired this bold project? “The Human Genome Project cost a whopping $2.7 billion to complete,” explains Yoni. “Now, it is possible to sequence a whole genome for as little as $1,000. The sudden affordability and availability of genetic testing is revolutionizing medicine. I believe the public has a right to learn about major changes that could affect their lives.”


Yoni’s blog and lecture series shed light on common medical misperceptions, helping people navigate through often over-blown media hype. He also raises awareness of new products that can improve and maybe even save lives.


In addition to writing and lecturing about science, Yoni is engaged in his own research. Under the supervision of TAU’s Prof. Karen Avraham, Deputy Head of Research and Development at the Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Yoni is helping to unravel the genetics of hearing disorders. Upon completing his doctoral degree, he plans to go to a top-tier business school. “The genetics industry is continually growing, and there is currently a shortage of people with science backgrounds and business skills. I want to help fill this gap.”


In his spare time, Yoni volunteers to help Ultra-Orthodox men and women prepare for medical school. He is also the manager of an international martial arts organization based in Tel Aviv.


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