Prof. Yoram Reich

School of Mechanical Engineering
ביה"ס להנדסה מכנית סגל אקדמי בכיר
Prof. Yoram Reich
Phone: 03-6407385
Fax: 03-6407617
Office: Wolfson - Engineering, 219

Research Interests:

Systems Engineering; Design; Innovation

Research and Publications

Prof Reich is one of the leading researchers in design and systems engineering in Israel. He published more than 250 publications in this and related areas.

In addition, he co-authored three books and co-edited a fourth; one on managing dynamic product development processes in 2011; one on biomimicry in 2016; and one on design in 2020. The last book on sustainable and ecological communities will appear in 2022. 





A. Karniel and Y. Reich, Managing the Dynamics of New Product Development Processes: A New Product Lifecycle Management Paradigm, Springer, 2011.

Helfman Cohen Y. and Reich Y., Biomimetic Design Method for Innovation and Sustainability, Springer, 2016.

Subrahmanian E., Reich Y. and Krishnan, S., We are Not Users: Dialogues, Diversity, and Design, MIT Press, 2020.



M. Eisenberger and Y. Reich, Static, vibration, and stability analysis of non-uniform beams, Computers and Structures, 31(4):567-573, 1989.

Y. Reich and M. B. Fuchs, A comparison of explicit optimal design methods, Computers and Structures, 32(1):175-184, 1989.

Y. Reich and S. J. Fenves, The potential of machine learning techniques for expert systems, Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis, and Manufacturing, 3(3):175-193, 1989.

Y. Reich, Design knowledge acquisition: Task analysis and a partial implementation, Knowledge Acquisition, 3(3):237-254, 1991.

Y. Reich and S. J. Fenves, Inductive learning of synthesis knowledge, International Journal of Expert Systems: Research and Applications, 5(4):275-297, 1992.

Y. Reich, A model of aesthetic judgment in design, Artificial Intelligence in Engineering, 8(2):141-153, 1993.

D. Fisher, X. Ling, R. Carnes, Y. Reich, S. Fenves, J. Chen, R. Shiavi, G. Biswas, and J. Weinberg, Selected applications of an AI clustering technique to engineering tasks, IEEE Expert, 8(6):51-60, 1993.

Y. Reich, The development of Bridger: A methodological study of research on the use of machine learning in design, Artificial Intelligence in Engineering, 8(3):217-231, 1993.

E. Subrahmanian, S. L. Konda, S. N. Levy, Y. Reich, A. W. Westerberg, and I. A. Monarch

Equations aren’t enough: Informal modeling in design, Artificial Intelligence in Engineering Design, Analysis, and Manufacturing, 7(4):257-274, 1993.

Y. Reich, S. Konda, S. N. Levy, I. Monarch, and E. Subrahmanian, New roles for machine learning in design, Artificial Intelligence in Engineering, 8(3):165-181, 1993.

Y. Reich, Layered models of research methodologies, Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis, and Manufacturing, 8(4):263-274, 1994.

Y. Reich and S. J. Fenves, A system that learns to design cable-stayed bridges, Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, 121(7):1090-1100, 1995.

Y. Reich, A critical review of General Design Theory, Research in Engineering Design, 7(1):1-18, 1995.

Y. Reich, The study of design research methodology, Journal of Mechanical Design, ASME, 117(2(A)):211-214, 1995.

Y. Reich, Measuring the value of knowledge, International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 42(1):3-30, 1995.

Y. Reich and N. Travitzky, Machine learning of material behavior knowledge from empirical data, Materials & Design, 16(5):251-259, 1995.

Y. Reich, M. Medina, T.-Y. Shieh, and T. Jacobs, Modeling and debugging engineering decision procedures with machine learning, Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, 10(2):157-166, 1996.

Y. Reich, S. L. Konda, S. N. Levy, I. A. Monarch, and E. Subrahmanian, Varieties and issues of participation and design, Design Studies, 17(2):165-180, 1996.

Y. Reich, Modeling engineering information with machine learning, Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis, and Manufacturing, 10(2):171-174, 1996.

Y. Reich, Artificial intelligence in bridge engineering, Microcomputers in Civil Engineering, 11(6):433-445, 1996.

Y. Reich, Machine learning techniques for civil engineering problems, Microcomputers in Civil Engineering, 12(4):307-322, 1997.

A. W. Westerberg, E. Subrahmanian, Y. Reich, S. Konda, D. P. Cunningham, A. H. Dutoit, H. L. Granger, K. C. Marshall, R. C. Milliken, I. A. Monarch, J. P. Neergaard, R. H. Patrick, and M. E. Thomas, Designing the process design process, Computers & Chemical Engineering, 21:S1-S9, 1997.

Y. Reich, Learning in design: From characterizing dimensions to working systems, Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis, and Manufacturing, 12(2):161-172, 1998.

Y. Reich and S. V. Barai, Evaluating machine learning models for engineering problems, Artificial Intelligence in Engineering, 13(3):257-272, 1999.

Y. Reich, E. Subrahmanian, D. Cunningham, A. Dutoit, S. Konda, R. Patrick, A. Westerberg, and the n-dim group, Building agility for developing agile design information systems, Research in Engineering Design, 11(2):67-83, 1999.

S. V. Barai and Y. Reich, Ensemble modeling or selecting the best model: Many can be better than one, Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis, and Manufacturing, 13(5):377-386, 1999.

Y. Reich and S. V. Barai, A methodology for building neural networks models from empirical engineering data, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 13(6):685-694, 2000.

Y. Reich, Improving the rationale capture capability of QFD, Engineering with Computers, 16(3-4):236-252, 2000.

Y. Reich, Life cycle management of information and decisions for system analyses, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 15(3):513-527, 2001.

G. Dobrescu and Y. Reich, Progressive sharing of modules among product variants, Computer-Aided Design, 35(9):791-806, 2003.

E. Kolberg, Y. Reich, and I. Levin, Project-based high school mechatronics course, International Journal of Engineering Education, 19(4):557-562, 2003.

D. Braha and Y. Reich, Topological structures for modeling engineering design processes

Research in Engineering Design, 14(4):185-199, 2003.

I. Levin, E. Kolberg, and Y. Reich, Robot control teaching with state machine based design method, International Journal of Engineering Education, 20(2):234-243, 2004.

Invited reprint with some modifications: I. Levin, E. Kolberg, and Y. Reich, “Designing control system for mobile educational robot,” INFO International Journal on Informatics in Education, 3:87-94, 2004. (in Russian).

Y. Reich and A. Kapeliuk, Case-based reasoning with subjective influence knowledge, Applied Artificial Intelligence, 18(8):735-760, 2004.

Y. Reich and E. Levy, Managing product design quality under resource constraints, International Journal of Production Research, 42(13):2555-2572, 2004.

O. Shai and Y. Reich, Infused design: I theory, Research in Engineering Design, 15(2):93-107, 2004.

O. Shai and Y. Reich, Infused design: II practice, Research in Engineering Design, 15(2):108-121, 2004.

A. Kapeliuk, Y. Reich, and R. Bar-Lev, Knowledge system supporting attendance officer’s decision making and dropout prevention, International Journal of Educational Management, 18(6):342-350, 2004.

A. Karniel, Y. Belsky, and Y. Reich, Decomposing the problem of constrained surface fitting in reverse engineering, Computer-Aided Design, 37(4):399-417, 2005.

Y. Reich and A. Kapeliuk, A framework for organizing the space of DSS with application to solving subjective, context dependent problems, Decision Support Systems, 41(1):1-19, 2005.

A. Ziv-Av and Y. Reich, SOS – Subjective objective system for generating optimal product concepts, Design Studies, 26(5):509-533, 2005.

Y. Reich, E. Kolberg, and I. Levin, Designing contexts for learning design, International Journal of Engineering Education, 22(3):489-495, 2006.

Y. Sered and Y. Reich, Standardization and modularization driven by minimizing overall process effort, Computer-Aided Design, 38(5):405-416, 2006.

Y. Reich and A. Paz, Managing product quality, risk, and resources through resource quality function deployment, Journal of Engineering Design, 19(3):249-267, 2007.

O. Shai, Y. Reich, and D. Rubin, Creative conceptual design: extending the scope by infused design, Computer-Aided Design, 41(3):117-135, 2009.

A. Karniel and Y. Reich, From DSM-based planning to Design Process Simulation: A review of process-scheme logic verification issues, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 56(4):636-649, 2009.

Reich, Y., Ullmann, G., Van der Loos, M., Leifer, L., Coaching product development teams: A conceptual foundation, Research in Engineering Design, 19(4):205-222, 2009.

A. Karniel and Y. Reich, Formalizing a workflow-net implementation of Design-Structure-Matrix-based process planning for New product development, IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics- Part A: Systems and Humans, 41(3):476-491, 2011.

O. Dor and Y. Reich, An evaluation of musical score characteristics and classification of major classical composers including Mozart, Bach and Beethoven, Computer Music Journal, 35(3):86-97, 2011.

Y. Reich, A. Hatchuel, O Shai, and E. Subrahmanian, A theoretical analysis of creativity methods in engineering design: Casting ASIT within C-K Theory, Journal of Engineering Design, 23(2):137-158, 2012.

O. Dor, Y. Reich, Strengthening learning algorithms by feature discovery, Information Sciences, 189:176-190, 2012.

Y. Reich and O. Shai, The Interdisciplinary Engineering Knowledge Genome, Research in Engineering Design, 23(3):251-264, 2012.

J. Shabi and Y. Reich, Developing an analytical model for planning the verification, validation & testing process, Advanced Engineering Informatics, 26(2):429-438, 2012.

O. Shai, Y. Reich, A. Hatchuel, E. Subrahmanian, Creativity and scientific discovery with Infused Design and its analysis with C-K theory, Research in Engineering Design, 24(2):201-214, 2013.

A. Karniel, Y. Reich, Multi-level modeling and simulation of new product development processes, Journal of Engineering Design, 24(3):185-210, 2013.

O. Dor, Y. Reich, Enhancing learning algorithms to support data with short sequence features by automated feature discovery, Knowledge-Based Systems, 52:114-132, 2013.

E. Kolberg, Y. Reich, and I. Levin, Designing winning robots by careful design of their development process, Research in Engineering Design, 25(2):157-183, 2014.

Y. Helfman Cohen, Y. Reich, and S. Greenberg, Biomimetics: structure-function patterns approach, Journal of Mechanical Design, 136(11), 111108-1, 2014.

Y. Helfman Cohen, Y. Reich, and S. Greenberg, Sustainability strategies in nature, International Journal of Design & Nature and Ecodynamics, 9(4):285-295, 2014.

A. Engel and Y. Reich, Advancing Architecture Options Theory: Six Industrial Case Studies, Systems Engineering, 18(4):396-414, 2015. 

M. Sitton and Y. Reich, Enterprise systems engineering for better operational interoperability, Systems Engineering, 18(6):625-638, 2016.

A. Engel, T.R. Browning, and Y. Reich, Designing Products for Adaptability: Insights from Four Industrial Cases, Decision Science, 2017.

J. Shabi and Y. Reich, R. Diamant, Planning the verification, validation & testing process: A case study, Journal of Engineering Design, 28(3):171-204, 2017.

Y. Reich, The principle of reflexive practice, Design Science, 3, 2017.

Hatchuel, A, Le Masson, P, Reich, Y, Subrahmanian E, Design theory: A foundation of a new paradigm for design science and engineering, Research in Engineering Design, 29(1), 2018.

Sitton, M. and Reich, Y., EPIC Framework for Enterprise Processes Integrative Collaboration, Systems Engineering, 2018.

Slavutin, M., Sheffer, A., Shai, O. and Reich, Y., A Complete Geometric Singular Characterization of the 6/6 Stewart Platform, Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, 10(4), 041012, 2018.

Sitton, M. and Reich, Y., ESE framework verification by MBSE, IEEE Systems Journal, 2018.

Slavutin, M. and Reich, Y., A novel criterion for singularity analysis of parallel mechanisms, Mechanisms and Machine Theory, 2019.

Slavutin, M. and Reich, Y., Singularity analysis of multi-platform mechanisms by decomposition and reciprocality, Mechanisms and Machine Theory, 2019.

Shaked, A, and Reich, Y., Designing Development Processes Related to System of Systems Using a Modeling Framework, Systems Engineering, 2019.


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