See also:
- בין ירושלים למכה: קדושה וגאולה בקוראן ובמסורת האסלאם. ירושלים 2019.
- הקוראן: דבר הקול האלוהי אל מוחמד השליח. ירושלים 2019..
- Muhammad the Prophet and Arabia, Variorum Collected Studies Series, Ashgate, 2011.
- Between Bible and Qur'an: the Children of Israel and the Islamic Self-Image. The Darwin Press, Princeton, New Jersey, 1999.
- .The Eye of the Beholder: the Life of Muhammad as Viewed by the Early Muslims (a Textual Analysis), The Darwin Press, Princeton, New Jersey, 1995.
- Uri Rubin (ed. and Introduction). The Life of Muhammad (The Formation of the Classical Islamic World: Vol. 4). Aldershot, 1998.
- Uri Rubin and David J. Wasserstein (eds.). Dhimmis and Others: Jews and Christians and the World of Classical Islam. Israel Oriental Studies 17 (1997).
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- “More light on Muḥammad’s pre-existence: qurʾānic and post-qurʾānic perspectives,” in Andrew Rippin and Roberto Tottoli, eds., Books and written culture of the Islamic world: studies presented to Claude Gilliot on the occasion of his 75th birthday, Brill, Islamic History and Civilization 113 (Leiden, Boston, 2015), pp. 288-311.
- “Moses and the Holy Valley Ṭuwan: On the biblical and midrashic background of a qurʾanic scene”, Journal of Near Eastern Studies 73/1 (2014), 73-81. _
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- “Quraysh and their winter and summer journey: On the interpretation of Sura 106”, in Uri Rubin, Muhammad the Prophet and Arabia, Variorum Collected Studies Series (Ashgate, 2011), no. XIII. _
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- “Muhammad’s Night Journey (isra’) to al-Masjid al-Aqsa: Aspects of the Earliest Origins of the Islamic Sanctity of Jerusalem”, al-Qantara 29 (2008), 147-65. [Reprinted in: Uri Rubin, Muhammad the Prophet and Arabia, Variorum Collected Studies Series (Ashgate, 2011), no. VII.
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- “Abraha” [Revised version in: Uri Rubin, Muhammad the Prophet and Arabia, Variorum Collected Studies Series (Ashgate, 2011), no. IX].
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- “Ahmad”.
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1. “G. Lüling, Die Wiederentdeckung des Propheten Muhammad”, Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam 6 (1985), 481–92. [Reprinted in: Uri Rubin, Muhammad the Prophet and Arabia, Variorum Collected Studies Series (Ashgate, 2011), no. III].
2. “J. Burton, Abu ‘Ubayd al-Qasim b. Sallam's K. al-Nasikh wa-l-mansukh...”, Der Islam 70 (1993), 167–170.
3. “R. Firestone, Journeys in Holy Lands: the Evolution of the Abraham–Ishmael Legends in Islamic Exegesis”, Jerusalem studies in Arabic and Islam 17 (1994), 245–49.
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6. “Schoeler, Gregor. Charakter und Authentie der muslimischen Überlieferung über das Leben Mohammeds”, Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies (1997).
7. “Madigan, Daniel A. The Qur`an’s Self-Image: Writing and Authority in Islam’s Scripture.” Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam 28 (2003), 381-86.
8. “Tottoli, Roberto. Biblical Prophets in the Qur›an and Muslim Literature. Curzon Press, Richmond, Surrey, 2002.” Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam 28 (2003), 397-99.
9. “Alan Dundes, Fables of the Ancients? Folklore in the Qur’an. Rowman & Littlefield Publishres, Inc., Lanham - Boulder - New York - Oxford, 2003.” Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam 30 (2005), 526-27.
10. “Walid A. Salih, The Formation of the Classical Tafsir Tradition: The Qur’an Commentary of al-Tha`labi (d. 427/1035). Brill, Leiden-Boston, 2004. VII + 267 pp.” Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam 30 (2005), 540-43.
11. Stefan Wild (ed.). Self-Referentiality in the Qur’an. Harrassovitz Verlag: Wiesbaden 2006. Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam 35 (2008), 433-40.
Other publications
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לשאלת אחדותו של הקוראן. עיונים באסלאם הקדום: דברים שנאמרו ביום עיון לכבוד מאיר י' קיסטר במלאת לו תשעים שנה. האקדמיה הלאומית למדעים, ירושלים, תשס"ה, 72-85
בין מכה וירושלים: על מקורותיה הקדומים של קדושת ירושלים באסלאם. קשת החדשה 19, 2007, 102-111
"'הנה נבקע הירח' (קוראן סורה 54 פס' 1-2): לגלגוליה של דמות מוחמד בין הקוראן והמסורת החוץ-קוראנית," בתוך: שרה קליין-ברסלבי, בנימין אברהמוב, יוסף סדן (עורכים), מנחה למיכאל: מחקרים בהגות יהודית ומוסלמית מוקדשים לפרופסור מיכאל שורץ (תל אביב, 1999), 141-57.