Tsviya Shir

Faculty of Law
Dean of students Scholarships
מנהלת הפקולטה למשפטים עובד מחקר
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Tsviya Shir
Office: Trubowicz - Law


Tsviya Shir is a Ph.D. candidate the Zvi Meitar Center for advanced legal studies, Tel Aviv University, where she conducts her research under the supervision of Professor Daphna Hacker and Professor Yishai Blank. Tsviya's research explores the prima facie gap between the legal pretense that gender equality in education is being maintained and promoted, and the empirical findings, clearly showcasing gendered patterns and sexism in schools. The research formulates a new conceptualization of gender equality in schools and explores the role law plays in gender related issues in the educational system, in order to advance gender equality through law.

Tsviya obtained a B.A in Political Science from Tel-Aviv University (magna cum laude); an LL.B from the Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) Herzliya (magna cum laude); and an M.A in Education (Educational Policy and Administration) from Tel-Aviv University (summa cum laude; thesis headline: “Who Determines What an Elephant Is? - Educational Counselors Dealing with Sexual Harassment in Elementary Schools at the Seam Between Law and Education”).

Previously, Tsviya was an associate in a law firm at the private sector, and specialized in real estate, inheritance, and civil litigation. During her studies, Tsviya worked as a teaching and research assistant in various areas of law and education. Currently she is an adjunct lecturer at Levinsky College of Education, teaching courses in Education Law for graduate and undergraduate students. Tsviya also volunteers in the legal department at "Bizchut" organization, devoted to promoting the rights of people who have disabilities, in the Education division.


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