Peer review articles
Shevach, M., S. Fleischer, et al. (2014). "Gold Nanoparticle-Decellularized Matrix Hybrids for Cardiac Tissue Engineering." Nano Lett.
Soffer-Tsur, Neta; Shevach, Michal; Shapira, Assaf; Peer, Dan; Dvir, Tal. Optimizing the biofabrication process of omentum-based scaffolds for engineering autologous tissues. Biofabrication. Accepted.
Shapira, A., D. H. Kim, et al. (2014). "Advanced micro- and nanofabrication technologies for tissue engineering." Biofabrication 6(2): 020301.
Fleischer S., Shevach M., Feiner R., Dvir T. Coiled fiber scaffolds embedded with gold nanoparticles improve the performance of engineered cardiac tissues. Nanoscale. In press. Article page
Kim ES, Ahn EH, Dvir T, Kim DH. Emerging nanotechnology approaches in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. International Journal of Nanomedicine. In press Article page
Shevach M., Soffer-Tsur N., Fleischer S., Shapira A., Dvir T. Fabrication of omentum-based matrix for engineering vascularized cardiac tissues. Biofabrication. In press Article page
Fleischer S, Shapira A, Regev O, Nseir N, Zussman E, Dvir T. Albumin fiber scaffolds for engineering functional cardiac tissues. Biotechnol Bioeng. 2014. Article page
Cohen-Karni T, Dvir T. Advanced Technologies for Engineering Tissue Mimetics. Israel Journal of Chemistry. 2013;53:630-6. Article page
Fleischer S, Feiner R, Shapira A, Ji J, Sui X, Daniel Wagner H, Dvir T. Spring-like fibers for cardiac tissue engineering. Biomaterials. 2013;34:8599-606.
Shevach M, Maoz BM, Feiner R, Shapira A, Dvir T. Nanoengineering gold particle composite fibers for cardiac tissue engineering. Journal of Materials Chemistry B. 2013.
Fleischer S, Dvir T. Tissue engineering on the nanoscale: lessons from the heart. Curr Opin Biotechnol. 2013;24:664-71.
Tian B*, Liu J*, Dvir T* (co-first), Jin L, Tsui JH, Qing Q, Suo Z, Langer R, Kohane DS, Lieber CM. Macroporous nanowire nanoelectronic scaffolds for synthetic tissues. Nature Materials. 2012 Aug 26. doi: 10.1038/nmat3404.
Gabriel D*, Dvir T* (co-first), Kohane DS. Delivering bioactive molecules as instructive cues to engineered tissues. Expert Opin Drug Deliv. 2012 Apr;9(4):473-92.
Dvir T. Bauer M., Schroeder A. Tsui J., Langer R., Liao R., Kohane D.S., Nanoparticles for targeting the infarcted heart. Nano Letters. Oct 12;11(10):4411-4.
Dvir T, Timko B.P, Brigham M., Naik Shreesh R., Karajanagi Sandeep S., Parker K.K., Langer R., Kohane D.S. Nanowired 3D cardiac patches. Nature Nanotechnology. 2011 Sep 25;6(11):720-5.
Dvir T. Timko B.P., Kohane D.S. and Langer R. Nanotechnological strategies for engineering complex tissues. Nature Nanotechnology. 2011 Jan;6(1):13-22.
Sarfati G. Dvir T., Elkabets M., Apte R.N., Cohen S. Targeting of polymeric nanoparticles to lung metastases by surface-attachment of YIGSR peptide from laminin. Biomaterials. 2011 Jan;32(1):152-61.
Timko B.P., Dvir T. Kohane D.S. Remotely triggerable drug delivery systems.. Advanced Materials. 2010 Nov 24;22(44):4925-43.
Shachar M., Tsur-Gang O., Dvir T., Leor J., and Cohen S. The effect of immobilized RGD peptide in alginate scaffolds on cardiac tissue engineering. Acta Biomaterials. 2011 Jan;7(1):152-62.
Barash Y., Dvir T., Ruvinov E., Guterman H., Cohen S. Electric Field Stimulation Integrated into Perfusion Bioreactor for Cardiac Tissue Engineering. Tissue Eng. Part C. 2010 Dec;16(6):1417-26.
Dvir T., Banghart M.R., Timko B.P., Langer R. and Kohane D.S., Photo-targeted nanoparticles. Nano Letters. 2010 Jan;10(1):250-4.
Dvir T., Kedem A., Ruvinov E. Levy O. Freeman I., Holbova R., Landa N., Feinberg MS. Dror S., Etzion Y. Leor J., Cohen S. Prevascularization of cardiac patch on the omentum improves its therapeutic outcome. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2009 Sep 1;106(35):14990-5.
Shvartsman I.*, Dvir T.* (co-first), Harel-Adar T., Cohen S. Perfusion cell seeding and cultivation induce the assembly of thick and functional hepatocellular tissue-iike construct. Tissue Eng. Part A. 2009 Apr;15(4):751-60.
Levy O, Dvir T, Tsur-Gang O, Granot Y, Cohen S. Signal transducer and activator of transcription 3-A key molecular switch for human mesenchymal stem cell proliferation. Int J Biochem Cell Biol. 2008;40(11):2606-18.
Ruvinov E., Dvir T., Leor J., Cohen S. Myocardial repair: from salvage to tissue reconstruction. Expert Rev Cardiovasc Ther. 2008 Jun;6(5):669-86.
Dvir T., Levy O. Shachar M., Granot Y., Cohen S. Activation of the ERK1/2 cascade via interstitial fluid flow promotes cardiac tissue assembly. Tissue Eng. 2007 Sep;13(9):2185-93.
Schwarzkopf R., Shachar M., Dvir T., Holbova R., Leor J., Cohen S. Autospecies and post MI sera enhance the viability, proliferation and maturation of 3-D cardiac cell culture. Tissue Eng. 2006 Dec;12(12):3467-75.
Dvir T., Benishti N., Shachar M., Cohen S. A novel perfusion bioreactor providing a homogenous milieu for tissue regeneration. Tissue Eng. 2006 Oct;12(10):2843-52.
Dvir T., Tsur-Gang O., Cohen S. "Designer" scaffolds for tissue engineering and regeneration. I. J. Chem. 2005;45. 487-494.
Chapters in Books
Dvir T., Leor J. and Cohen S. Creating unique microenvironments for engineering of a functional cardiac patch. Studies in Mechanobiology, Tissue Engineering and Biomaterials. Senior Editor Boccaccini, Aldo R. and Harding Sian E. Springer. 2011.
Dvir T., Cohen S. Bioreactor Engineering: Regenerating the Dynamic Cell Microenvironment. Advances in Tissue Engineering. Senior Editor: Julia Polak. Publisher: Imperial College Press. 2008.