Prof. Tal Siloni

Department of Linguistics
faculty of humanities
חוג לבלשנות סגל אקדמי בכיר
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Prof. Tal Siloni
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After completing my PhD dissertation at the University of Geneva in 1994, I joined the Department of Linguistics at Tel Aviv University. My major areas of research are theoretical and experimental syntax, syntax of Semitic and Romance languages, argument structure, the theory of the lexicon, idioms and processing of Garden Path sentences.



Noun Phrases and Nominalizations: The Syntax of DPs. 1997 Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.



Argument Structure Alternations in Hebrew: An Overview. To appear. in Sabrina Bendjaballa and Chris Reintges (eds.), The Oxford Guide fro the Afroasiatic Languages. With Noa Barndel.

The Relevance of Unaccusativity to Possessive Datives 2024 Linguistic Inquiry (early access). With Ziv Plotnik and Aya Meltzer-Asscher.

Zikat ha- ve-mivney eyn: hitgavnuyot axshaviyot (Ha-relatives and eyn constructions: current variations). 2023 Language and Brain 17, 1-22.

Anakuzativiyut ve-mivne ha-shayaxut ha-dativit (Unaccusativity and the structure of dative possession).  2022. Language and Brain, 1-19. With Ziv Plotnik and Aya Meltzer-Asscher.

Graden path: re'analiza ke-moca axaron (Garden Path: reanalysis as last resort). 2021. Language and Brain, 1-14. With Yuval Katz and Mandy Cartner.

The Dative Dispositional Construction in Russian.2020. Linguistic Inquiry. With Dganit Jenia Kim.

Idiom Storage and the Verbal Passive: No Unique Phrasal Idioms.2020. In Bárány, András, Theresa Biberauer, Jamie Douglas and Sten Vikner (eds.) Clausal Architecture and Its Consequences: Synchronic and Diachronic Perspectives. Language Science Press. With Julie Fadlon, Julia Horvath and Ken Wexler.

Idioms: The Type-sensitive Sensitive Storage Model. 2019. Linguistics. 57, 853-891. With Julia Horvath.

Event Structure and Syntax. 2019. In Robert Truswell (ed.) Handbook of Event Structure. Oxford, Oxford University Press. (previous title: On the Syntatic Representation of Events).

The acquistion of Idioms: Stages, Internal Composition, and Implications for Storage. 2018. Glossa, 3(1): 99.1-25. With Julie Fadlon, Julia Horvath and Ken Wexler.  DOI:

Idiom Storage and the Lexicon. 2018. Journal of Linguistics 54, 189-215.  With Julia Horvath, Hadar Klunover and Ken Wexler.

"Constructions" and Grammar: Evidence from Idioms. 2017. In Claire Bowern, Laurence Horn and Raffaella Zanuttini (eds.), On Looking into Words (and beyond). Language Science Press. 471-488.

Ditransitive Idioms in Hebrew. 2017. Natural Linguistic & Linguistic Theory. DOI: 10.1007/s11049-016-9354-8. With Yael Mishani-Uval.

The Thematic Phase and the Architecture of Grammar 2016. In Martin Everaert, Marijana Marelj, and Eric Reuland (eds.), Concepts, Syntax and their Interfcae. MIT Press. With Julia Horvath.

Agreement and Definiteness in Germanic Languages. 2014. In Anna Bondaruk, Grete Dalmi, and Alexander Grosu (eds.), Advances in the Syntax of DPs – Structure, Agreement, and Case. Amsterdam, John Benjamins, 267-293. With Roni Katzir.

Grammatical Processing: Down the Garden Path. 2014. In Enoch A. Aboh, Teresa Guasti, and Ian Roberts (eds.), Locality. Oxford Univesrity Press. 274-302.

Anticausatives have no Cause(r): A Rejoinder to Beavers and Koontz-Garboden. 2013. Lingua.131, 217-230. With Julia Horvath.

The Theta System: Argument Structure at the Interface. 2012. Oxford, Oxford University Press. Everaert, Martin, Marijana Marelj and Tal Siloni (eds.).

The Theta System: An Introduction. 2012. In Everaert, Martin, Marijana Marelj and Tal Siloni (eds.), The Theta System: Argument Structure at the Interface. Oxford, Oxford University Press.

Reciprocal verbs and symmetry. 2012. Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 30, 261-320.

Anticausatives: Against Reflexivization. 2011. Lingua 121, 2176-2186. With Julia Horvath.

Causatives across Components. 2011. Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 29, 657-704. With Julia Horvath.

Lexicon vs. Syntax: Evidence from Morphological Causatives. 2010. In Malka Rappaport Hovav, Edit Doron and Ivy Sichel (eds.) Syntax, Lexical Semantics and Event Structure. Oxford University Press. With Julia Horvath.

 Hebrew Idioms: The organization of the lexical Component. 2009. Brill's Annual of Afroasiatic Languages and Linguistics 1, 283-310. With Julia Horvath. 

Nominal Voices. 2009. In Anastasia Giannakidou and Monika Rathert (eds.) Quantification, Definiteness and Nominalization. Oxford University Press. 365-385 With Omer Preminger.

Active Lexicon: Adjectival and verbal passives. 2008. In Sharon Armon-Lotem, Gabi Danon and Susan Rothstein (eds.) Current Issues in Generative Hebrew Linguistics. 105-134. John Benjamins. With Julia Horvath.

The Syntax of Reciprocal Verbs: An Overview. 2008. In Ekkehard König and Volker Gast (eds.) Reciprocals and Reflexives: Theoretical and Typological Explorations.  Mouton de Gruyter. 451-498.

Ekronot, parametrim urxishat safa (Principles, Parameters and Language Acquisition). 2008. In Galia Hatav (ed.) Balshanut ivrit te'oretit (‘Theoretical Hebrew Linguistics'). The Hebrew University Magnes Press, Jerusalem. 31-56.

Al Binyan Hitpa'el (On the Hitpa'el Template). 2008. In Galia Hatav (ed.) Balshanut Ivrit Te'oretit (‘Theoretical Hebrew Linguistics'). The Hebrew University Magnes Press, Jerusalem. 111-138.

Le savoir inné et la variation linguistique. 2007. L'Herne. Paris.120-128. With MarcAriel Friedemann.

The Lexicon-Syntax Parameter: Reflexivization and other Arity Operations. 2005. Linguistic Inquiry 36:3, 389-436. With Tanya Reinhart.

Against the Unaccusative Analysis of Reflexives. 2004 In Artemis Alexiadou, Elena Anagnostopoulou and Martin Everaert (eds.) The Unaccusativity Puzzle: Studies on the Syntax-Lexicon Interface. Oxford University Press. 159-180.With Tanya Reinhart.

Thematic Arity Operations and Parametric Variations. 2003. OTS Working Papers in Linguistics. University of Utrecht. With Tanya Reinhart.

Prosodic Case Checking Domain: The Case of Constructs.2003. In Jacqueline Lecarme, (ed.) Research in Afroasiatic Grammar, John Benjamins. 481-510.

Against the little-v Hypothesis.2002. Rivista di Grammatica Generativa 27, 107-122. With Julia Horvath.

Active Lexicon. 2002. Theoretical Linguistics 28:3, 383-400.

Adjectival Constructs and Inalienable Constructions. 2002. In Jamal Ouhalla and Ur Shlonsky (eds.) Themes and issues in the syntax of Arabic and Hebrew . Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publisher. 161-187.

Construct States at the PF Interface. 2001. Language Variation Yearbook. 1, 229-266.

Reciprocal Verbs. 2001. Online Proceedings of IATL 17.

Nonnominal Constructs. 2000. In Jacqueline Lecarme, Jean Loewenstam and Ur. Shlonsky (Eds.) Studies in Afroasiatic Languages 2, John Benjamins, 301-323.

Review of the Minimalist Program. 1997. Journal of Pragmatics 27, 274-254.

AGRobject is not AGRparticiple. 1997. The Linguistic Review 14.1, 69-96. With Marc Ariel Friedemann.

Event Nominals and the Construct State. 1997. In Lliane Haegeman (ed.) New Comparative Syntax. Addison Wesley Longman. 165-188.

Hebrew Noun Phrases: Generalized Noun Raising. 1996. In Adriana Belletti and Luigi Rizzi (eds.) Parameters and Functional Heads: Essays in Comparative Syntax, Oxford University Press. 239-267.

Hebrew Gerunds. 1996. In Jacqueline Lecarme, Jean Loewenstam and Ur Shlonsky (eds.) Studies in Afroasiatic Languages, Holland Academic Graphics.

Participial Relatives and Complementizer D: a Case Study in Hebrew and French. 1995. Natural Language & Linguistic Theory 13:3, 445-487.

On Hebrew Event Nominals: Against a VP-analysis.1994. In Rhonna Buchalla and Anita Mitwoch (eds.) Proceedings of IATL 1.

AGRo is not AGRp: A Comparative Study of Complex Tenses. 1993 Geneva Generative Papers, 1:1, 41-53. With Marc Ariel Friedemann.

N-raising and the Structure of Noun Phrases. 1991. MIT Working Papers in Linguistics 14, MIT.

On the Parallelism between CP & DP: the Case of Hebrew Semi-relatives.1990. Proceedings of LCJL 1, University of Leiden.

Encyclopedia Entries

Inalienable possession constructions in Hebrew. To appear. Encyclopedia of Hebrew Language and Linguistics. With Aya Meltzer.

Unaccusativity in Hebrew. To appear. Encyclopedia of Hebrew Language and Linguistics. With Aya Meltzer.

Command Relations. 2006. Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics. Elsevier. 1- 7. With Tanya Reinhart.


Coauthor of Hebrew text, The Oxford English Hebrew Dictionary. 1996. N.S. Doniach and A. Kahane (eds.). Oxford University Press.

Kav Lavan: René Char 'White Line': René Char. Selection, translation and notes: Tal Siloni. 2007. Carmel Publishing House.

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