Dr. Sigalit Warshawski

Department of Nursing sciences
חוג למדעי האחיות כללי סגל אקדמי בכיר
Dr. Sigalit Warshawski
Phone: 03-6408394
Office: Health Professions, 302

General Information

Dr. Warshawski, at the Department of Nursing, School of Health Professions, served as the Head of the Baccalaureate Nursing program between 2018-2022. She is a registered nurse, holds a post-basic professional license as a Pediatric and Preterm Intensive Care Nurse. Dr. Warshawski received her Master’s degree in Nursing from Tel Aviv University and a Ph.D. in Health Sociology from Ben-Gurion University. Her doctorate was one of the first in Israel that focused on Interprofessional collaboration between healthcare teams in hospitals. Her research focus in examining nursing education and especially the development of professional competencies as well as the integration of advanced technologies in learning processes.  

Dr. Warshawski was a Nurse educator and a clinical instructor for 18 years in pediatric acute care wards. She participated and led the development of new study programs in a variety of study tracks for nurses.

Dr. Warshawski employs both quantitative and qualitative methods to explore nurse and nursing students’ role as leading the therapeutic process. As such, examining their training and skills during their studies is crucial. Understanding students’ needs and competencies accompanied by the integration of novel teaching methods may improve students’ learning experience, confidence and professional skills. These may bring about improved treatment outcomes. Dr. Warshawski is part of research project at the School of Health Professions that is exploring interprofessional attitudes among health profession students in Israel.


Nursing education

Pediatric nursing

Interprofessional education and collaboration

Case management

Nursing informatics

Workplace violence directed at healthcare workers


Warshwaski S. The state of collaborative work with nurses in Israel: a mixed method study. The International Journal of Health Planning and Management. 2016, 31, 396–413.

Warshawski S, Barnoy S. & Itzhaki M. Factors associated with nursing students' resilience: Communication skills course, use of social media and satisfaction with clinical placement. Journal of Professional Nursing. 2016, 33, 153-161.

Warshwaski S, Barnoy S & Kagan I. Professional, generational, and gender differences in perception of organizational values among Israeli physicians and nurses: Implications for retention. Journal of Interprofessional care. 2017, 31, 696-704.

Avrech Bar M, Katz Leurer M, Warshawski S & Itzhaki M. The role of personal resilience and personality traits of healthcare students on their attitudes towards interprofessional collaboration. Nurse Education Today. 2017,61, 36-42. 

Warshawski S, Bar-Lev O & Barnoy S. The role of Academic Self-Efficacy and Social Support on Nursing Students' Test Anxiety. Nurse Educator. 2018, doi: 10.1097/NNE.0000000000000552.

Warshawski S, Itzhaki M & Barnoy S. The associations between peer caring behaviors and social support to nurse students' caring perceptions. Nurse Education in Practice. 2018, 31, 88-94.

Warshawski S, Itzhaki M & Barnoy S. Nurse and nurse student attitudes and perceived self-efficacy in use of information and communication technologies: professional and cultural differences.(Accepted for publication). CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing.DOI: 
 10.1097/CIN.0000000000000470, 2018.

 Warshawski S, Amit Aharon A & Itzhaki M. It takes two to tango: Public attitudes toward prevention of workplace violence against healthcare staff: A mixed methods study. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. DOI:10.1177%2F0886260519846865, 2019

Amit Aharon, A*, Warshawski, S.* & Itzhaki, M. The Public's knowledge, attitudes,  and violence behavior tendency regarding violence directed towards healthcare  teams. Nursing Outlook. 2019 .
    *Equally contributing authors

Itzhaki, M, Katz Leurer, M, Warshawski, S, Avrech Bar, M. Preparedness of Health Professions Students for Interprofessional Collaboration: A Mixed Method Study. Teaching in Higher Education. 2020 

Bar-Tal, Y, Barnoy, S, Warshawski, S, Theilla, M. Factors influencing patient perceptions of nutritionists' epistemic authority and their decision to comply with treatment recommendations. Current Psychology. 2020.

Amit Aharon, A*,Warshawski, S*, Itzhaki, M. Association between witnessing and justifying workplace violence towards nurses in Israel. Journal of Nursing Scholarship. 2020.     *Equally contributing authors

Amit Aharon, A, Melnikov, S, Warshawski, S.. The effect of Evidence-Based Practice perception, information literacy self-efficacy, and academic motivation on nursing students' future implementation of Evidence-Based Practice. Journal of Professional Nursing, Vol 36 (6),pp. 497-502, 2020.  

Warshawski, S. Israeli nursing students’ acceptance of information and communication technology in clinical placements. Journal of Professional    Nursing, Vol 36 (6), pp. 543-550, 2020     

Warshawski, S, Amit Aharon, A, Itzhaki, M. The public’s mixed emotional responses to violence directed at nurses: a mixed methods study. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 2021. http://doi.org/10.1111/jocn.16039 

Warshawski, S. Workplace violence directed at nursing and medical students - what can students tell us about it. Journal of Professional Nursing,37, pp. 1110-1118, 2021 

Warshawski, S. Academic self-efficacy, resilience and social support among first-year Israeli nursing students learning in online environments during covid-19 pandemic. Nurse Education Today, 2022. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nedt.2022.105267 

Suliman, M., Warshawski, s. Nursing students’ satisfaction with clinical placements: the contribution of role modeling, epistemic authority, and resilience- a cross- sectional study. Nurse Education Today, 2022. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nedt.2022.105404.

Asher- Slimak, Warshawski, S.*, Barnoy, S.* The role of motivation in the intention of nurse clinical instructors to persevere in their role: a cross-sectional study. Nurse Education in Practice, 2022. 

*Equally contributing authors



Warshwaski S, Kreitler S & Eranfeld M. Cognitive orientation and coping styles as predictors of life quality perception among Chron's disease patients. Body of Knowledge.  2005, 1, 57-63.

Warshwaski S. Pediatric patient's involvement in decision making during hospitalization.  
  The Israeli Nurse. 2009,180, 28-31.

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