Prof. Shlomo Moshe

Environmental and Occupational Health
School of Public Health
בריאות סביבתית ותעסוקתית סגל אקדמי קליני
Prof. Shlomo Moshe
Phone: 03-6405295
Fax: 073-2132632
Office: Sackler School of Medicine, 944


Chair, Department of Environmental and Occupational Health, School of Public Heath, Tel Aviv University 

Senior Lecturer, Department of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, School of Public Heath, Tel Aviv University 

Head, Occupational Medicine Departments, Hashfela and Jerusalem District, Maccabi Healthcare Services, Israel


Prof. Shlomo Moshe is an Israeli board-certified physician in Occupational Medicine, having completed his MD studies at Tel Aviv University (TAU) in 1987 and receiving his MOccH in 1994. Dr. Moshe served in the Israel Defense Force (IDF) Medical Corps as an occupational medicine physician for many years, including as the Director of the Occupational Health Branch in the IDF Medical Corps and was a Lieutenant-Colonel. Prof. Moshe oversees both the clinical and academic activities of Occupational Medicine at Maccabi Healthcare Services (MHS) and serves as the managers of the MHS occupational medicine training program. He is a member of the Management Group of the Scientific Committee on Epidemiology in Occupational Health (EPICOH), the National Advisory Councils for Workers’ Health, and the National Registry of Occupational Disease. Throughout his academic career, Dr. Moshe has supervised many graduate and post-graduate students at TAU. He has authored over 50 original, peer-reviewed articles.

In September 2020, Prof. Moshe was appointed as the Head of the Department of Environmental and Occupational Health at Tel Aviv University School of Public Health.

Research Interests

  • Fitness for work
  • Disability evaluation
  • Abscentism
  • Occupational respiratory disease
  • Occupational musculoskeletal disorder
  • Occupational skin disorders

Selected Publications

  1. Schwarz Y, Kivity S, Fischbein A, Abraham JL, Fireman E, Moshe S,  Danon Y, Grief J. The Evaluation of workers exposed to dust containing hard metals and aluminum oxide. Am J Ind Med 1998;34(2):177-182.
  2. Fink G, Lebzelter J, Turner D, Kleinman E, Moshe S, Katz I. Pulmonary function threshold for distinguishing ventilatory and nonventilatory-limited patients with airflow obstruction. Respiration Medicine 1998;92:1245-1250. 
  3. Katz I, Moshe S, Sosna J, Baum GL, Fink G, Shemer J. The occurrence, recrudescence, and worsening of asthma in a population of young adults: impact of varying types of occupation. Chest 1999;116:614-18. 
  4. Fink G, Moshe S, Goshen J, Klainman E, Lebzelter Y, Spitzer S. A comparison between the role of cardiopulmonary exercise and pulmonary function testing for impairment evaluation in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. J Occup Environ Med 2002;44:1:54-58. 
  5. Moshe S, Ingber A, Slodovnik D, Lerman Y. Relation between Job Assignment and work motivation in a young Israeli adult population. Exogenous Dermatology 2002;1:112-116. 
  6. Moshe S, Frenkel A, Hager M, Skulsky M, Sulkis J, Himelfarbe M. Effects of occupational exposure to mercury or chlorinated hydrocarbons on the auditory pathway. Noise and Health 2002;4;16:71-77.
  7. Slodownik D, Wohl Y, Mansura A, Moshe S, Sarbagil-Maman H, Shochat T, Levi Y, Brenner S, Ingber A. Allergic contact dermatitis among maintenance and clerical workers in a military population. Contact Dermatitis. 2006 Dec;55(6):335-7. 
  8. Moshe S, Shilo M, Yagev Y, Levy D, Slodownik D, Chodick D and Levin M. Comparison of 3 methods of pre-employment medical evaluations. Occup Med 2008;58(1):46-51.
  9. Moshe S, Shilo M, Chodick G, Yagev Y, Blatt I,  Korczyn AD,  Neufeld MY. Occurrence of Seizures in Association with Work-Related Stress in Young Male Army Recruits.  Epilepsia. 2008 Aug;49(8):1451-1456.
  10. Katz I, Moshe S, Levin M, Slodownik D, Yagev Y. Does exercise cause asthma? Occup Med 2008;58(7):480-484.
  11. Gordon B, Moshe S, Blanc PD, Derazne E, Tzur D, Afek A, Shamiss A. The association between occupation and the incidence of knee disorders in young military recruits. Mil Med 2013;178:61-67. 
  12. Finestone AS, Vulfsons S, Milgrom C, Lahad M, Moshe S, Agar G, and Dan Greenberg D. The Case for Orthopaedic Medicine in Israel. Isr J Health Policy Res 2013;2:42. 
  13. Finestone AS, Noff M, Nassar Y, Moshe S, Agar G, Tamir E. Management of chronic exertional compartment syndrome and fascial hernias in the anterior lower leg with the forefoot rise test and limited fasciotomy. Foot Ankle Int. 2014;35:285-292. 
  14. Moshe S, Slodownik D, Yagev Y, Segal N, Tavor M, Afek A, Zack O. Atopy as risk factors for the development of asthma in young recruits. J Asthma. 2015;52:453-457.
  15. Moshe S, Segal N, Izhaki R, Chodick G, Yagev Y, Finestone AS, and Juven Y. Predictors of Return To Work with Upper Limb Impairment. Occu Med 2015;65:564–69.
  16. Moshe S, Zack O, Finestone AS, Mishal M, Segal N, Slodownik D, Yagev Y. The incidence and worsening of newly diagnosed low back pain in a population of young male military recruits. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 2016;17:279.
  17. Tavor M, Y Neufeld MY, Chodick G, Zack O, Krakov A, Slodownik D, Moshe S. Vocational factors which predict seizure prognosis in young adults during military service. Epilepsy & behaviour  2016;2;62:209-213. 
  18. Moshe S, Cinamon T, Zack O, Segal N, Chodick G, Levy G, Tal M. The need for social work services in occupational Medicine. Occup Med 2017;67(3): 194-98. 
  19. Slodownik D, Moshe S, Sprecher E, Goldberg I. Occupational mycosis fungoides - a case series. Int J Dermatol 2017;56(7):733-37. International Journal of Dermatology 
  20. Zack O, Levin R, Krakov A, Finestone AS, Moshe S. The Relationship between Low Back Pain and Driving Professions in young military recruits. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 2018;19(1):110.
  21. Krakov A, Kabaha N, Azuri J, Moshe S. Impact of patient’s access to printed medical records in occupational medicine. Occupational Medicine. 018;68:301–306. Occupational Medicine 
  22. Slodownik D, Reiss A, Mashiach Y,Ingber A, Sprecher E, Moshe S. Textile and shoe allergic contact dermatitis in military personnel Dermatitis. 2018 ;29(4):196-199.
  23. Rinsky-Halivni L, Cohen C, Moshe S, Amster E. Socialized occupational medicine in Israel: past, present, and future.Arch Environ Occup Health. 2019 Mar 21:1-11.
  24. Zack O, Strul I, Segal N, Eden I, Rinsky-Halivni L, Moshe S. The Association between PHQ-9 and Fitness for Work among Depressive Patients. Journal of occupational & Environmental Medicine. J Occup Environ Med. 2020 May 28
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