Dr. Shlomi Ben Yehuda

School of Economics
ביה"ס לכלכלה ע"ש א.ברגלס עמית הוראה

General Information

M.A. 2004, The Eitan Berglas School of Economics, Tel Aviv University
Contact Information
tel: 03 640-7983, 050 5933933
fax: 03 640-9908
email: shlomi.by1@gmail.com  
office hour: Monday, 18:00-19:00  
room number: 128


M.A. Thesis
"Exploring volatility - Is it really constant per time interval?"
Supervisor: Professor Itzhak Zilcha
Ph.D. Field
Micro Economics, Financial Economics


Supervisor: Prof. Itzhak Zilcha

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