Dr. Tal Shamur

תוכנית לימודי נשים ומגדר סגל אקדמי בכיר

General Information

Dr. Tal Shamur is a lecturer (Assistant Professor, tenure track) in the NCJW women and gender studies program at the Shirley and Leslie Porter School of Cultural Studies, Tel Aviv University. His current work applies integrative feminist and emotional analysis to ethnoclass and gender relations in the urban sphere. Tal provides a thick ethnographic description of liminal neighborhoods, focusing on the barriers faced by women, people from underprivileged ethnoclass background, and senior citizens, intensified by migration and gentrification. He completed his PhD at Haifa University and held postdoctoral positions at the University of Cambridge, Ben Gurion University, and Reichman University. Tal's Research was supported by the Israel Science Foundation (ISF), Israel Scholarship Education Foundation (ISEF), and the Tel Aviv-Yaffo Research Scholarship for Urban Innovation and Development.

Besides academia, Tal is the author of three poetry books (in Hebrew):

If I Don't Say This Out Loud (Pardes Publishing, 2018)

Rami Superstar (Iton 77, Small Flame Lab, 2021) 

The Ghost Club (Locus Publishing House, forthcoming) 




Shamur, T. (2020) Hope and Melancholy on the Urban Frontier: Ethnicity, Space, and Gender in the Southern Tel Aviv HaTikva Neighborhood. Haifa: University of Haifa Press and Pardes Publishing. (Hebrew)



Shamur, T. (2024). Age Melancholy of Older Mizrahi Women Residing in Tel Aviv as a Social Loss: Exploring Intersections of Health and Social Support in an Ethnographic Study. Qualitative Health Research, 10497323241263238.

Shamur, T. (2024). Conflicted social mix and the ambivalence toward urban Others: Ethnographic exploration of urban regeneration in a liminal space in Tel Aviv. Journal of Urban Affairs, 1-19.

Shamur, T. (2023). Place melancholy among the older Mizrahi women of HaTikva neighborhood in Downtown Tel Aviv. Gender, Place and Culture 30(1), 111-131.

Shamur, T. (2023) Strategic generosity among local patrons: Ethnic exclusion and place belonging in a transforming lower income neighborhood of Tel Aviv.  American Anthropologist.

Shamur, T. & Marom, N. (2021). People as environment: Local Environmental Concerns and Urban marginality in the Tel Aviv Metropolitan Region. Local Environment, 26(5), 615-631.

Shamur, T. (2019). The construction of multi-layered melancholy in peripheral Tel Aviv. Emotion Space and Society, 32, 1-7.

Shamur, T. (2018). Melancholic citizenship in the south Tel Aviv: Protest against global migration. Citizenship Studies, 22(3), 259-277.

Kallus, R. & Shamur T. (2015). Professional education in an ethno-nationally contested city: Architectural students engage with their professional and national identities. Journal of Architectural and Planning Research, 32(1), 40-54.



Sahmur, T. and Yacobi, H. (2022). Compulsory Social Mix, Micro Scale Segregation and Gentrification: the case of Gan HaHashmal neighbourhood, Tel Aviv. In Maloutas, T. and Karadimitriou, N. (Eds.), Vertical Cities: Micro-segregation, Social Mix and Urban Housing Markets. Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar.

Kallus R. & Shamur T. (2017). Reflexive approach for architectural education: Students engage with their professional and national identities in an ethno-nationally contested city. In D. Golan, J. Rosenfeld, & Z. Orr, (Eds.), Campus-community partnership in Israel (pp. 70-92). Tel-Aviv: Mofet. (Hebrew)


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