Prof. Sami Cuperman works on basic and computational plasma subjects including plasma- waves interactions and extension of plasma model equations and their solutions; space ,solar wind and solar corona plasma physics including theory and numerical simulations; collective effects in the evolution of stellar systems, including modeling and numerical simulations; Nuclear physics including the search for pseudoscalar interactios in +1/2 - -1/2 beta decay transitions; controlled thermonuclear fusion, including ion-beam-pellet, laser fusion plasmas and magnetically confined fusion plasmas; applied plasma physics including equilibrium stability, analysis of rippled magnetically focused beams of charged particles, physical processes in high pressure discharges and industrial applications.
Prof. Sami Cuperman
M.Sc. in Physics, Parhon University, Bucharest, 1956
Ph.D. in Physics, The Weizmann Institute of Science and The Hebrew University, 1960
Academic Appointments
Research Fellow at Thermonuclear Division , EURATOM, France, 1960-1962
Research Fellow at Thermonuclear Division , ORNL, USA, 1963-1964
Rsearch Fellow at Israel Atomic Energy Commission, SOREQ, 1964-1966
Lecturer, School of Physics and Astronomy, Tel Aviv University, 1966-1968
Senior Lecturer, Tel Aviv University, 1968-1970
Associate Professor, Tel Aviv University, 1970-1978
Professor, Tel Aviv University, 1978-1997; Professor Emeritus, 1997
CIRES, Colorado University, USA, 1972
STANFORD University ,USA and SEL-NOAA, Colorado, USA, 1983
LONDON University, UK, SEL-NOAA, Colorado, USA and PARIS-MEUDON Observatory, DASOP, FRANCE, 1988
PARIS-MEUDON Observatory, DASOP, FRANCE and SEL-NOAA, Colorado, USA, 1994