Prof. Sami Cuperman

Emeritus in School of Physics and Astronomy
ביה"ס לפיזיקה ואסטרונומיה אמריטוס
Prof. Sami Cuperman
Phone: 03-6408988
Fax: 03-7449346


Prof. Sami Cuperman works on basic and computational plasma subjects including plasma- waves interactions and extension of plasma model equations and their solutions; space ,solar wind and solar corona plasma physics including theory and numerical simulations; collective effects in the evolution  of stellar systems, including modeling and numerical simulations; Nuclear physics including the search for pseudoscalar interactios in +1/2 - -1/2 beta decay transitions; controlled thermonuclear fusion, including ion-beam-pellet, laser fusion plasmas and magnetically confined fusion plasmas; applied plasma physics including equilibrium stability, analysis of rippled magnetically focused beams of charged particles, physical processes in high pressure discharges and industrial applications.


  • M.Sc. in Physics, Parhon University, Bucharest, 1956

  • Ph.D. in Physics, The Weizmann Institute of Science and The Hebrew University, 1960

Academic Appointments

  • Research Fellow at Thermonuclear Division , EURATOM, France, 1960-1962

  • Research Fellow at Thermonuclear Division , ORNL, USA, 1963-1964

  • Rsearch Fellow at Israel Atomic Energy Commission, SOREQ, 1964-1966

  • Lecturer, School of Physics and Astronomy, Tel Aviv University, 1966-1968

  • Senior Lecturer, Tel Aviv University, 1968-1970

  • Associate Professor, Tel Aviv University, 1970-1978

  • Professor, Tel Aviv University, 1978-1997; Professor Emeritus, 1997



  • CIRES, Colorado University, USA, 1972

  • STANFORD University ,USA and SEL-NOAA, Colorado, USA, 1983

  • LONDON University, UK, SEL-NOAA, Colorado, USA and PARIS-MEUDON Observatory, DASOP, FRANCE, 1988

  • PARIS-MEUDON Observatory, DASOP, FRANCE and SEL-NOAA, Colorado, USA, 1994

  • PARIS-MEUDON Observatory, DASOP, FRANCE, 1998

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