Dr. Rotem Rubinstein

School of Biochemistry Neurobiology Biophysics
בית הספר לנוירובילוגיה ביוכימיה וביופיזיקה סגל אקדמי בכיר
Dr. Rotem Rubinstein
Phone: 03-6406695
Another phone: 03-6407971
Phone: 03-6406695
Office: Sherman - Life Sciences, 610

Research Interests

Our laboratory studies extracellular proteins that underlie central biological functions, focusing on the specific recognition and the signaling complexes these proteins form on the cell surfaces. Of particular interest, are the functional aspects pertaining to signaling in neuronal development and immune regulation. We rely on a range of interdisciplinary techniques that include computational biology, X-ray crystallography, and protein biochemistry to investigate the different levels of biological functions ranging from the macromolecular to the tissue scale.

Projects in the lab include:

  • Understanding the principles underlining the specific molecular recognition of cellular interactions.
  • Studying the arrangement of receptor-ligands signaling assemblies on the cell surface.   
  • Developing methods for high throughput discovery of new receptor-ligands interactions.




Recent Publications

K.M. Goodman*, R. Rubinstein*, F. Bahna, S. Mannepalli, H. Dan, G. Ahlsen, C.A. Thu, R.V. Sampogna, T. Maniatis, L. Shapiro, and B. Honig. “Protocadherin cis-dimer architecture and recognition unit diversity” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114 (46) (2017).


R. Rubinstein*, K.M. Goodman*, T. Maniatis, L. Shapiro, and B. Honig. “Structural origins of clustered protocadherin-mediated neuronal barcoding” Seminars in Cell and Developmental Biology 69, 140-150 (2017).


K.M. Goodman*, R. Rubinstein*, C.A. Thu, S. Mannepalli, F. Bahna, G. Ahlsen, C. Rittenhouse, T. Maniatis, B. Honig, and L. Shapiro. “y-Protocadherin structural diversity and functional implications” Elife, 10.7554/eLife.20930 (2016).


K.M. Goodman*, R. Rubinstein*, C.A. Thu, F. Bahna, S. Mannepalli, G. Ahlsen, C. Rittenhouse, T. Maniatis, B. Honig, and L. Shapiro. “Structural basis of diverse homophilic recognition by α- and β-protocadherins” Neuron, 90, 709-723 (2016).


R. Rubinstein*, C.A Thu*, K.M. Goodman*, H.N. Wolcott*, F. Bahna, S. Mannepalli, G. Ahlsen, M. Chevee, A. Halim, H. Clausen, T. Maniatis, L.Shapiro, and B. Honig. “Molecular Logic of Neuronal Self-Recognition through Protocadherin Domain Interactions” Cell, 163, 629–642 (2015).


C.A. Thu, W.V. Chen, R. Rubinstein, M. Chevee, H.N. Wolcott, K.O. Felsovalyi, J.C. Tapia, L. Shapiro, B. Honig, T. Maniatis. “Single-cell identity generated by combinatorial homophilic interactions between α, β, and γ protocadherins” Cell, 158, 1045-59 (2014).


R. Rubinstein, U.A. Ramagopal, S.G. Nathenson, S.C. Almo, A. Fiser. “Functional classification of immune regulatory proteins” Structure, 21, 766-76 (2013).


L. Wang, R. Rubinstein, J.L. Lines, A. Wasiuk, C. Ahonen, Y. Guo, L. Lu, D. Gondek, Y. Wang, R.A. Fava, A. Fiser, S. Almo and R.J. Noelle. “VISTA, a novel Ig-superfamily ligand that negatively regulates T cell responses” Journal of experimental medicine, 208,577-592 (2011).




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