Dr. Reut Naim

ביה"ס למדעי הפסיכולוגיה סגל אקדמי בכיר

Short Biography

Dr. Reut Naim is a certified clinical psychologist and a faculty member in The School of Psychological Sciences at Tel-Aviv University. She completed her doctoral degree in Clinical Psychology in 2017, in the lab of anxiety and trauma, under the supervision of Prof Yair Bar-Haim. She completed her clinical psychology internship at Psychiatric Clinic in Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center in 2018. Reut received an intramural research fellowship award at the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) where she completed her post-doctoral research at the Neuroscience and Novel Therapeutics Unit. Her lab uses clinical neuroscience and naturalistic research methods to study deep phenotyping of dysregulation and externalizing problems in youth, particularly anger and aggression, and advancing mechanism-informed, just in time treatments.


Dysregulation, externalizing psychopathology, anger, irritability, and aggression, impulsivity and inhibition, naturalistic real-time measurement, therapeutic interventions.

 Meigs J., Kiderman M, Kircanski K, Cardinale EM, Pine DS, Leibenluft E, Brotman AM, Naim R. (In press). Sleepless Nights, Sour moods: Daily Sleep-Irritability Links in a Pediatric Clinical Sample. In press, Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry.

Halle SP, Linke J, Grassie H, Jones E, Pagliaccio D, Harrewijn A, White L, Naim R, Mallidi A, Kircanski K, Silverman WK, Kalin N, Bar-Haim Y, Brotman MA. (In press). Cognitive behavioral therapy normalizes fronto-parietal activation in unmedicated patients with pediatric anxiety disorders. American Journal of Psychiatry.

Henry, L., Hansen, E., Chimoff, J., Pokstis, K., Kiderman, M., Naim, R., Kossowsky, J., Byrne, M. E., Lopez Guzman, S., Kircanski, K., Pine, D. S., & Brotman, MA. (2024). Selecting an ecological momentary assessment platform: A tutorial for researchers. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 26, e51125.

Naim R., Dombek K., Ramaris R., Haller S.P., Kircanski K., Brotman M.A. (2023). An Exposure-Based Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Youth with Severe Irritability: Feasibility and Preliminary Efficacy. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, 18, 1-17.

Grasser LR, Erjo T, Goodwin M, Naim R, German RE, White J, Cullins L, Tseng WL, Stoddard J, & Brotman MA. (2023). Can peripheral psychophysiological markers predict response to exposure-based cognitive behavioral therapy in youth with severely impairing irritability? A study protocol. BMC Psychiatry, 23, 926.

Tseng WL, Naim, R., Chue A., Shaughnessy S., Meigs J., Pine D.S, Leibenluft E., Kircanski K., Brotman M.A. (2023) Network analysis of ecological momentary assessment identifies frustration as a central node in irritability.Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 64(8): 1212-1221.

Naim R., Shaughnessy S., Smith A., Karalunas S.L., Kircanski K., Brotman A.M. (2022). Real-time assessment of positive and negative affective fluctuations and mood lability in a transdiagnostic sample of youth. Depression and Anxiety, 39(12): 870-880.

Naim R., Haller P.S., Linke J., Jaffe A, Stoddard J, Jones M, Harrewijn A, Kircanski K, Bar-Haim Y, Brotman A.M. (2022). Irritability moderates amygdala-prefrontal connectivity while attending to angry faces: A computational modeling approach. Neuropsychopharmacology, 47(13), 2283-91.

Haller P.S., Archer C., Jaffe A., Jones E., Harrewijn A., Naim R., Linke, J., Stoddard J., Brotman A.M. (2022). Changes in Internalizing Symptoms During the COVID-19 Pandemic in a Transdiagnostic Sample of Youth: Exploring Mediators and Predictors. Child Psychiatry and Human Development.

Metcalf, O., O’Donnell, M.L., Forbes, D., Bar-Haim, Y., Hodson, S., Bryant, R., McFarlane A.C., Morton, D., Poerio, L., Naim, R., & Varker, T. (2022). Attention control training as an early intervention for help-seeking veterans: A pilot randomized controlled trial. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 35(4),1291-1299.

Naim R, Smith A., Chue A., … Kircanski, K. (2021). Using Ecological Momentary Assessment to Enhance Irritability Phenotyping in a Transdiagnostic Sample of Youth. Development and Psychopathology, 33(5), 1734-1746.

Naim R, Goodwin S.M., Dombek K., … Brotman A.M. (2021). Ambulatory cardiovascular reactivity as a measure of irritability in transdiagnostic youth: Preliminary associations. International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research, 30(4):e1890.  

Naim, R., K. Kircanski, R.E. German, M. Davis, S. Perlstein, M. Clayton, A.L. Gold, M.A. Brotman (2021). An across-subjects multiple baseline trial of exposure-based cognitive-behavioral therapy for severe irritability: A study protocol. BMJ Open, 11(3), e039169.

Harrewijn A., Abend R., Naim R., Haller S.P., Stavish C., Bajaj A.M., Matsumoto C., Dombek K., Cardinale M.E, Kircanski K., Brotman A.M. (2021). Attention bias to negative versus non-negative faces is related to negative affectivity in a transdiagnostic youth sample. Journal of Psychiatry Research, 138, 514-518.

Cardinale M.E, Naim R., Haller S.P., German R., Zapp C., Bezek J., Jangraw C.D., Brotman A.M. (2021). Rationale and validation of a novel mobile application probing motor inhibition: Proof of concept of CALM-IT. PLoS ONE, 16 (6), e0252245.

Alon., Y., Naim, R., Pine, D.S., Bar-Haim, Y. (2019). Validity of attention bias variability for PTSD research: Evidence from patient data. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 32(5), 791-796.

Abend, R., Naim, R., Pergamin-Hight, L., Fox, N. A., Pine, D. S., & Bar-Haim, Y. (2019). Age Moderates Learning Processes during Attention Bias Modification Treatment for Social Anxiety Disorder. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 47, 881-894.

Lazarov, A., Suarez-Jimenez , B., Abend, R., Naim, R., Shvil, E., Helpman, L., Zhu, X., Papini, S., Duroski, A., Rom, R., Schneier, F., Pine, D. S., Bar-Haim, Y., & Neria, Y. (2018). Bias-Contingent Attention Bias Modification and Attention Control Training in Treatment of PTSD: A Randomized Control Trial. Psychological Medicine, 47, 881-894.

Naim, R., Kivity, Y., Bar Haim, Y., Huppert, D.J. (2018). Attention and Interpretation Bias Modification Training for Social Anxiety: A Randomized Clinical Trial of Efficacy and Synergy, Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 59, 19-30.

Naim, R., Abend, R., Wald, I., Eldar, S., et al. (2015). Threat-Related Attention Bias Variability and Post Traumatic Stress. American Journal of Psychiatry, 172(12), 1242-1250.

Badura-Brack, A*., Naim, R*., Ryan, T., Levy, O., Abend, R., Khanna, M. M., McDermott, T. J., Pine, D. S., & Bar-Haim, Y. (2015). Effect of Attention Training on Attention Bias Variability and PTSD Symptoms: Randomized Controlled Trials in Israeli and U.S. Combat Veterans. American Journal of Psychiatry, 172(12), 1233-1241. *co-first authors  

Pergamin-Hight L.*, Naim R.*, Bakermans-Kranenburg M.J., van IJzendoorn M.H., Bar-Haim Y. (2014). Content Specificity of Attention Bias to Threat in Anxiety Disorders: A Meta-Analysis. Clinical Psychology Review, 35, 10-18. *co-first authors

Naim R., Wald I., Lior A., Pine D.S., Fox N.A, Sheppes G., Halpern P., Bar-Haim Y. (2013). Perturbed Threat-Monitoring Following a Traumatic Event Predicts Risk for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. Psychological Medicine, 44, 2077-2084.

Eldar,S., Apter,A., Lotan,D., Perez-Edgar,K., Naim, R., Fox,N.A., Pine,D.S., Bar-Haim,Y. (2012). Attention Bias Modification Treatment for Pediatric Anxiety Disorders: A Randomized Control Trial. American Journal of Psychiatry, 169, 213-220.

Matzner P., Hazut O., Naim R., Shaashua L., Sorski L., Levi B., Sadeh A., Bar-Haim Y., Ben-Eliyaho S. (2013). Resilience of the Immune System in Healthy Young Students to 30-Hour Sleep Deprivation with Psychological Stress. Neuroimmunomodulation, 20 (4), 194-204.

Karniol,R., Galili,L., Shtilerman,D., Naim,R., Stern,K., Manjoch,R., Silverman,R. (2011). Why Superman Can Wait: Cognitive Self-Transformation in the Delay of Gratification Paradigm. Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology, 40 (2), 307-317. 

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