Books and Monographs
G. Cohen & R. Aronson. The Teaching of English in Israel: A Survey. Jerusalem: Hebrew University John Dewey School of Education, 394 pp.
R. A. Berman. Modern Hebrew Structure. Tel Aviv: University Publishing Projects, 452 pp.
R. A. Berman. Acquisition of Hebrew. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, 116 pp. [Also in D. I. Slobin, ed. Crosslinguistic Study of Language Acquisition, Volume I, Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, pp. 255-371]
R. A. Berman & D. I. Slobin. Relating Events in Narrative: A Crosslinguistic Developmental Study. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, 748 pp.
In press
L. Tolchinsky & R. A. Berman. Language Use and Development after Age Five. Oxford University Press.
Edited Volumes
R. Aronson, English for Speakers of Hebrew series (Intermediate and Advanced Level textbooks and teacher manuals): Tel Aviv University and Israel Ministry of Education and Culture.
R. A. Berman & L. Verhoeven, Editors, Written Languages and Literacy, Volume 5, Parts 1 and 2. [Special Issue on Cross-linguistic Perspectives on the Development of Text Production Abilities in Speech and Writing].
R. A. Berman, Editor, Language Development across Childhood and Adolescence: Psycholinguistic and Crosslinguistic Perspectives. Trends in Language Acquisition Research (TiLAR), Volume 3. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
R. A. Berman, Editor, Journal of Pragmatics, 37, 2. [Special Issue on Developing Discourse Stance across Adolescence].
R. A. Berman, Editor, Acquisition and Development of Hebrew: Infancy to Adolescence. Trends in Language Acquisition Research series (TiLAR), Volume 19. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
R.A. Berman, Editor, Language Change and Variation. Jerusalem: Academy of Sciences and Humanities [in Hebrew]
R.A. Berman, Editor. Usage-Based Studies in Modern Hebrew: Morpho-lexicon and syntax. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Articles, Chapters, Reviews
R. Aronson. "The predictability of vowel patterns in Hebrew". Glossa, 3, 127-145
R. Aronson. "What a speaker knows". Alon Lemorim LeAnglit 8, [English Teachers’ Bulletin]. Jerusalem: Ministry of Education, pp. 56-65. [in Hebrew]
R. A. Berman. "A proposal for formulating concord rules in Modern Hebrew". Hebrew Computational Linguistics Bulletin, 8, pp. 1-17. [in Hebrew]
R. A. Berman. "Action nominal and infinitives in Modern Hebrew", I and II. Leshonenu, 39, pp. 99-122; pp. 217-235. [in Hebrew]
R. A. Berman. "Review of An Introduction to Transformational Syntax, by Roger Fowler". Language, 50, 2, pp. 372-376.
R. A. Berman. "Lexical entries for verbs, roots, and conjugations". In U. Ornan & B-Z. Fischler, Sefer Rosen. Jerusalem: Council on the Teaching of Hebrew, pp. 25-36. [in Hebrew]
R. A. Berman. "Morphological realization of syntactic processes in the verb system". Hebrew Computational Linguistics Bulletin, 9, pp. 25-39. [in Hebrew]
R. A. Berman. "Analytic syntax: A technique for advanced level reading". TESOL Quarterly, 9, pp. 243-251.
[Reprinted in: R.Mackey, B. Barkman, & R.Jordan, eds., 1979. Reading in a Second Language. Rowley, Mass: Newbury, pp. 178-186.]
R. A. Berman. "Review of Introduction to Transformational Grammar by Chen & Dror". Leshonenu, 41, pp. 61-70. [in Hebrew]
R. A. Berman. "On derived and deriving nominals in Modern Hebrew". In P. Cole, ed. Studies in Modern Hebrew syntax and semantics. Amsterdam: North-Holland, pp. 57-98.
R. A. Berman & A. Grosu. "Aspects of the copula in Modern Hebrew". In P. Cole, ed. Studies in Modern Hebrew syntax and semantics. Amsterdam: North-Holland, pp. 265-284.
R. A. Berman. "Natural phonological processes at the one-word stage". Lingua, 43, pp. 1-21.
R. A. Berman. "Early verbs: How and why a child uses her first words". International Journal of Psycholinguistics, 5, pp. 21-29.
R. A. Berman. "Contrastive analysis revisited: Obligatory, systematic, and incidental differences between languages". Interlanguage Studies Bulletin, 3, pp. 2l2-233.
R. A. Berman. "Relations of case and government in Modern Hebrew". Orchot, 10, pp. 33-52. [in Hebrew]
R. A. Berman. "Review of The Syntax of the Sentence by Y. Cadqa". Leshonenu, 43, pp. 224-228. [in Hebrew]
R. A. Berman. "Lexical decomposition and lexical unity in the expression of derived verbal categories in Modern Hebrew". Journal of Afroasiatic Linguistics, 6, pp. 1-26.
R. A. Berman. "Rule of grammar or rule of thumb? On the nature of pedagogic grammars". International Review of Applied Linguistics, 17, pp. 279-302.
R. A. Berman. "Form and function: Passives, middles, and impersonals in Modern Hebrew". Berkeley Linguistic Society, 5, pp. 1-27.
R. A. Berman. "The (re)emergence of a bilingual: Case-study of a Hebrew-English child". Working Papers in Bilingualism, 19, pp. 157-179. [Reprinted by ERIC, 1980]
R. A. Berman. "Review of Hebrew Semantics, by G. Tsarfati". Hebrew Computational Linguistics Bulletin, 15, pp. 60-73. [in Hebrew]
R. A. Berman. "Review of Hebrew Syntax in Light of Modern Theories, by Y. Cadqa". Leshonenu, 43, pp. 224-28. [in Hebrew]
R. A. Berman. "Postposing, lexical repetition, and the like: A study in contrastive stylistics". Applied Linguistics Journal, Israel, 2, pp. 3-26.
R. A. Berman. "On the category of auxiliary in Modern Hebrew". Hebrew Annual Review, 4, pp. 15-37.
R. A. Berman. "The case of an (S)VO language: Subjectless constructions in Modern Hebrew". Language, 56, pp. 759-776.
R. A. Berman. "Child language as evidence for grammatical description: Preschoolers' construal of transitivity in Hebrew". Linguistics, 18, pp. 677-701.
R. A. Berman & R. Stock. "The SL/FL Curriculum Developer as a Revolutionary". The Linguistics Reporter.
R. A. Berman. "How hard is it to read? Syntactic complexity as a source of reading difficulty". Cahiérs Linguistiques d'Ottawa, 8, pp. 21-42.
R. A. Berman. "Regularity vs. anomaly: The acquisition of inflectional morphology". Journal of Child Language, 8, pp. 265-282.
R. A. Berman. "Language development and language knowledge: Evidence from acquisition of Hebrew morphophonology". Journal of Child Language, 8, pp. 609-26.
R. A. Berman. "Children's regularization of plural forms in the Hebrew noun system". Papers and Reports on Child Language Development, 20, pp. 34-44.
R. A. Berman & Y. Sagi. "Children’s word-formation and lexical innovations". Hebrew Computational Linguistics Bulletin, 18, pp. 31-62. [in Hebrew]
R. A. Berman. "Children's discourse style: Stories of a six-year old". In S. Blum-Kulka, Y. Tobin, & R. Nir, eds. Studies in Discourse Analysis. Jerusalem: Akademon, pp. 177-212. [in Hebrew]
R. A. Berman. "On the role of prepositions in Modern Hebrew syntax". In M. Nahir, ed. Hebrew Teaching and Applied Linguistics. University Press of America, pp. 253-276.
R. A. Berman. "Verb-pattern alternation: The interface of morphology, syntax, and semantics in Hebrew child language". Journal of Child Language, 9, pp. 169-191.
E. Dromi & R. A. Berman. "A morphemic measure of early language development". Journal of Child Language, 9, pp. 403-424.
R. A. Berman, B. F. Hecht, & E. V. Clark. "The acquisition of agent and instrument nouns in Hebrew". Papers and Reports on Child Language Development, 21, pp. 16-24.
R. A. Berman. "On the nature of oblique objects in bitransitive constructions". Lingua, 56, pp. 101-125.
R. A. Berman. "Dative marking of the affectee role". Hebrew Annual Review, 6, pp. 35-59. [Revised from: Dative marking of the benefactee/malefactee in Modern Hebrew. M.I.T. Working Papers in Linguistics, 3, 150-179, 1981]
R. A. Berman. "Review of P. Fletcher & M. Garman, eds. Language Acquisition: Studies in First Language Development". Lingua, 50, pp. 235-242.
R. A. Berman. "Establishing a schema: Children's construal of verb-tense marking". Language Sciences, 5, pp. 61-78.
R. A. Berman & E. Olshtain. "Features of first language transfer in L2 attrition". Applied Linguistics, 4, pp. 222-234.
R. A. Berman. "On the nature of oblique objects in bitransitive constructions". Lingua, 56, pp. 101-125.
R. A. Berman. "Review of S. Savic, How Twins Learn to Talk". Applied Linguistics, 3, pp. 267-269.
R. A. Berman. "On the study of first language acquisition". Language Learning, 33, 5, pp. 221-245. [Also in: A.Z. Guiora, ed. An Epistemology for the Language Sciences. Detroit: Wayne State University Press, pp. 221-245]
Clark, E.V. & R. A. Berman. "Structure and use in acquisition of word-formation". Language, 60, pp. 542-590.
R. A. Berman & E. Dromi. "On marking time without aspect in child language". Papers and Reports on Child Language Development, 23, pp. 23-32.
R. A. Berman. "Crosslinguistic first language perspectives on second language research". In R.W. Andersen, ed. Second Languages: A Crosslinguistic erspective. Rowley, Mass: Newbury House, pp. 14-35.
R. A. Berman. "Review of S. Tavakolian, ed., Linguistic Theory and Language Acquisition". Applied Linguistics, 4, pp. 166-172.
R. A. Berman. "Immature and adult perceptions of event-sequences in story-telling". Tel Aviv University Tense-Aspect Project.
R. A. Berman & E. Dromi. "Early syntax and beyond". Working Paper No. 46, Tel-Aviv University Unit of Human Development and Education.
R. A. Berman. "Acquisition of tense-aspect by Hebrew-speaking children". Final Report, Binational Science Foundation (BSF) US-Israel.
R. A. Berman. "Interference in FLT". In T. Husen & T.N. Hustlethwaite, eds. International Encylopedia of Education. Oxford: Pergamon Press, pp. 1943-1945.
R. A. Berman. "Syntactic components of SL reading". In J.C. Alderson & A.H. Urquhart, eds. Reading in a Second Language. London: Longmans, pp. 139-156.
R. A. Berman & D. Ravid. "Lexicalization of noun compounds". Hebrew Linguistics, 24, pp. 5-22. [in Hebrew]
R. A. Berman. " E. Dromi & R. A. Berman. "Language-general and language-specific in developing syntax". Journal of Child Language, 14, pp. 371-387.
A step-by-step model of language learning". In I. Levin, ed. Stage and Structure: Re-opening the Debate. Norwood, N.J: Ablex, pp. 191-219.
R. A. Berman. "The acquisition of morphology/syntax: A crosslinguistic perspective". In P. Fletcher & M. Garman, eds. Language Acquisition. Cambridge University Press, pp. 429-447.
R. A. Berman & D. I. Slobin, with M. Bamberg, E. Dromi, V. Marchman, Y. Neeman, T. Renner, E. Sebastian. "Coding Manual: Temporality in Discourse". University of California, Berkeley: Cognitive Science Institute Report.
R. A. Berman. "Cognitive components of language learning". In C. Pfaff, ed. Crosslinguistic Studies of Language Acquisition Processes. Rowley, Ma: Newbury, pp. 3-27.
R. A. Berman & D. I. Slobin. "Five ways of learning how to talk about events: A crosslinguistic study of children's narratives". University of California, Berkeley: Cognitive Science Report 46.
R. A. Berman. "Issues and problems in Modern Hebrew research". Praqim, 7, pp. 84-96. [in Hebrew]
E.V. Clark & R. A. Berman. "Types of linguistic knowledge: Interpreting and producing compound nouns". Journal of Child Language, 14, pp. 547-568.
R. A. Berman. "A developmental route: Learning about the form and use of complex nominals". Linguistics, 27, pp. 1057-1085.
R. A. Berman. "Productivity in the lexicon: New-word formation in Modern Hebrew". Folia Linguistica, 21, pp. 425-461.
R. A. Berman. "Word-class distinctions in developing grammars". In Y. Levy, I.M. Schlesinger, & M.D.S. Braine, eds. Categories and Processes in Language Acquisition. Hillsdale: Lawrence Erlbaum, pp. 45-72.
R. A. Berman. "Language knowledge and language use: Binominal constructions in Modern Hebrew". General Linguistics, 28, 4, pp. 261-285.
R. A. Berman. "On the ability to relate events in narratives". Discourse Processes, 11, pp. 469-97.
R. A. Berman & E. V. Clark. "Learning to use compounds for contrast". First Language, 9, pp. 247-270.
R. A. Berman. "The role of blends in Modern Hebrew word-formation". In P. Wexler, A. Borg, S. Somekh, eds. Studia linguistica et orientalia memoriae Haim Blanc dedicata. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, pp. 45-61.
R. A. Berman. "Children's knowledge of verb-structure". Washington DC: ERIC Document Reproduction Service ED 312 903, FL 018 238.
R. A. Berman. "Acquiring an (S)VO language: Subjectless sentences in children's Hebrew". Linguistics, 28, pp. 1135-1166.
R. A. Berman. "In defense of development. Commentary on Stephen Crain: Language acquisition in the absence of experience". Brain and Behavior Sciences, 14, pp. 612-613.
R. A. Berman & J. Weissenborn. "Acquisition of word order: A crosslinguistic study". Final Report. German-Israel Foundation for Research and Development (GIF).
1992 R. A. Berman. "Modern Hebrew". In W. Bright, B. Comrie, & D. Crystal, eds. Oxford International Encyclopedia of Linguistics, pp. 1388-1395.
R. A. Berman. "Child language and language change". In U. Ornan, R. Ben-Shachar, & G. Toury, eds. Hebrew as a Living Language. Haifa University Press, pp. 9-22. [in Hebrew]
R. A. Berman & E.V. Clark. "Lexical productivity in children and adults". Final Report, Binational Science Foundation (BSF), Jerusalem.
R. A. Berman. "The development of language use: Expressing perspectives on a scene". In E. Dromi, ed. Language and Cognition: A Developmental Perspective; Norwood, NJ: Ablex, pp. 172-201.
R. A. Berman. "Marking of verb transitivity by Hebrew-speaking children". Journal of Child Language, 20, pp. 641-669.
R. A. Berman. "Developmental perspectives on transitivity: A confluence of cues". In Y. Levy, ed. Other Children, Other Languages: Issues in the Theory of Acquisition. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, pp. 189-241.
R. A. Berman. "Crosslinguistic perspectives on native language acquisition". In K. Hyltenstam & A. Viberg, eds. Progression and Regression in Language: Sociocultural, Neuro-psychological, and Linguistic Perspectives. Cambridge University Press, pp. 245-266.
R. A. Berman & Y. Neeman. "Development of linguistic forms: Hebrew". In R. A. Berman & D. I. Slobin. Relating Events in Narrative: A Crosslinguistic Developmental Study. Hillsdale: Lawrence Erlbaum, pp. 285-328.
R. A. Berman. "Formal, lexical, and semantic factors in acquisition of Hebrew resultative participles". In S. Gahl, A. Dolbey, & C. Johnson, eds. Berkeley Linguistic Society, No. 20, pp. 82-92.
R. A. Berman. "Word-formation as evidence". In D. McLaughlin & S. McEwen, eds. Proceedings of the 19th Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development, Vol. 1. Somerville, Mass: Cascadilla Press, pp. 82-95.
R. A. Berman. "The developmental paradox: How much and how little 5-year-olds know about language structure and language use". In L. Verhoeven & A. Teberosky, eds. Understanding Early Literacy: Developmental and Crosslinguistic Issues. Strassburg: ESF Networks, pp. 15-40.
R. A. Berman. "Aspects of Hebrew/English contrastive rhetoric". In H. Shyldkrot & L. Kupferman, eds. Tendances Récentes dans la linguiste française et générale. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, pp. 41-54.
R. A. Berman. "Narrative competence and storytelling performance: How children tell stories in different contexts". Journal of Narrative and Life History 5, 4, pp. 285-313.
R. A. Berman. "Form and function in developing narrative abilities: The case of ‘and’". In D. Slobin, J. Gerhardt, A. Kyratzis, & J. Guo, eds. Social Interaction, Context, and Language: Essays in Honor of Susan Ervin-Tripp. Mahwah: Lawrence Erlbaum, pp. 343-367.
R. A. Berman & S. Armon-Lotem. "How grammatical are early verbs?" In C. Martinot, ed. Annales Littéraires de l’Université de Franche-Comté: Actes du Colloque International sur l’Acquisition de la syntaxe, pp. 17-60.
R. A. Berman. "Introduction to language acquisition". In Y. Shimron, ed. Studies in the psychology of language: Language acquisition, Reading, and writing. Jerusalem: Magnes, pp. 23-35. [in Hebrew]
R. A. Berman. "Theory and research in the acquisition of Hebrew as a first language". In Y. Shimron, ed., Studies in the psychology of language. Magnes, pp. 57-100. [in Hebrew]
Y. Shen & R. A. Berman. "From isolated event to action structure: Stages in narrative development". In Y. Shimron, ed., Studies in the psychology of language, Magnes, pp. 119-145. [in Hebrew]
R. A. Berman. "Review of The origins of grammar: Evidence from early language development by K. Hirsh-Pasek and R. M. Golinkoff". Journal of Pragmatics, 27, pp. 699-709.
R. A. Berman. "Israeli Hebrew". In R. Hetzron, ed. The Semitic Languages. London: Routledge, pp. 312-333.
R. A. Berman. "Narrative theory and narrative development: The Labovian impact". Journal of Narrative and Life History, 7, special issue, pp. 235-244.
R. A. Berman. "Preliterate knowledge of language". In C. Pontecorvo, ed. Writing Development: An Interdisciplinary View. John Benjamins, pp. 61-76.
R. A. Berman. "Developing form/function relations in narrative texts". Lenguas Modernas, 24, pp. 45-61.
R. A. Berman. "Typological perspectives on connectivity". In N. Dittmar & Z. Penner, eds. Issues in the theory of language acquisition. Bern: Peter Lang, pp. 203-224.
R. A. Berman & I. Katzenberger. "Cognitive and linguistic factors in development of picture-series narration". In A. G. Ramat & M. Chini, eds. Organization of Learners’ Texts. Special Issue of Studia Iltaliani i Linguistica Teorica e Applicata, 27, pp. 21-47.
R. A. Berman. "Bilingual proficiency/proficient bilingualism: Insights from Hebrew-English narratives". In G. Extra & L. Verhoeven, eds. Bilingualism and Migration. Berlin: Mouton, pp. 187-208.
R. A. Berman. "Some comments on Tomasello’s comments: In response to M. Tomasello’s review of A construction grammar approach to verb-argument structure by A. Goldberg". Journal of Child Language, 25, pp. 458-462.
R. A. Berman & D. Ravid. "The oral / literate continuum: Developmental perspectives". Final Report to Israel Science Foundation, Jerusalem.
R. A. Berman. "Children’s innovative verbs vs. nouns: Structured elicitations and spontaneous coinages". In L. Menn & N. Bernstein-Ratner, eds. Methods for Studying Language Production. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, pp. 69-93.
Uziel-Karl, S. & R. A. Berman. "Where’s ellipsis: Whether and why there are missing arguments in Hebrew child Language". Linguistics, 38, pp. 457-482.
Ruth Berman & Dorit Ravid. "Research in acquisition of Israeli Hebrew and Palestinian Arabic". Hebrew Studies, 41, pp. 83-98.
R. A. Berman. "Thematic perspectives on how children talk about interpersonal conflict". In M. Aparici, N. Argerich, E. Rosado, & L. Tolchinsky, eds., Developing literacy in different contexts and different languages, Working Papers, Vol. III, University of Barcelona, pp. 65-76.
R. A. Berman & R. Aisenman. "Rethinking lexical analysis". In M. Aparici, N. Argerich, E. Rosado, & L. Tolchinsky, eds, pp. 187-197.
R. A. Berman. "Setting the narrative scene: How children begin to tell a story". In A. Aksu-Koç, C. Johnson, & K. Nelson, eds. Children’s Language Vol. 10. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, pp. 1-31.
R. A. Berman. "Developing literacy in different contexts and in different languages". Final Report submitted to the Spencer Foundation, Chicago.
J. Kupersmitt & R. A. Berman. "Linguistic features of Spanish-Hebrew children’s narratives". In L. Verhoeven & S. Strömqvist, eds. Narrative development in a multilingual context. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, pp. 277-317.
R. A. Berman. "Crosslinguistic perspectives on narrative development. Epilogue". In L. Verhoeven & S. Strömqvist, eds. Narrative development in a multilingual context. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, pp. 419-428.
R. A. Berman & L. Verhoeven. "Developing text production abilities in speech and writing: Aims and methodology". Written Languages and Literacy, Volume 5, pp. 1-44.
R. A. Berman. "Crosslinguistic comparisons in later language development". In S. Strömqvist, ed. The diversity of languages and language learning. Lund: Center for Languages and Literature, pp. 25-44.
R. A. Berman. "Commentary on Developing Linguistic Literacy: A Comprehensive Model by Dorit Ravid and Liliana Tolchinsky". Journal of Child Language, 29, pp. 453-457.
R. A. Berman, H. Ragnarsdóttir, & S. Strömqvist. "Discourse stance". Written Languages and Literacy, Volume 5, 2, pp. 255-290.
J. S. Reilly, H. Jisa, E. Baruch, & R. A. Berman. "Modal expression of propositional attitudes". Written Languages and Literacy, Volume 5, 2, pp. 183-218.
R. A. Berman. "Crosslinguistic study of language acquisition". In N.J. Smelser & P. B. Baltes (editors), International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences. Oxford: Pergamon Press, pp. 5681-5686.
R. A. Berman. "Children’s lexical innovations: developmental perspectives on Hebrew verb-structure". In J. Shimron, ed. Language processing and language acquisition in a root-based morphology. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, pp. 243-291.
R. A. Berman. "Integrated systems in language acquisition: The lexicon-syntax interface". In R. Ben-Shachar & G. Toury, eds. Hebrew as a Living Language, Volume 3. Tel Aviv: HaKibbutz HaMeuchad, pp. 67-86. [in Hebrew]
R. A. Berman. "Modern Hebrew", revised version. In Languages of the World, edited by B. Comrie. Oxford International Encyclopedia of Linguistics, rev.ed. Oxford University Pess, pp. 118-23.
D. Ravid & R. A. Berman. "Talking and writing about conflict situations across adolescence: A multidimensional analysis". In Y. Shlesinger & M. Muchnik, eds. Israel Association of Applied Linguistics Jubilee Volume, pp. 278-293. [in Hebrew]
D. Ravid & R. A. Berman. "On modeling information density in narrative texts". In L. Lagerwerf, W. Spooren, & L. Degand, eds. Determination of information and tenor in texts: Multidisciplinary approaches to discourse 2003. Amsterdam: Stichhting Neerlandistiek, pp. 17-36.
S. Armon-Lotem & R. A. Berman. "The emergence of grammar: Early verbs and beyond". Journal of Child Language, 30, pp. 845-878.
R. A. Berman. "Genre and modality in developing discourse abilities". In C. L. Moder & A. Martinovic-Ziv, eds. Discourse across languages and cultures: Typological Studies in Language series. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, pp. 329-356.
E. V. Clark & R. A. Berman. "Acquiring morphology". In G. Booij, C. Lehmann, & J. Mugdan, eds. Morphology Handbook on Inflection and Word Formation. Berlin: de Gruyter, pp. 1795-1805.
R. A. Berman. "The role of context in developing narrative abilities". In S. Strömqvist & L. Verhoeven, eds. Relating events in narrative: Typological and contextual perspectives. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, pp. 261-280.
R. A. Berman & I. Katzenberger. "Form and function in introducing narrative and expository texts: A developmental perspective". Discourse Processes, 38, pp. 57-94.
R. A. Berman & B. Nir-Sagiv. "Linguistic indicators of inter-genre differentiation in later language development". Journal of Child Language, 31, pp. 339-380.
R. A. Berman. "Between emergence and mastery: The long developmental route of language acquisition". In Language Development across Childhood and Adolescence. Trends in Language Acquisition Research, Vol 3. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, pp. 9-34.
R. A. Berman. "Introduction: Developing discourse stance in different text types and languages". In Journal of Pragmatics, 37, 2, pp. 105-124.
D. Ravid & R. A. Berman. "Information density in the development of spoken and written narratives in English and Hebrew". Discourse Processes 41, pp. 117-149.
L. Bar-Ilan & R. A. Berman. "Developing register differentiation: The Latinate-Germanic divide in English". Linguistics, 45, pp. 1-36.
R. A. Berman & B. Nir-Sagiv. "Comparing narrative and expository text construction across adolescence: A developmental paradox". Discourse Processes, 43 (2), pp. 79-120.
R. A. Berman. "Developing language knowledge and language use across adolescence". In E. Hoff & M. Shatz, eds. Handbook of Language Development. London: Blackwell Publishing, pp. 346-367.
A. Ben-David & R. A. Berman. "Chapter 44: Hebrew". In S. McLeod, ed. The International Perspective on Speech Acquisition. Clifton Park, NY: Thomas Delmar Learning, pp. 437-456.
R. A. Berman, D. Ravid, & M. Nippold. "Developing language and discourse abilities in pre-adolescence". Final Report to the United States-Israel Binational Science Foundation, Jerusalem, November.
B. Nir-Sagiv, L. Bar-Ilan, & R. A. Berman. "Vocabulary development across adolescence: Text-based analyses". In A. Stavans & I. Kupferberg, eds. Studies in Language and Language Education: Essays in Honor of Elite Olshtain. Jerusalem: Magnes Press, pp. 47-74.
B. Nir-Sagiv, M. Sternau, R. A. Berman & D. Ravid. "School-age development of linguistic register as a distinguishing characteristic of text types across genre and modality". Israeli Journal of Literacy and Language 1, pp. 71-103. [in Hebrew]
R. A. Berman, L. Lustigman, & B. Nir-Sagiv. "Discourse analysis as a window on later language development". Israel Studies in Language & Society, 1, pp. 10-47. [in Hebrew]
R. A. Berman & D. Ravid. "Analyzing narrative informativeness in speech and writing". In A. Tyler, Y. Kim, & M. Takada, eds. Language in the Context of Use: Cognitive Approaches to Language and Language Learning. Mouton de Gruyter: The Hague [Cognitive Linguistics Research Series], pp. 79-101.
R. A. Berman. "The psycholinguistics of developing text construction". Journal of Child Language, 35, pp. 735-771.
R. A. Berman. "Beyond the sentence: Language development in narrative contexts". In E. Bavin, ed. Handbook of Child Language. Cambridge University Press, pp. 354-375.
R. A. Berman. "Linguistic, cognitive, and pragmatic issues in developing narrative abilities". Introduction to Section 2. In J. Guo, E. Lieven, S. Ervin-Tripp, N. Budwig, S. Özçalişkan, K. Nakamura, eds. Crosslinguistic Approaches to the Psychology of Language: Research in the Tradition of Dan I. Slobin. NY: Taylor & Francis, pp. 119-126.
R. A. Berman & B. Nir-Sagiv. "Clause-packaging in narratives: A crosslinguistic
developmental study". In J. Guo, et al. Crosslinguistic Approaches to the Psychology of Language: Research in the Tradition of Dan I. Slobin. NY: Taylor & Francis, pp. 149-162.
R. A. Berman. "Acquisition of compound constructions". In R. Lieber & P. Stekauer, eds. Handbook of Compounding. Oxford University Press, pp. 298-322.
R. A. Berman & D. Ravid. "Becoming a literate language user: Oral and written text construction across adolescence". In D. R. Olson & N. Torrance, eds. Cambridge Handbook of Literacy, pp. 92-111.
D. Ravid & R. A. Berman. "Developing linguistic register across text types: The case of Modern Hebrew". Pragmatics and Cognition, 17, pp. 108-145.
R. A. Berman & B. Nir-Sagiv. "The language of expository texts: Developmental perspectives". In M. Nippold & C. Scott, eds. Expository Discourse in Children, Adolescents, and Adults: Development and disorders. NY: Taylor & Francis, pp. 101-23.
R. A. Berman & B. Nir-Sagiv. "Cognitive and linguistic factors in evaluating expository text quality: Global versus local?" In V. Evans & S. Pourcel, eds. New Directions in Cognitive Linguistics. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, pp. 421-440.
R. A. Berman. "Trends in research on narrative development". In S. Foster-Cohen, ed. Advances in Language Acquisition. Bastingstoke: Palgrave-Macmillan, pp. 294-318.
B. Nir-Sagiv & R. A. Berman. "Complex syntax as a window on contrastive rhetoric". Journal of Pragmatics, 42, pp. 744-765.
D. Ravid & R. A. Berman. "Developing noun phrase complexity across adolescence: A text-embedded analysis". First Language. 30 (1) pp. 1-29.
R. A. Berman & D. Ravid. "Interpretation and recall of proverbs in three school-age populations". First Language, 30 (2), pp. 155-173.
R. A. Berman & B. Nir-Sagiv. "The lexicon in speech-writing differentiation: Developmental perspectives". Written Language & Literacy, 13, pp. 181-203 [special issue on Speech, Writing, and Context].
B. Nir-Sagiv & R. A. Berman. "Parts of speech as constructions: The case of Hebrew 'adverbs'". Constructions and Frames, 2, 2, pp. 242-274 [special issue in honor of C. J. Fillmore, edited by K. Nikforidou & K. Ohara].
R. A. Berman & B. Nir-Sagiv. "Spoken and written language across the school years". In D. Aram & O. Korat, eds. Literacy and Language: Interactions, Bilingualism and Difficulties; Festschrift in Honor of Iris Levin, Volume I. Jerusalem: Magnes Press pp. 211-229. [in Hebrew]
R. A. Berman. "Revisiting impersonal constructions in Hebrew: Corpus-based perspectives". In A. Malchov & A. Serwieska, eds. The Typology of Impersonal Constructions. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, pp. 323-355.
R. A. Berman. "Language and literacy in adolescence". In J.R. Levesque, ed. Encyclopedia of Adolescence. Berlin: Springer, pp. 1320-1332.
R. A. Berman, R. Nayditz, & D. Ravid. "Linguistic diagnostics of written texts in two school-age populations". Written Language & Literacy, 14, pp. 161-187.
R.A. Berman & B. Nir. "Manner adverbials in Modern Hebrew: Text-based analyses". Helqat Lashon 43-44, pp. 178-200. [in Hebrew]
R. A. Berman & B. Seroussi. "Derived nouns in Hebrew: Structure, meaning, and psycholinguistic perspectives". In G. Fiorentino & B. Comrie, eds. Nouns and Nominalizations Cross-linguistically. Rivista di Linguistica 23.1, pp. 105-125.
R. A. Berman & L. Lustigman. "HARSP: A developmental language profile for Hebrew". In M. J. Ball, D. Crystal, & P. Fletcher, eds. Assessing Grammar: The Languages of LARSP Communication Disorders across Languages Series: ultilingual Matters, pp. 43-76.
R. A. Berman. "Revisiting roots in Hebrew: A multi-faceted view" [in English]. In M. Muchnik & Z. Sadan. Studies on Modern Hebrew and Jewish Languages in Honor of Ora (Rodriguez) Schwarzwald [in Hebrew]. Jerusalem: Carmel Press, pp. 132-158.
R. A. Berman. "First language acquisition with special reference to Hebrew". In G. Khan, ed. Encyclopedia of Hebrew Language and Linguistics, Vol. I. Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers, pp. 15-25.
R. A. Berman. "Noun phrase constructions". In G. Khan, ed. Encyclopedia of Hebrew Language and Linguistics, Vol 4. Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers, pp. 894-899.
R.A. Berman. "Syntactic complexity: Development of clause-combining". In P. Brooks & V. Kempe, eds. Encyclopedia of Language Development. New York: Sage Publications, pp. 634-640.
R.A. Berman. "Cross-linguistic comparisons in child language research". Journal of Child Language, Special 40th Anniversary issue, pp. 26-38.
R.A. Berman & L. Lustigman. "Emergent clause-combining in adult-child interactional contexts". In I. Arnon, B. Estogarret. C. Kurumada, & M. Tice, eds. Language in Interaction: Studies in Honor of Eve V. Clark. Trends in Language Acquisition Series. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, pp. 281-299.
R. A. Berman. "Linguistic perspectives on writing development". In B. Arfé, J. Dockrell, & W.V. Berninger, eds. Writing Development in Children with Hearing Loss, Dyslexia, or Oral Language Problems. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 16-32.
O. Davidi & R. A. Berman. "Writing abilities of pre-adolescents with and without language/learning impairment in restructuring an informative text". In B. Arfé, J. Dockrell, & W.V. Berninger, eds. Writing Development in Children with Hearing Loss, Dyslexia, or Oral Language Problems. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 143-157.
L. Laks & R. A. Berman. "A new look at diglossia: Modality-driven distinctions between spoken and written narratives in Jordanian Arabic". In E. Saiegh-Haddad & M. Joshi, eds. Arabic Literacy: Theoretical Insights and Practical Challenges. Springer Science Publications, pp. 241-254.
R.A. Berman & B. Nir. "Clause combining in Hebrew from early childhood across adolescence: A usage-based approach". Final Report to Israel Science Foundation, Jerusalem.
R. A. Berman. “The miracle of first language acquisition”. Jerusalem: Israel Academy of Science and Humanities, Igeret 36, pp. 13-22. [in Hebrew]
R.A. Berman. "Acquiring and expressing temporality in Hebrew: A T/(M/A) Language". SKASE Journal of Theoretical Linguistics 11, 2, pp. 2-29.
D. Kaplan & R.A. Berman. "Developing linguistic flexibility across the school years". First Language 35, pp. 27-53.
L. Lustigman & R. A. Berman. "Form and function in early clause-combining”. Journal of Child Language 43, 157-185.
R.A. Berman. "The route to linguistic literacy". Israel Journal of Language and Literacy, pp. 45-73. [in Hebrew]
R.A. Berman. "Linguistic literacy and later language development". In J. Perera, M. Aparici, E. Rosado, & N. Salas, eds. Written and Spoken Language Development across the Lifespan: Essays in Honor of Liliana Tolchinsky. New York: Springer Verlag, 181-200.
R. A. Berman. "Language development and use beyond the sentence". In E. Bavin & L. Naigles, eds. Cambridge Handbook of Language Development. Cambridge University Press, 458-480.
R. A. Berman. “Typology, acquisition, and development: The view from Israeli Hebrew”. In R. A. Berman (ed.) Acquisition and Development of Hebrew: Infancy to Adolescence. Trends In Language Acquisition Research Series (TiLAR 19). Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 1-38.
R. A. Berman. "Word class distinctiveness versus polycategoriality in Modern Hebrew: Psycholinguistic perspectives". In V. Vapnarsky & E. Veneziano, eds. Lexical Polycategoriality: Cross-linguistic, Cross-theoretical, and Language Acquisition Approaches.. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 343-376.
R.A. Berman. “Developing construals of a narrative event sequence”. In Ketrez, N., Küntay, A. C., Özçalışkan, S., & Özyürek, A. (eds). Social Environment and Cognition in Language Development: Studies in Honor of Ayhan Aksu-Koç. Trends in Language Acquisition (TiLAR series). Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 199-222.
R. A. Berman. "Language development and literacy in adolescence”. In J.R. Levesque, ed. Encyclopedia of Adolescence. , 2nd revised edition, Berlin: Springer, L: 1-11.
R.A. Berman. "Development of complex syntax: From early clause-combining to text-embedded syntactic packaging”. In A. Bar-On & D. Ravid. Handbook of Language Disorders, Mouton de Gruyter, 235-256.
R.A. Berman. "Hommage à Annette Karmiloff-Smith / Homenaje a Annette Karmiloff-Smith". Infancia y Aprendizaje. 41 (1): 84-89.
R.A. Berman. "From pre-grammaticality to proficiency in L1: Acquiring and developing Hebrew infinitives". Psychology of Language and Communication, 22 (1): 557-580
R.A. Berman & L. Lustigman. “Acquisition and development of verb/predicate chaining in Hebrew”. Frontiers in Psychology, Volume 10, Article 2958, special issue on Clause-Chaining, eds. Hannah Servasy & Sabine Stoll.
S. Bolozky & R.A. Berman. “Parts of speech categories in Modern Hebrew”. In R.A. Berman, ed. Usage-Based Studies in Modern Hebrew: Morpho-lexicon and syntax. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
R.A. Berman. “Nominalization in Modern Hebrew”. In R.A. Berman, ed. Usage-Based Studies in Modern Hebrew: Morpho-lexicon and syntax. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
R.A. Berman. “Genitive smixut constructions in Modern Hebrew”. In R.A. Berman, ed. Usage-Based Studies in Modern Hebrew: Morpho-lexicon and syntax. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Lustigman, L. & Berman, R. A. ”Levels of Integration in children’s early clause combining in Hebrew”. Language Learning and Development, DOI: 10.1080/15475441.2020.1814781
Tolchinsky, L. Interview with Ruth Berman. Skaze Journal of Theoretical Linguistics, 17 (5)
Ambridge B, Doherty L, Maitreyee R et al. “Testing a computational model of causative overgeneralizations: Child judgment and production data from English, Hebrew, Hindi, Japanese and K’iche’” [version 2; peer review: 3 approved with reservations]. Open Research Europe 2022, 1:1 (
Berman, R.A. Developmental pathways in child and adult Hebrew: The case of the subordinator še-. Levie, R. Bar-On, A., Ashkenazi, O., Dattner, E., & Brandes, G. (eds.), Developing Language and Literacy: Studies in Honor of Dorit Diskin Ravid. Springer Verlag.
In Press:
Concatenating morphology in Hebrew: Insights from children’s innovations. La revue Radical
Under Review:
Learning to write in Hebrew