Dr. Rachel Friedman

Faculty of Law
מנהלת הפקולטה למשפטים סגל אקדמי בכיר


Rachel Z. Friedman is an assistant professor at the Buchmann Faculty of Law. A lawyer and political theorist by training, she earned her B.A (Social Studies), her J.D., and her Ph.D. (Political Science), all from Harvard University. Following the completion of her graduate studies, she was awarded post-doctoral fellowships from the Fulbright program and the Safra Center for Ethics at Tel Aviv University. Her research and teaching interests include the history of political and economic thought; theories of distributive justice; comparative welfare law and policy; and the political and ethical philosophy of Aristotle. She is the author of a book, Probable Justice: Risk, Insurance, and the Welfare State (University of Chicago Press, 2020), as well as articles on the history of social insurance, Aristotle’s account of friendship, and (with Y. Margalioth) the institution of free-loan societies among Haredi Jews in Israel.


Full CV


Research Interests and Teaching

Theories of distributive justice

History and political theory of the welfare state

Israeli welfare law

Comparative welfare law and policy

Aristotelian ethics and politics

History of political philosophy

History of economic thought




Ph.D. (Political Science), Harvard University 


J.D., Harvard Law School


B.A. (Social Studies), Harvard College


Academic Appointments

2020 - present

Lecturer (Assistant Professor), Faculty of Law, Tel Aviv University

2018 - 2020

Adjunct Lecturer, Faculty of Law, Tel Aviv University

2017 - 2019

Fulbright Postdoctoral Fellow, Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics, Tel Aviv University 


Full CV

Representative Publications

R. Friedman, Probable Justice: Risk, Insurance, and the Welfare State (University of Chicago Press, 2020)

R. Friedman, “Friendship as a Non-Relative Virtue,” Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy (July 2021)

R. Friedman and Y. Margalioth, “The Institution of the Gemach in Israel and its Regulation,” Law, Society, and Culture (April 2022)

R. Friedman, “Understanding Social Insurance: Risk and Value Pluralism in the Early British Welfare State,” Political Research Quarterly (May 2022)

R. Friedman and T. Iversen, "Probabilistic Justice against Status Defense," Theory and Society (April 2024)

R. Friedman, "Aristotle on Reciprocity, Equivalent Value, and the Embeddedness of Markets," Law and Contemporary Problems (April 2024)

R. Friedman, “Comment: Myths and Fitness Interdependence Beyond Coalitional Longevity,” Behavioral and Brain Sciences (forthcoming)

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