Prof. Rachel Ehrlich

Retired in Dep. of Cell Research and Immunology
מח חקר התא ואימונולוגיה בדימוס

Research Interests

My research interests include the following topics:

  • Transcriptional regulation of genes that are associated with antigen processing and presentation in the immune system. Our major goal is to understand how genes that are located in the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) locus are regulated in normal and cancer cells. We are using recombinant DNA techniques in order to define regulatory elements such as promoters, enhancers etc., as well as DNA-binding transcriptional regulators.
  • Assembly and trafficking of class I complexes in normal and tumor cells. Our major goal is to follow assembly, intracellular transport and degradation of class I MHC molecules in order to understand antigen presentation pathways. We are using protein chemistry, microscopy, and cell biology techniques to pursue our goals.
  • Analysis of the HFE molecule – a novel class I MHC molecule that regulates iron metabolism. A single mutation in the gene encoding this molecule causes one of the most frequent genetic diseases (an iron overload disease) – Hereditary Hemochromatosis. We are interested in the regulation of expression of the HFE gene, localization and trafficking of HFE complexes and structure/function analysis of the molecule.


Recent Publications

S.Vigodman Fromm, S. Duady-Ben Yaakov, C. Schechter, R. Ehrlich. Assembly and cell surface expression of TAP-independent, chloroquine-sensitive and interferon-gamma-inducible class I MHC complexes in transformed fibroblast cell lines are regulated by tapasin. Cell Immunol. Vol. 215, 2002 (pp.207-218).


S. Vahdati-Ben Arieh, N. Laham, C. Schechter, J.W. Jewdell, J.E. Coligan, R. Ehrlich. A single viral protein HCMV US2 affects antigen presentation and intracellular iron homeostasis by down-regulating the expression of classical class I MHC and HFE molecules. Blood, Prepublished online, Nov. 27, 2002, DOI 10.1182/blood – 2002 07 – 2158.


E. Arons, V. Kunin, C. Schechter, R. Ehrlich. Organization and functional analysis of the mouse transporter associated with antigen processing 2 promoter. J. Immunol. Vol.15, 2001 (pp.3942-3951).


R. Ehrlich, F. Lemonnier. HFE - A novel nonclassical class I molecule that is involved in iron metabolism. Immunity Vol.13, 2000 (pp.585-588).


S. Vigodman-Fromm, S. Winograd-Mey-Tal, C. Schechter, R. Ehrlich. MHC class I heavy chain mRNA must exceed a threshold level for the reconstitution of all surface expression cells transformed by the highly oncogenic adenovirus 12. J. Biol. Chem. Vol.273, 1998 (pp.15209-15216).


B. Shomer, V. Toder, E. Egorov, R. Ehrlich. Expression of allogeneic MHC class I antigens by transgenic mouse trophoblast does not interfere with the normal course of pregnancy. Transgenic Research Vol.7, 1998 (pp.343-356).


D. Strauss, O. Elroy-Stein, R. Ehrlich. Adenovirus E1A interferes with expression of vaccinia viral genes. Gene. Vol.184, 1997 (pp.279-284).


S. Winograd, C. Schechter, R. Ehrlich. Synthesis and turnover of 2m in Ad12-transformed cells defective in assembly and transport of class I MHC molecules. J. Biol. Chem. Vol.272, 1997 (pp.353-361).


R. Ehrlich. Modulation of antigen processing and presentation by persistent virus infections and in tumors. Human Immunology, Vol.54, 1997 (pp.104-116) (Review article).


R. Rotem-Yehudar, M. Groettrup, A. Soza, P.-M. Kloetzel, R. Ehrlich. LMP-associated proteolytic activities and TAP-dependent peptide transport for class I MHC molecules are suppressed in cell lines transformed by the highly oncogenic adenovirus 12. J. Exp. Med. Vol.183, 1996 (pp.499-515).


R. Ehrlich. Selective mechanisms utilized by persistent and oncogenic viruses to interfere with antigen processing and presentation. Immunol. Res. Vol.14, 1995 (pp.77-97) (Review).


R. Rotem-Yehudar, S. Winograd, S. Sela, J. Coligan, R. Ehrlich. Downregulation of peptide transporter genes in cell lines transformed with the highly oncogenic virus - adenovirus 12. J. Exp. Med., Vol.180, 1994 (pp.477-488).

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