Prof. Uriya Shavit

Department of Arabic and Islamic Studies
faculty of humanities
חוג ללימודי הערבית והאסלאם סגל אקדמי בכיר
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B.A in Middle Eastern and Islam Studies, Tel Aviv University (with distinction).


Direct Course of Studies towards PhD Degree for distinguished students, Tel Aviv University.

Title of PhD Dissertation: Arab Regimes between the End of History and the Clash of Civilizations

Supervisors: Prof. Jospeh Kostiner and Prof. Eyal Zisser      




Post-Doctoral Studies, Department of Social Studies, Frankfurt University, under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Ursula Apitzsch



2016 – present

head of the Religious Studies Program

Tel Aviv University

2014 – present

Associate Professor

Tel Aviv University, Department of Arabic and Islam Studies.

2013 - 2014

Senior Lecturer

Tel Aviv University, Department of Arabic and Islam Studies.

2011 - 2013


Tel Aviv University, Department of Arabic and Islam Studies.

2005 - 2011


Tel Aviv University, Department of Middle Eastern Studies.

2003 - 2006


The Open University, Israel. Department of Middle Eastern Studis.



Fellow, Moshe Dayan Center for Middle Eastern and African Studies; areas of specialization: Islamic discourses on Western Societies; democracy and democratization in Muslim societies; Islamic law; Islamism (2007-2011).    

Director of Democracy Studies Program, The Adelson Institute for Strategic Studies (2009).


Books in English


The New Imagined Community: Global Media and the Construction of National and Muslim Identities of Migrants (Brighton, Portland and Vancouver: Sussex Academic Press).


Islamism and the West: From “Cultural Attack” to “Missionary Migrant” (London: Routledge).


Shari'a and Muslim Minorities: The wasati and salafi approaches to fiqh al-aqalliyyat al-Muslima (Oxford: Oxford University Press).


Arab Discourses on Zionism (Manchester: Manchester University Press). (with Ofir Winter).


Articles in English


“Al Qaedaʼs Saudi Roots,” Middle East Quarterly, 13:4 (Fall 2006), pp. 3-13.


“The Arab Road to Democracy,” Azure, No. 26 (Autumn 2006), pp. 30-62.


“Should Muslims Integrate into the West?” Middle East Quarterly 14:4 (Fall 2007), pp. 13-21.


“Old Fears, New Threats,” Azure, No. 30 (Autumn 2007), pp. 64-88.


“Sheikh Google: The Role of Advanced Media Technologies in Constructing the Identity of Muslim-Arab Germans,” in Tel Aviver Jahrbuch für Deutsche Geschichte 37: Juden und Muslime in Deutschland, eds. Jose Brunner and Shai Lavi (Munich: Wallstein Verlag), pp. 255-272.


“Muslim Strategies to Convert Western Christians” (With Frederic Wiesenbach, Middle East Quarterly, 16:2 (Spring 2009), pp. 3-14.


“Is Shura a Muslim Form of Democracy? Roots and Systemization of a Polemic,” Middle Eastern Studies, 46:3 (May 2010), pp. 349-374.


“Why are They So? The Ideology of Muslim Fundamentalists,” in Thomas Kunze and Wolfgand Maier (eds.), Einundzwanzig: Jahrundertchanchen – Jahrundertgefahren (Berlin: Verlag Finckenstein & Salmuth,), pp. 178-187 (in German).


“Sports in Contemporary Islamic Law” (with Ofir Winter), Islamic Law and Society, 18:2 (spring 2011), pp. 250-280.


“The Muslim Brotherhoodʼs Idea of Democracy,” Azure 45 (Autumn 2011), pp. 29- 51.


“An 'Integrating Enclave': The Case of Al-Hayat, Germanyʼs First Islamic Fitness Center for Women in Cologne,” (with Frederic Wiesenbach), Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs, 32:1 (April 2012), pp. 47-61.


“The Wasati and Salafi Approaches to the Religious Law of Muslim Minorities,” Islamic Law and Society, 20:4 (November 2012), pp. 416-457.


“The Polemic on al-wala' wal-bara' (Loyalty and Disavowal): Crystallization and Refutation of an Islamic Concept,” Journal of South Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, 36:3 (Spring 2013), pp. 24-49.


“Can Muslims Befriend Non-Muslims? Debating al-Wala’ wal-Bara’ in Theory and Practice,” Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations, 25:1(January 2014), pp. 67-88.


“A Religious Law for Muslims in the West: The European Council for Fatwa and Research and the Evolution of Fiqh al-Aqalliyyat al-Muslima,” in Roberto Tottoli (ed.), Routledge Handbook of Islam in the West (London: Routledge, 2014), (with Qadi Iyad Zahalka), pp. 365-377.


“The Post-Modern Reconstitution of Islamic Memory: The Case of Yusuf al-Qaradawi and the Virtual umma,” in Itzchak Weisman, Mark Sedgwick and Ulrika Martensson (eds.) Islam and the Cultural Politics of Globalization (London: Ashgate, 2014), pp. 163-184.


“The Lesser of Two Evils: Islamic Law and the Emergence of a Broad Agreement on Muslim Participation in Western Political Systems,” Contemporary Islam,8:3 (September 2014), pp. 239-259. (due to a technical error accepted also for publication in the Journal for International Migration and Integration, August 2013).


“The Evolution of Darwin to a ‘Unique Christian Species’ in Modernist-Apologetic Arab-Islamic Thought,” Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations, published on-line 5.9.14, published in the print edition 26:1 (January 2015), pp. 17-32.


“Theology of Migration: Towards a Comparative Conceptualization,” The Journal of Levantine Studies, 4:2 (Winter 2014), pp. 9-38. (Primary author, with Galia Sabar et al.)


“Zionism as Told By Rashid Rida,” The Journal of Israeli History, 34:1 (January 2015), 23-44.


“The Muslim Brothers' Conception of Armed Insurrection against an Unjust Regime,” Middle Eastern Studies, 51:4 (July 2015), 610-617.

2016 "Ramadan in Iceland: A Tale of Two Mosques," Islam and Christian–Muslim Relations (March 2016), pp. 1-21.
2016 "Muslims are the New Jews' in the West: Reflections on Contemporary Parallelisms," Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs, 36:1 (March 2016), 1-15.


Invited Chapters Accepted for Book Compilations


“Global Media, Diasporas and the Emergence of 'Lonely Sojourners' and 'Passive Transnationals',” to be published in Postcolonial Media Cultures (eds. Lucia Kramer and Kai Hafez, 6.9.14).


Encyclopedia Entries

Mubarak, Husni; Mubarak, Jamal, Dictionary of African Biography (eds. Henry Louis Gates and Emmanuel K. Akyeampong), Oxford University Press, 2011.


Hebrew Publications


Books in Hebrew


A Dawn of an old Era: The Imaginary Revolution in the Middle East, Jerusalem: Keter Publishing House.


The Wars of Democracy: Arabs and the West since the End of the Cold War, Tel Aviv: Moshe Dayan Center for Middle Eastern and African Studies.


The Decline of the West in Muslim-Arab Scholarship (edited volume) Tel Aviv: Hakibutz HaMeuhad Publishing House.


My Enemy, My Mentor: Arab Islamist and Liberal Discourses on the Zionist

Movement and Israel (with Ofir Winter), Tel Aviv: Hakibutz HaMeuhad.


Articles in Hebrew


“The Decline of the West in Muslim-Arab Scholarship,” HaMizrach Hahadash, Vol. 48, pp. 186-211.


“The Construction of Islamic Identity among Arab Israelis and European Muslims: Outlines for Comparative Research,” in Elie Rekhess and Arik Rudnitzky (eds.), Muslim Minorities in non-Muslim Majority Countries: The Test Case of the Islamic Movement in Israel, The Konrad Adenauer Stiftung Program for Jewish-Arab Cooperation, pp. 21-27.



“Germany and its Muslim Minority since the End of the Cold War,” Zmanim (Spring 2011), pp. 40-48.


“Sayyid Qutbʼs Conception of Jihad,” in Joseph Kostiner (ed.), Ideological Trends of Jihad, Tel-Aviv: Moshe Dayan Center for Middle Eastern and African Studies, pp. 29-40.


Art Exhibitions

“West End?” exhibition on Muslim-Western reflections presented by Museum on the Seam, Jerusalem, June – December 2011 (scientific advisor).


Other Publications


Memory Game, a novel for young readers, Keter Publishing House.


Hamadrich LaStudent (Guide for University Students), Mapa Publishing House.


Danny Ve Krembo, a novel for young readers, Hakibutz Hameuhad Publishing House.


The Boy who Read Minds, a novel for young readers, Hakibutz Hameuhad Publishing House.


Like Magic, a novel for young redears, Hakibutz Hameuhad Publishing House.


The Dead Man, a novel, Keter Publishing House.

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