Dr. Orit Bart

Department of Occupational Therapy
חוג לריפוי בעיסוק סגל אקדמי בכיר
Dr. Orit Bart
Phone: 03-6405635
Office: Health Professions, 323



Senior lecturer, Department of Occupational Therapy, Stanley Steyer School of Health Professions, Tel Aviv University



Member, Israeli National Board for Certification of Occupational Therapy, Ministry of Health


Member, National Advisory Committee on Services for Child Development, Ministry of Health




Dr. Orit Bart has been a faculty member of the Department of Occupational Therapy at Tel Aviv University since 1985. She holds a post graduate Master's degree in Occupational Therapy and a Ph.D. in Health Professions. Dr. Bart is involved in a variety of multidisciplinary research projects that study the association between sensory- motor function, psychological aspects and participation of typically developed children and children with developmental problems. Her work has been presented at national and international research conferences and published in peer reviewed journals.



2004-2006     Post-doctoral research Haifa University
1999-2004 Ph.D. in Health Sciences Touro University International- Cypress, CA
1985-1990 M.A in Occupational Therapy New York University
1979-1982 B.O.T in Occupational Therapy, magna cum laude Hebrew University



My research is focused on the association between sensory- motor function and psychological aspects (anxiety, sense of coherence, hope, loneliness, etc.) of typically developed children and children with developmental problems such as Developmental coordination disorder (DCD), Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD), and Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD). In the studies I conduct I try to learn and understand more about the mechanism behind the co-morbidity of sensory-motor dysfunctions and psychosocial problems. Further more, there are some studies where we assess the efficacy of sensory-motor intervention and its influence on the psychological behavior of the treated children.


Another related topic that is in the focus of my research is children's participation. According to the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF, 2001), Participation is relatively a new concept that reflects a new approach to functioning and serves as an outcome measure. Therefore we developed a questionnaire to assess pre-school children's participation. We are now developing additional questionnaires to assess infants, preschoolers and school age participation. We are running a few studies to assess differences in participation patterns of children with various developmental problems. Moreover I have started to investigate the influence of Occupational Therapy (OT) intervention and sensory-motor approaches on children's satisfaction and participation. 

Recent Publications

O. Bart, M. Avrech Bar, V. Hamudot, L. Rosenberg, T. Jarus. Development and validation of the Documentation of Occupational Therapy Session during Intervention (D.O.T.S.I.). Research in Developmental Disabilities, 32, 719-726, 2011


L. Rosenberg, T. Jarus, O. Bart, N. Z. Ratzon. Canpersonal and environmental factors explain dimensions of participation of children without developmental disabilities? Child: Care, Health & Development, 37, 266-275, 2011


O. Bart, T. Jarus, Y. Erez, L. Rosenberg. How do young children with DCD participate and enjoy dailyactivities? Research in Developmental Disabilities, 32, 1317-1322, 2011


T.Jarus, O. Bart, G. Rabinovich, A. Sadeh, L. Bloch, T. Dolfin, I. Litmanovitz. Effects of prone and supine positions on sleep state and stress responses in preterm infants. Infant Behavior and Development, 34, 257–263, 2011


O. Bart, T. Agam, P. L. Weiss, R. Kizony. Using video capture virtual reality for children with acquired brain injury. Disability and Rehabilitation. 33, 1579-86, 2011.


T. Jarus, Y. Lourie-Gelberg, B. Engel-Yeger, O. Bart. Participation patterns of school-aged children with and without DCD. Research in Developmental Disabilities. 32, 1323-1331, 2011.


O. Bart, S. Shayevits, L. V. Gabis, I. Morag. Prediction of Participation and Sensory Modulation of Late Preterm Infants at 12 months: A Prospective Study. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 32, 2732-8, 2011.


B. Soref, N.Z. Ratzon, L. Rosenberg, Y. Leitner, T. Jarus, O. Bart. Personal and Environmental Pathways to Young Children’s Participation. Child: Care, Health & Development, 38, 561–571, 2012.


L. Rosenberg, N. Z. Ratzon, T. Jarus, O. Bart. Perceived environmental restrictions for the participation of children with mild developmental disabilities. Child: Care, Health & Development, 38, 836-43, 2012


O. Bart, D. Tzafrir, S. Averbuch. Validation of the Israeli version of the rivermead behavioral memory test for children following acquired brain injury. Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation. 28, 419- 425, 2013.


L. Rosenberg, O. Bart, N. Ratzon, T. Jarus. Personal and environmental factors predict participation of children with and without mild developmental disabilities. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 22, 658-671, 2013.


O. Bart, L, Liberman, N. Ratzon. The profile of performance skills and emotional factors in the context of participation among young children with Developmental Coordination Disorder. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 34, 87-94, 2013.


O. Bart, L. Daniel, Y. Bar-Haim. Influence of methylphenidate on motor performance in children with Developmental Coordination Disorder and Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 34, 1922-1927, 2013.


I. Morag, O. Bart, R. Raz, S. Shayevitz, T. Strauss, S. Zangen, J. Kuint, L.Gabis. Developmental characteristics of late preterm infants at six and twelve months: a prospective study. Infant Behavior & Development, 36, 451– 456, 2013.


L. Rosenberg, O. Bart, NZ. Ratzon, T. Jarus. Complementary contribution of parents and therapists to child’s assessment process. Australian Occupational Therapy Journal, 60, 410-415, 2013.


L. Lipskaya-Velikovsky, M. Avrech Bar, O. Bart. Context and psychosocial intervention in mental health. Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy. 21, 136-144, 2014.


O. Bart, S. Raz, O. Dan. Reliability and validity of the online continuous performance test among children. Assessment. 21, 637-643, 2014. L. Gabis, K. Hacham- Pilosof, O.Bar Yosef, G.


Rabinovitz, G. Leshem, A. Shilon- Hadassa, Y. Biran, B. Reichmana, J. Kuint, O. Bart. The influence of a multi-sensory intervention for preterm infants, provided by parents, on developmental abilities and on parental stress levels. Journal of Child Neurology. 30, 896-903, 2015.


L. Lipskaya-Velikovsky, T. Bar-Shalita, O. Bart. Sensory modulation and daily-life participation in people with schizophrenia. Comprehensive Psychiatry. 58, 130-137, 2015.


M. Avrech Bar, L. Shelef, O. Bart. Do participation and self-efficacy of mothers to children with ASD predict their children’s participation? Research in Autism Spectrum Disorder. 24, 1-10, 2016.


M. Avrech Bar, S. Jlole Majadla, O. Bart. Managing everyday occupations as a predictor of health and wellbeing among mothers of children with ADHD. Journal of Attention Disorders, 2015.


L. Rosenberg, O. Bart. Different pathways to children’s enjoyment of participation in daily activities. Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 2016. O. Bart, T. Bar-Shalta, H. Mansour, R. Dar.


Relationships among sensory responsiveness, anxiety and ritual behaviors in children with and without Atypical Sensory Responsiveness. Physical and Occupational Therapy in Pediatrics, 2016.


A. Mimouni Bloch, M. Tsadok-Cohen, O. Bart. Motor difficulties and their effect on participation in school-aged children. Journal of Child Neurology, 2016.


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