Dr. David Schorr
Dr. Omer Aloni

Omer is a PhD candidate in the Law Faculty. In his dissertation, supervised by Dr. David Schorr, Omer wishes to join the thrilling Renaissance in the study of the League of Nations in recent years. At the heart of the flourishing historical research lie questions regarding the centrality and importance of the League of Nations in the first half of the 20th Century, as well as its influence on the international arena even beyond 1945. It seems that today, the League of Nations in lightened with some bright new perspectives than it had received so far by the hegemonic perspectives that dominated the field of historiography during almost all of the last century.
In his research project, Omer extends this Renaissance's reach, both in historical-legal and in environmental aspects. That is, while he examines the unique ways in which the pioneer institution was creating and regulating the relations between nature, environment, man and community on timeline between the years 1919-1939.
Before joining the Zvi Meitar Center's PhD Program, Omer wrote his LL.M. Thesis also in the Center. Supervised by Prof. Ron Harris, Omer has suggested a revisionist historical and socio-political analysis of certain chapters of early Israeli law. Focusing The Israeli Supreme Court in the formative decades of the 1950s and the 1960s in the new born state of Israel, Omer was interested in certain representation of political, sociological and cultural perspectives, which were reflected in the legal texts of the Supreme Court. In his thesis, Omer has created a new historian legal perspective of Edward Said influential critical theory, as manifested in his 1978 Orientalism.
Research Interests
Omer is generally interested in historical analysis of legal issues, in history of international law and in law and society.
Omer obtained his LL.B. and B.A. in General History (cum laude), as well as his LL.M. with thesis (cum laude), from Tel-Aviv University.
Academic and Professional Experience
During his studies, Omer was both a research assistant and academic assistant of various scholars and research centers. Since his joining to the Zvi Meitar Center for Advanced Legal Studies, Omer was a teaching assistant of Prof. Eyal Benvenisti (International Law), Prof. Arye Edrie (Zionism and the State of Israel: Law and Religious Ideology), Prof. Elimelech Westreich (Chapters in Talmudic Law: the Woman's Control of her Assets); and the research assistant of the Cummings Research Institute for Russian and East-European Studies, Department of History, Tel-Aviv University (under the guidance of Dr. Iris Rachamimov), and of the David Berg Foundation Institute for Law and History, Tel-Aviv Faculty of Law (under the guidance of Prof. Ron Harris and Prof. Assaf Likhovski)
Omer is the recipient of research grants and prizes from different funds and research centers, such as the David Berg Foundation Institute for Law and History and the Yad Tabenkin Foundation.
In 2013 he was also awarded the Annual Walter Lebach Institute Prize for Excellent Young Scholars Program; and in 2012 he was awarded both the Konard Adenauer Foundation Prize for the Excellent Young Scholars Program, and the Zvi Meitar Center for Advanced Legal Studies Excellence Fellowship (2011-2012).
His article (based on parts of his LL.M. Thesis) is to be published in Palestinian Women's Personal Status edited volume (Liat Kozma and Heba Yazbak eds, forthcoming, 2014).