Prof. Orna[Orna Harari] Harari

Department of Philosophy
Department of Classics
חוג לפילוסופיה סגל אקדמי בכיר
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Prof. Orna[Orna Harari] Harari
Phone: 03-6409779
Office: Gilman-humanities, 354ד


Her interests lie in ancient logic, theory of proof, and the history of Greek mathematics. She published Aristotle’s theory of demonstration and its reception in the ancient commentary tradition, geometrical constructions and diagrammatic reasoning, explanation and proof, and the epistemic status of the principles of proof. Her current project turn on Alexander of Aphrodisias’ natural philosophy. She published on his conceptions of continuity and infinity, his account of mixture, his theory of action, and his account of causality.  

Select Publications:


 Knowledge and Demonstration: Aristotle’s Posterior Analytics (Dordrech: Kluwer Academic Publishers 2004).


“The Concept of Existence and the Role of Constructions in Euclid’s Elements”, Archive for History of Exact Sciences 57 (2003) 1–23.

Methexis and Geometrical Reasoning in Proclus’ Commentary on Euclid’s Elements”, Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 30 (2006), 361–389.

“Proclus’ Account of Explanatory Demonstrations in Mathematics and its Context”, Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 90/2 (2008), 137–164.

“Simplicius on the Reality of Relations and Relational Change”, Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 37 (2009), 245–274.

“The Unity of Aristotle’s Category of Relatives”, Classical Quarterly 61/2 (2011), 521–537.

“Simplicius on Tekmeriodic Proofs”, Studies in History and Philosophy of Science 43 (2012), 366–375.

“Alexander against Galen on Motion: A Mere Logical Debate?”, Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 50 (2016), 201–236.

“Mathematics and the Universe: Alexander of Aphrodisias on Euclid’s Elements I.1”, Iyyun: The Jerusalem Philosophical Quarterly 68 (2020), 1–17.

“Contiguity, Continuity, and Continuous Change: Alexander of Aphrodisias on Aristotle”, in S. Shapiro and G. Hellman (eds.), The History of Continua: Philosophical and Mathematical Perspectives (Oxford: Oxford University Press 2020), 27–48.

“Alexander of Aphrodisias’ Theory of Action and the Capacity of Doing Otherwise”, Apeiron 56 (4) (2023), 693-721.

“De mixtione XIV: The Ingredients’ Preservation in the Blend”, in G. Guyomarc’h and F.A.J. de Haas (eds.), Studies on Alexander of Aphrodisias’ On Mixture and Growth, Leiden: Brill 2024, 192–211. 













BA, The University of Haifa, 1993

MA, The University of Haifa, 1996

PhD (summa cum laude), Tel Aviv University, 2001

Academic Appointments

 Teaching Fellow, The University of Haifa,1996-2000.

 Visiting Professor, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Social, Paris, 2001.  

 Teaching Fellow, The Department of Classics, Tel-Aviv University, 2002-2004.

Teaching Fellow, The Department of Classics, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 2004-2005

2004-2011: Lecturer, The Department of Classics and The Department of Philosophy, Tel Aviv University, 2004-2011.

Senior Lecturer, The Department of Classics and The Department of Philosophy, Tel Aviv University, starting 2011.

Associate Professor, The Department of Classics& The Department of Philosophy, Tel Aviv Univeristy

 Fellowships and Awards

Post Doctoral Fellow, The Dibner Institute MIT, Cambridge Massachusetts, 2000-2002.

Post Doctoral Fellow, Sidney M. Edelstein Center for History and Philosophy of Science,  The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 2001-2003.

2002-2004 Koret Fellowship, Tel-Aviv University, 2002-2004.

The Shlomo Pines Prize, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 2004.

Alon Fellowship, Tel-Aviv University, 2005-2008.

The Young Scholars Forum  of the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, 2008-2009.

Fellow, Wissenschftskolleg zu Berlin, 2009-2010.

Max Planck Institute for History of Science 2016

Corresponding Member, The International Academy of the History of Science 2019 - present


 Main Academic Activities

Secretary of the Israel Society for the Promotion of Classical Studies, 2006-2009.

Editor in Chief, Science in Context, starting 2011.

Head of the Department of Classics, Tel Aviv University, 2018 - 2022



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