Prof. Noam Shamir

Coller School of Management
הפקולטה לניהול ע"ש קולר סגל אקדמי בכיר
Prof. Noam Shamir
Phone: 03-6406306
Fax: 03-6409561
Office: Recanati - Business Administration, 455

Short Biography

Noam Shamir is a senior lecturer at Tel-Aviv University Coller School of Management. Prior to joining Tel-Aviv University, he was a visiting Faculty at Kellogg School of Management. Noam Shamir received his Bachelor's and Master’s degrees in computer Science and Decision Sciences from Tel-Aviv University, and his PhD from Stanford University Graduate School of Business.

His research focuses on issues in supply-chain management with a particular concentration on the effect of information and uncertainty on the behavior of firms in a supply-chain. Before his academic career he spent 6 years at the Israeli Defense Forces as an Officer in the Intelligence corps, and three years at Israel’s Prime Minister’s office as a product manager. He was also a product manager at Comverse, a leading global provider of telecom business solutions.




Fields of Research

  • Operations economics
  • Supply-chain management
  • Operations-marketing interface
  • Operations strategy


  • Shamir, N. and Yehezkel, Y., 2023. Sales Information Transparency and Trust in Repeated Vertical Relationships . Forthcoming to Manufacturing & Service Operations Management . [link

  • Azaria, S., Ronen, B. and Shamir, N., 2023. Justice in time: A theory of constraints approach. Forthcoming to Journal of Operations Management. [link]  

  • Avinadanv, T. and Shamir, N. 2022. Partial vertical ownership, capacity investment and information exchange in a supply chain. Forthcoming to Management Science. [link]

  • Shamir, N. and Zvilichovsky, D., 2022. Dynamic Reputation, Project Selection and Market Efficiency: The Importance of Small Projects. Forthcoming to International Journal of Production Economics. [link]

  • Shamir, J. and Shamir, N., 2021. Third-party funding in a sequential litigation process. European Journal of Law and Economics, 52(1), pp.169-202. [link]

  • Avinadanv, T. and Shamir, N. 2021. The effect of information asymmetry on ordering and capacity decisions in supply chains. European Journal of Operational Research, 292(2), 562-578. [link]

  • Ravner, L. and Shamir, N., 2021. Pricing strategy and collusion in a market with delay sensitivity. Naval Research Logistics (NRL), 68(5), pp.577-602. [link]

  • Aviv, Y. and Shamir, N., 2021. Financial Cross-Ownership and Information Dissemination in a Supply Chain. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 23(6), pp.1524-1538. [link] and technical appendix [link].

  • Shamir, N. and Shin, H., 2018. The perils of sharing information in a trade association under a strategic wholesale price. Production and Operations Management, 27(11), pp.1978-1995. [link] and technical appendix [link].

  • Shamir, N., 2017. Cartel formation through strategic information leakage in a distribution channel. Marketing Science, 36(1), pp.70-88. [link].

  • Shamir, N. and H. Shin, (2016). Incentives for information sharing under simple pricing mechanisms. In Handbook of Information Exchange in Supply Chain Management, Springer Publishing. [link]

  • Chu, L.Y., Shamir, N. and Shin, H., 2017. Strategic communication for capacity alignment with pricing in a supply chain. Management Science, 63(12), pp.4366-4388. [link]

  • Shamir, N. and Shin, H., 2016. Public forecast information sharing in a market with competing supply chains. Management Science, 62(10), pp.2994-3022. [link]

  • Shamir, J., & Shamir, N. (2015). Colluding under the radar: Achieving collusion through vertical exchange of information. Clev. St. L. Rev., 63, 621. [link]

  • Shamir, N. (2013). Asymmetric forecast information and the value of demand observation in repeated procurement. Decision Sciences, 44(6), 979-1020. [link]

  • Shamir, N., and Shamir, J. (2012). The Role of Prosecutor's Incentives in Creating Congestion in Criminal Courts. Review of Law & Economics, 8(3), 579-618. [link]

  • Shamir, N. (2012). Strategic information sharing between competing retailers in a supply chain with endogenous wholesale price. International Journal of Production Economics, 136(2), 352-365. [link]

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