Prof. Morris Podolak

Emeritus in School of the Environment and Earth Sciences
בית הספר לסביבה ולמדעי כדור הארץ אמריטוס
Prof. Morris Podolak
Phone: 03-6408620
Fax: 03-6409282
Office: Kaplun, 214


  • Formation of planets

  • Planetary structure and evolution

  • Physics of small grains

  • Super-Earths

  • Physics of Comets


  • B.S. in Physics, Brooklyn College, 1969

  • M.A. in Physics, Yeshiva University, 1971

  • Ph.D. in Physics, Yeshiva University, 1974

Academic Appointments

  • Professor of Planetary Sciences, Tel Aviv University, 1991-Present

  • Visiting Investigator, Carnegie Institution of Washington, 2011-Present

  • Visiting Scientist, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, 2005-Present

  • Senior Research Associate, NASA Ames Research Center, 1989-1990

  • Visiting Scientist, Observetoire de Meudon, 1986

  • Associate Professor, Tel Aviv University, 1986-1991

  • Senior Research Associate, NASA Ames Research Center, 1984-1985

  • Senior Lecturer, Tel Aviv University, 1980-1986

  • Lecturer, Tel Aviv University, 1976-1980

Awards and Prizes

  • Chairman, COSPAR Israel 2014-Present

  • Secretary, COSPAR Israel 2006-2014

  • Member, Working Group 3 of SESAME 2007-2010

  • Member, editorial board Icarus, 1989-1991

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