Dr. Michael Golub Late

מנהלת הפקולטה להנדסה סגל אקדמי בכיר
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Dr. Michael Golub Late
Phone: 03-6405085
Fax: 03-6423508


  1. Laser beam shaping by diffractive and micro-optical elements.
  2. Advanced optical elements based on resonance domain diffraction gratings with high efficiency.
  3. Transverse mode selection for coherent light beams, with application in fiber optical sensors and optical communication systems based on diffractive optics.
  4. Complex eikonal method for derivation of coherent beams in curvilinear coordinates.
  5. Optical design of non-paraxial optical systems for imaging and illumination.
  6. Computer generated holograms for 3D and 2D imaging.
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