Dr. Meyrav Shoham

Department of Communication studies
החוג לתקשורת ע"ש דן סגל אקדמי בכיר
Dr. Meyrav Shoham
Phone: 03-6405863
Office: Naftali - Social Sciences, 703


Meyrav Shoham is a lecturer (equivalent to assistant professor) of marketing at Tel Aviv University’s Dan Department of Communication. Prior to joining the department, she received her PhD in marketing from the Faculty of Industrial Engineering and Management at the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, and was a post-doctoral fellow at HEC Paris.

Research interests

Meyrav's research focuses on consumers’ experiences online, exploring the ways people engage with and are affected by social media and online reviews. She is also interested in how consumers interpret different types of numerical information, and the consequences this has for evaluations and preferences. 

Select publications

Moldovan, Sarit, Meyrav Shoham, and Yael Steinhart, (2023) “Sending Mixed Signals: How Congruent Versus Incongruent Signals of Popularity Affect Product Appeal,” International Journal of Research in Marketing, 40 (4), 881-897.

Shoham, Meyrav, Sarit Moldovan, and Yael Steinhart (2018), "Mind the Gap: How Smaller Numerical Differences Can Increase Product Attractiveness," Journal of Consumer Research, 45(4), 761-774.

Shoham, Meyrav, Sarit Moldovan, and Yael Steinhart (2017), "Positively Useless: Irrelevant Negative Information Enhances Positive Impressions,” Journal of Consumer Psychology, 27 (2), 147-159.

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