Prof. Irad Malkin

Emeritus in Department of History
חוג להסטוריה כללית אמריטוס
Prof. Irad Malkin
Phone: 03-6405187
Office: Gilman-humanities, 396

Irad Malkin CV




  • Foreign Member, Academy of Athens (2019-)
  • Visiting Professor, Department of Classics, Oxford University 2017-2022
  • Board of Directors, Ruppin Academic Center and School of Maritime Studies (2017-)
  • Chair Holder: The Maxwell Cummings Chair for Mediterranean History and Cultures (2003-2019).
  • Chairperson, Department of History, Tel Aviv University (2006-2008)
  • Full Professor of Ancient Greek History, Tel Aviv University (Since April 1996). [Faculty member since April 1982.]
  • Director, Dan David Prize ( (2003-2004).
  • Member of the Board of Governors, Tel Aviv University (2006-2008)
  • Head and Co-Director of the Center for Mediterranean Civilizations Project (April 1999-2017). []
  • Co-Founder, Co-Editor: Mediterranean Historical Review. 1986-1991; 1997-2019.


Laureate of the Israel Prize in History, 2014


  • Ph.D. (1982): The University of Pennsylvania, Ancient History Graduate Group (Studies: Sept. 1976 - Dec. 1981). Thesis: “Religion and the founders of Greek colonies.”
  • M.A. (1979) “The Tyrant Slayers.” The University of Pennsylvania, Ancient History Graduate Group.
  • B.A. summa cum laude: Tel Aviv University, Department of History (1969-1972).

LANGUAGES: Hebrew, English, French; working knowledge: Italian, German.

Ancient Languages: Greek, Latin, Classical Hebrew.


INVITATIONS and short-term external positions and named lectures (conferences not included):

  • Baron Lecture, Institute of Classical Studies London
  • Keynote Speaker: FIEC international Conference, July 2019
  • Myres Lecture, Oxford University, New College June 2019
  • Martin Ostwald memorial Lecturer, Swarthmore College, November 2018
  • McGill Outreach Annual Lecturer, October 2016
  • Vice Chancellor Distinguished Visiting Scholar, Macquarie University, Sidney, Australia. August (Winter Semester) 2015.
  • Georgetown University Annual Bodnar Lecturer , 2014.
  • Directeur d’études invité, Ecole des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris: February 2012 (sponsors: F. Lissarrague, C. D'Ercole)
  • Visiting Scholar, ANHIMA, Anthropologie et histoire des mondes antiques; Spring Term, 2010 Paris.
  • Visiting Scholar, Max Planck Institute, Berlin (May 2010)
  • Nellie Wallace Lecturer, Oxford University, Hilary Term, 2005. (The Nellie Wallace Lecturer is appointed about once every six years. This was the first time in Oxford that the N.-W. Lecturer was democratically elected by secret ballot from the entire faculty of Classics, Oxford).
  • Visiting Professor, Johns Hopkins University, Classics Dept., Baltimore: Fall term, 2003
  • Membre invité, Institut Universitaire de France, Paris: January-February 2000.
  • Visiting Professor, Johns Hopkins University, Classics Dept., Baltimore: (intensive six-weeks) Fall term, 1999
  • Professeur invité, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Centre des Etudes Anciennes, Paris: Fall term, 1998.
  • Directeur d’études associé,  Ecole Pratique des Hautes Études, Paris: February 1997 (Sponsor: Marcel Detienne).
  • Directeur d’études invité, La Maison des Sciences de l'Homme, Paris: February 1996 (sponsor: Maurice Aymard).
  • Visiting Scholar, Program of Ancient History and Mediterranean Archaeology. University of California, Berkeley: 1994-95.
  • Directeur d’études invité, La Maison des Sciences de l'Homme, Paris: February 1993 (sponsor: Maurice Aymard).
  • Directeur d’études associé, Ecole des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris: February 1992 (sponsor: Pierre Vidal-Naquet).
  • Directeur d’études invité, La Maison des Sciences de l'Homme, Paris: February 1990 (sponsor: Maurice Aymard).
  • Directeur d’études associé, Ecole Pratique des Hautes Études, Paris: February 1989 (Sponsor: Marcel Detienne).
  • Visiting Professor, Université de Montréal. Montreal, Canada: Fall term, 1988.



  • Johns Hopkins University (three intensive, two weeks seminars) Spring term 2004-2005, Fall term 2005-2006, Fall Term 2007-2008.
  • Istituto Italiano do Scienze Umane, Firenze, May 2006, “Perceptions of Ancient Greek Ethnicity”
  • “Graduate Seminar on Literature and Culture in the ancient Mediterranean: Greece, Rome and the Near East.” Venice International University, San Servolo, 2004-2005 (twelve days)
  • Seminar co-coordinator and instructor with Chris Ratté: “Ancient Cities and Modern Urbanism” at New York University, the Faculty Resource Network: June 2001.
  • University of Pennsylvania: October 2001
  • Istituto Universitario Orientale, Naples: May 1993



Institute for Advanced Studies, Princeton NJ

Institute for Advanced Studies, Jerusalem

Israel Science Foundation (ISF)


Israel Science Foundation (2017-2020), “The Greek Lottery.”

Gerda Henkel Foundation: Data-base and Internet site:

“The vocabulary of the Lot” (2021-2022)


    • Visiting Fellow, New College, Oxford Trinity Term 2022
    • Massada Visiting Fellow, Worcester College, Oxford Trinity Term, 2019
    • Visiting Fellow, Brasenose College, Oxford Hilary and Trinity Terms, 2018
    • Visiting Fellow, Wolfson College, Oxford, Trinity Term 2017
    • Visiting Fellow, All Souls College, Oxford, two terms (competitive applications), 2016.
    • Fellow, Institute for Advanced Studies (IAS), Jerusalem: 2008-2009
  • Israeli Academy of Sciences (Israel Science Foundation): 2002-2006
  • Fellow, Center of Hellenic  Studies, Washington DC: 1990-91.
  • Israeli Academy of Sciences  (Israel Science Foundation): 1990-1994
  • National Endowment of the Humanities (USA) Fellow: 1994-5.



(Last twelve years)
The universities of Freiburg, Liège (twice), McGill, Concordia, Brown, Harvard, Columbia, Pennsylvania (twice), Princeton, Cornell, Virginia, University of California at Santa Cruz, Berkeley, Irvine, Los Angeles (UCLA); Stanford (twice), Emory, Washington, Istituto Universitario Orientale (Napoli; intensive week-long lectures), Università Degli Studi di Salerno (Salerno), Centre Jean Bérard (Napoli), Centre d'Archéologie classique/CNRS, Oslo, Stuttgart, Brussels, Rome (La Sapienza), Reims, Strasbourg, Grenoble, Pisa, American School of Classical Studies, Athens, University of Urbino.

University of Chicago,  University of Tenessee, University of California (UCLA), University of Pennsylvania, Harvard University, Centre ANHIMA Paris, Milan, Uppsala,  Swarthmore College, University of Pennsylvania, Tulane University, New York University.

2007:  Brown, Yale, Columbia

2008: Michigan (Ann Arbor), Michigan (East Lansing); Triennial inaugural Lecturer, Oxford

Recent: University of Toronto; Paris (ANHIMA); Harvard; Emory; Triennial Seminar, Cambridge; Milan, Uppsala, Bochum; Bonn; Georgetwon; NYU; , Montréal; George Washington U.; College de France

* See list of publications below which relate to the major conferences attended. Unpublished conferences are not listed.


  • “La France et la Méditerranée”, Haifa and Tel Aviv Universities: May 1986.
  • “Annual Conference of the Israeli Society for the Promotion of Classical Studies” in capacity of Secretary of the Society: May 1993.
  • “The Origins and Diffusion of the Alphabet”, International Summer workshop (two weeks) at the Center for Mediterranean Civilizations Project, Tel Aviv University: July 1999.
  • “Mediating Literatures in the Mediterranean”, International Summer workshop (two weeks) at the Center for Mediterranean Civilizations Project, Tel Aviv University: July 2000.
  • “The Mediterranean Idea”, the Center for Mediterranean Civilizations Project and Mishkenot Shaananim, Tel Aviv University and Mishkenot Shaananim, Jerusalem: January 2001.
  • “Mediterranean Paradigms and the Study of Antiquity”, the Center for Mediterranean Civilizations Project, Tel Aviv University: June 2001 []
  • "The Foundation of Cities" (Institute for Advanced Studies, Jerusalem), February 2009.
  • Ancient Greece and Ancient Israel: interactions and parallels (10th-4th Centuries BCE). Tel Aviv University, October 2012 (with Alexander Fantalkin


Co-ounder, co-editor, Mediterranean  Historical Review (1986-2018)

Editorial Boards: Rive; Kernos; West & East; Mediterraneo Antico; Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, Rivista Di Cultura Classica e Medioevale

Active member: European Network for the Study of Greek History

Member of the Academic Committee advising on the international exhibition “La fondación de la ciudad”, Barcelona: June 2000.

Member of the Scientific Committee, Project UNIMED, the Latium Region Initiative. (2007-)

Member of the international Advisory Board of AMIS (Centre for Advanced Migration Studies), Copenhagen (2013-)





BOOKS, Author:

  • Irad Malkin, (1987) Religion and Colonization in Ancient Greece, Brill: Leiden.
  • Irad Malkin, (1994) Myth and Territory in the Spartan Mediterranean, Cambridge UP: Cambridge. Re-issued in Electronic Version, Cambridge UP, 2002.  Paperback edition, Cambridge UP, 2003.
    • Irad Malkin, La Méditerranée spartiate: mythe et territoire, (translation of Myth and Territory in the Spartan Mediterranean) Belles Lettres: Paris, 1999. 2nd edition: 2004.
  • Irad Malkin, (1998) The Returns of Odysseus: Colonization and Ethnicity, University of California Press.
    • I ritorni di odisseo (Italian translation of The Returns of Odysseus, trans. Liana Lomiento). Carocci Publishing House, 2004.
    • Shivotav shel Odysseus (Hebrew translation of The Returns of Odysseus). Yediot Acharonot: Tel Aviv. 2004.
  • Irad Malkin, (2003) Ethnicity and Identity in Ancient Greece. [Hebrew].
  • Irad Malkin, (2011) A Small Greek World: Networks in the Ancient Mediterranean.  Oxford University Press, 2011; 2nd edition (paperback with corrections and additions) 2013.

Un tout petit monde: les résaux grecs de l’antiquité, French translation by Julie Delamard, Belles Lettres 2018.

  • Irad Malkin, Drawing Lots in Ancient Greece: From Egalitarianism to Democracy (forthcoming with a chapter by Josine Blok).


BOOKS, Editor, co-Editor:

  1. Irad Malkin and R.L. Hohlfelder (eds.), Mediterranean Cities: Historical Perspectives, Frank Cass, London, 1988.
  2. Irad Malkin (ed.), La France et la Méditerranée, Leiden, 1990.
  3. Irad Malkin and Zeev Tzahor (eds), Leaders and leadership in Jewish and World history. The Historical Society of Israel. Jerusalem, 1992 [Hebrew].
  4. Irad Malkin and Z.W. Rubinsohn (eds). Leaders and Masses in the Roman world: studies in honor of Zvi Yavetz, Mnemosyne Supplementum 139, Leiden, 1995.       
  5. Irad Malkin (ed.), Ancient perceptions of Greek ethnicity, Center for Hellenic Studies and Harvard University Press, Washington DC, 2001.
  6. Irad Malkin (ed.), Mediterranean Paradigms and Classical Antiquity .  London: Routledge. 2005.  ISBN 0415356350  (=Special Issue, Mediterranean Historical Review  18 (2003).
  7. Irad Malkin, Christy Constantakopoulou, and Katerina Panagopoulou (eds.) Greek and Roman Networks in the Mediterranean. London, Routledge, 2009.


  1. J.S. Clay, I. Malkin, and Y.Z. Tzifopoulos (eds.) (2017). Panhellenes at Methone: graphê in Late Geometric and Protoarchaic Methone, Macedonia (ca 700 BCE). Berlin.



  1. Irad Malkin, (1983). "The Word of the God in Ancient Greek Colonization," Zemanim xii [Hebrew].
  2. Irad Malkin, (1984). "What were the Sacred Precincts of Brea? (IG3 46)", Chiron xiv: 44-48.
  3. Irad Malkin, (1985). "What's in a Name? The Eponymous Founders of Greek Colonies." Athenaeum lxiii: 115-130.
  4. Irad Malkin, (1984-5). "Dieux et colons dans la Sicile archaïque." Kokalos xxx-xxxi  155-159.
  5. Irad Malkin, (1984-5). "The Origins of the Colonists of Syracuse; Apollo of Delos." Kokalos xxx-xxxi:  53-55.
  6. Irad Malkin, (1986). "Apollo Archegetes and Sicily." Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa S.III xvi.4: 959-972.
  7. Irad Malkin, (1986) “The state in early Greece and the Delphic Oracle” in Priesthood and Sate, Y. Gafni and G. Motzkin (eds.), Jeruslaem, pp. 31-49. [Hebrew]
  8. Irad Malkin, (1987) "La place des dieux dans la cité des hommes." Revue de l'histoire des religions cciv.4: 331-352.
  9. Irad Malkin, (1987) Arieh Fichman, "Homer, Odyssey III.153-85: A Maritime Commentary.". Mediterranean Historical Review ii.2: 250-258.
  10. Irad Malkin, N. Shmueli, (1988) "The City of the Blind and the Foundation of Byzantium." Mediterranean Historical Review III.1: 21-36.
  1. Irad Malkin, "Missionaires païens dans la Gaule grecque" in: Irad Malkin (ed.), La France et la Méditerranée, Leiden, 1990, pp. 42-52.
  1. Irad Malkin, (1989) "Delphoi and the Founding of Social Order in Archaic Greece." Metis iv.1: 129-153.
  2. Irad Malkin, (1990) "Lysander and Libys," Classical Quarterly 40: 541-545.
  3. Irad Malkin, (1990) "Territorialisation mythologique: les autels des Philènes en Cyrenaïque". Dialogues d'histoire ancienne 16: 219-229.
  4. Irad Malkin, (1991) "Sparta between Italy and North Africa: the Force of Mythological Associations", McGill Classical Monographs, pp.  45-60.
  5. Irad Malkin, (1991) "The idea of the Promised Land in Ancient Greece" in Chosen People, Elect Nation and Universal Mission, S. Almog, M. Heyd (eds.), Jerusalem, pp. 41-57 [Hebrew].
  6. Irad Malkin, (1991) "What is an aphidruma?" Classical Antiquity. 10: 77- 96.
  7. Irad Malkin, (1993) "Land Ownership, Territorial Possession, Hero Cults and Scholarly Theory". Nomodeiktes: Greek studies in honor of Martin Ostwald. Edited by R.M. Rosen and J. Farrell. Ann Arbor, pp. 225-234.
  8. Irad Malkin, (1993) “Colonisation de Sparte dans la mer Egée : tradition et archéologie. REA 95: 365-381.
  9. Irad Malkin, (1994) "Inside and Outside: colonization and the formation of the mother city". Apoikia. Studi in onore di G. Buchner. AION ArchStAnt 16:  1-9.
  10. Irad Malkin, (1996) "Territorial domination and the Greek sanctuary". Religion and power in the ancient Greek world, ed. P. Hellström = Boreas 24, Uppsala, pp. 75-82.
  11. Irad Malkin, (1996) "The Polis Between Myths of Land and Territory". The role of religion in the early Greek Polis. Third international seminar on ancient Greek cult. Swedish Institute at Athens. Ed. R. Hägg. Stockholm, pp. 9-19.)
  12. Irad Malkin, (1996) "Rhodes and Sicily: Dorian Colonization in two Islands". Rhodes: 24 centuries. International Symposium. Greek Academy, Athens, pp. 188-198.
  13. Irad Malkin, (1997) "Categories of early Greek colonization", Il dinamismo della colonizzazione greca, Claudia Antonetti (ed.), Loffredo: Napoli, pp. 25-38.
  14. Irad Malkin, (1998) "Geometric Ithaca, Odysseus, and Hellenism", in Homerica: Proceedings of the 8th international symposium on the Odyssey (1-5 September 1996), ed. Machi Apostolopoulou, Ithaca, pp. 335-348.
  15. Irad Malkin, ((1998) "The Middle Ground: Philoktetes in Italy". Kernos 11: 131-141.
  16. Irad Malkin, (1998) Michael Jameson, "The gravestone of Latinos of Rhegion", Athenaeum: 477-486.
  17. Irad Malkin, (1998) "Ithaka, Odysseus and the Euboeans in the eighth century." In Euboica: L'Eubea e la presenza euboica in Calcidica e in Occidente, M. Bats, B. d'Agostino (eds.), Collection Centre Jean Bérard 16 and AION ArchStAnt 12, Napoli, pp. 1-10.
  18. Irad Malkin, (1998) "Myth, religion, and Spartan `ideology' ". Politische Theorie und Praxis im Altertum, W. Schuller (ed.), Wissentschaftliche Buchgesellschaft: Darmstadt, pp. 43-49.
  19. Irad Malkin, (1999) "Ulysse protocolonisateur". Mediterraneo antico 2.1: 243-261.
  20. Irad Malkin, (2000) "La fondation d'une colonie apollonienne: Delphes et l'Hymne homérique à Apollon". 1892-1992: Delphes cent ans après la grande fouille: essai de bilan. Actes du colloque international organisé par l’École française d’Athènes, Athènes-Delphes, 17-20 septembre 1992. = BCH Suppl. 36. Ed. Anne Jacquemin, École française d’Athènes, pp. 69-77.
  21. Irad Malkin, (2001) "Greek ambiguities: between ‘ancient Hellas’ and ‘barbarian Epirus’.” In Ancient perceptions of Greek ethnicity, Irad Malkin (ed.), Center for Hellenic Studies and Harvard University Press, Washington DC, pp. 187-212.
  22. Irad Malkin, (2001) “Introduction” to Ancient perceptions of Greek ethnicity, Irad Malkin (ed.), Center for Hellenic Studies and Harvard University Press, Washington DC, pp. 1-28.
  23. Irad Malkin, (2001) “The Odyssey and the Nymphs,” Gaia 5: 11-27.
  24. Irad Malkin, (2002) "A colonial Middle Ground: Greek, Etruscan, and local elites in the Bay of Naples". In: The archaeology of colonialism. Claire L. Lyons and John K. Papadopoulos (eds.), The Getty Research Institute, pp. 151-181.
  25. Irad Malkin, (2002) ‘Exploring the Validity of the Concept of “Foundation”: A Visit to Megara Hyblaia.’ In V.B. Gorman and E.W. Robinson (eds.), Oikistes: Studies in Constitutions, Colonies, and Military Power in the Ancient World. Offered in Honor of A.J. Graham (Leiden, Boston, Köln, pp. 195-224.
  26. Irad Malkin, (2003) 'Tradition' in Herodotus: The Foundation of Cyrene” in Herodotus and his World: Essays from a conference in memory of George Forrest. Edited by Peter Derow and Robert Parker Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 153-170.
  27. Irad Malkin, (2003) “Pan-Hellenism and the Greeks of Naukratis.” La naissance de la ville dans l’Antiquité. Edited by François Queyrel. Paris: De Boccard, pp. 91-96.
  28. Irad Malkin, (2003) “Introduction” to Mediterranean Paradigms in Classical Antiquity, Special Issue of the Mediterranean Historical Review  18: 1-8.
  29. Irad Malkin, (2003) “Networks and the emergence of Greek identity” in Mediterranean Paradigms Classical Antiquity, Special Issue of the Mediterranean Historical Review 18: 56-74.
  30. Irad Malkin, (2004) “Postcolonial Concepts and ancient Greek colonization.” Colonialism and the Past. Barbara Fuchs and David J. Baker (eds.). Special Issue of the Modern Language Quarterly 65: 341-364.
  31. Irad Malkin, (2005). “Herakles and Melqart: Greeks and Phoenicians in the Middle Ground” in: Erich Gruen (ed.), Cultural borrowings and Ethnic Appropriations in Antiquity. Oriens et Occidens 8, Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, pp. 238-257.
  32. Irad Malkin, (2006). “Networks di identità: il mito di Odisseo nel Mediterraneo occidentale” In Frederica Frediani and Anna Omodei Zorini (eds.), Ulisse, variazioni di un mito Mediterraneo Milan: Franco Angeli. 2006, pp. 61-70.
  33. Irad Malkin, (2007). “Ethnicité et colonisation: le réseau d’identité grecque en Sicile.” Pallas 73 : 181-190
  34. Malkin, Irad and Christel Müller (2012) : « Vingt ans d’ethnicité : bilan historiographique et application du concept aux études anciennes », in : Capdetrey, Laurent et Julien Zurbach, (eds.), Mobilités grecques : migrations, réseaux, contacts en Méditerranée, de l’époque archaïque à l’époque hellénistique, Bordeaux. 2012 pp. 25-37.
  35. Irad Malkin (2014) “Between collective and ethnic identities” in Christel Müller et al (eds.) Culture matérielle et identité ethnique.= Dialogues d’histoire ancienne supplément 10, 2014, 285-294
  36. Irad Malkin (2015), "Foreign Founders: Greeks and Hebrews." In Foundation Myths in Dialogue. Naoíse Mac Sweeny (ed.). Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, pp. 2-40.
  37. Irad Malkin (2015). "Philistines and Phokaians: comparative hinterlands and Middle Grounds" In Contacts et acculturations en Méditerranée occidentale. Hommages à Michel Bats. Actes du colloque international d'Hyères-les-Palmiers (15-18 septembre 2011). Paris, éd. Errance/Centre Camille Jullian, 2014 (BiAMA 15).
  38. Irad Malkin (2015). “Turbulence, continuity, and the practice of Mediterranean space (11th–5th centuries BCE).” In Dabag, Mihran; Jaspert, Nicholas; Haller, Dieter; Lichtenberg, Achim (eds.) New Horizons: Mediterranean Research in the 21st Century, Bochum: Wilhelm : Fink/Schöningh: Paderborn, pp. 1-23.
  39. Irad Malkin, (2016) "Greek colonization: The Right to Return" in Lieve Donnellan, Valentino Nizzo, and Gert-Jan Burgers (eds.) Conceptualizing early Colonisation. Rome; Brussels; Academia Belgica., pp. 27-50.
  40. Irad Malkin (2017), “Vers une conception élargie des cercles de l’identité collective: la fondation des cités-États dans la Méditerranée antique.” (Re)Fonder. Les modalités du (re)commencement dans le temps et dans l’espace, Gervais-Lambony Ph., Hurlet Fr. et Rivoal I., éd., pp. 63-78 (Colloques de la MAE, René-Ginouvès, 14).
  41. Irad Malkin (2017) “Hybridity and Mixture” (Inaugural paper) In: Ibridazione e integrazione in Magna Grecia. Atti del LIV Convegno Internazionale di Studi sulla Magna Grecia. Istituto per la Storia e l’Archeologia della Magna Grecia, Taranto 2017, pp. 11-22.
  42. Irad Malkin (2017). “Pompeii e il Mediterraneo.” In Pompeii e i Greci, Massimo Osanna & Carlo Rescigno (eds.) Rome: Electa, pp. 83-92.
  43. Irad Malkin (2018), “Eretria between East and West” A. Mazarakis Ainian, with A. Alexandridou and X. Charalambidou (eds.), Regional Stories Towards a New Perception of the Early Greek world, Proceedings of the International Symposium in the honour of Professor Jan Bouzek, University of Thessaly, IAKA Department, 18-21/6/2015, Volos, Volos, University of Thessaly Press, pp. 145-154.
  44. Irad Malkin (2018) “Returning heroes and Greek Colonists.” In Biffis Giulia and Simon Hornblower (eds.). The Returning Hero: Nostoi and Traditions of Mediterranean Settlement. Oxford University Press: Oxford, pp. 83-104.
  45. Irad Malkin (2020) “Women and the foundation of Greek colonies.” In  M. Costanzi, M. Dana (éds.), Une autre façon d’être Grec : interactions et productions des Grecs en milieu colonial. Actes du colloque international organisé à Amiens (UJVP) et Paris (ANHIMA), 18-19 novembre 2016, Louvain, Peeters (Colloquia Antiqua), pp. 235-255.
  46. Irad Malkin (2021), “Greek networks vs regional hybridity? Greek women and Greek colonies.” Ancient West & East 20 (2021) 51-69
  47. Irad Malkin (in press). “The supreme arbitrator and the demos: city-founders and reformers.” In Citizenship in Antiquity, eds. Jakub Filonik, Christine Plastow, and Rachel Zelnick-Abramovitz (Routledge).
  48. Irad Malkin (2021) “Oracles and Networks: Sharing Divine and Human knowledge.” Acts of the Fourth Euro-Japanese Colloquium on the Ancient Mediterranean World Yoshiyuki Suto (ed.). Transmission and Organization of Knowledge in the Ancient Mediterranean World, Wien: Phoibos Verlag, 211-224.
  49. Irad Malkin (2022).“Egalitarianism and the foundation of Greek poleis” in S. Greaves and A. Wallace Hadrill (eds.) Rome and the colonial city. Oxbow books, 27-40
  50. Irad Malkin (accepted). “Lottery and Mixture in the Greek Polis.” Festschrift in honor of Josine Blok. Marek Wecsowski  and Vinciane Delforge (eds.). Brill: Leiden.
  51. Irad Malkin, (in press). “The ancient Greek lottery and modern democracies.” In Juval Portugali (Ed.), The Crisis of Democracy in the Age of Cities. Edward Elgar Publishing LTD. UK. Forthcoming 2023.
  52. Irad Malkin (submitted). “Zeus, the Divine Lottery, and the equality of chance.” Kernos.
  53. Irad Malkin (in progress), "Maritime perspectives and spatial dimensions in Xenophon's Anabasis."



Irad Malkin, "Greek sanctuaries and Greek society.” In Greek religion, ed. M. Detienne, G. Sissa. Solicited and delivered.

Irad Malkin, (2009) “Foundations” in Kurt Raaflaub and Hans van Wees (eds.), A Companion to Archaic Greece. Malden; Oxford: Wile-Blackwell (2009) 373-394.



    1. Irad Malkin, “Das Gelobte Land”, Damals 10 (1994) 26-30.
    2. Irad Malkin, "Israel et Pierre Vidal-Naquet”, in Pierre Vidal-Naquet: un historien dans la cité, F. Hartog et al. (eds.), Paris: la Decouverte, 1998, pp. 199-218.
    3. Irad Malkin, “Heroes and the foundation of Greek cities”, in Pedro Azara et al. (eds.), Mites de fundación de ciutats al món antic (Mesopotamia, Grécia I Roma), Monografies 2, Museu d’Arqueologia de Catalunya, Barcelona, 2002, pp. 123-130.
    4. Irad Malkin, “The Mediterranean City: Networks and Spaces.” Home Port: the Story of Haifa Port (Museum Catalogue). Edited by Yhudit Matzkel. Haifa: Haifa Museums, 2002, pp. 203-208.
    5. 'David Asheri: between colonization and de-colonization" (Hebrew). David Asheri, in memoriam. The Israeli National Academy: Jerusalem 2004, pp. 18-23.


Oxford Classical Dictionary 3rd edition, Oxford 1996. The entries: Incense, Libation, Snakes, Aparche, Archegetes, Metropolis, Votive Offerings, Nymphs, River-gods, Temenos, Kanephoros.


  1. F. de Polignac, La naissance de la cité grecque: cultes, espace et société viiie-viie, Paris 1984, Journal of Hellenic Studies cvii (1987) 227-228.
  2. S.E. Alcock & R. Osborne (eds.), Placing the gods: sanctuaries and sacred space in ancient Greece, Oxford 1994. Classical Philology (...)
  3. Claude Calame, Mythe et histoire dans l'Antiquité grecque: La création symbolique d'une colonie. Lausanne: Editions Payot, 1996. Pp. 185. Fr. 36.70 Classical Philology 94 (1999) 223-227.
  4. Lynette G. Mitchell and Peter J. Rhodes (eds.), The development of the polis in Archaic Greece. London: Routledge. 1997. Scripta Classica Israelica. 20 (2001) 293-298.
  5. John E. Coleman and Clark E. Walz (eds.), Greeks and Barbarians: Essays on the interactions between Greeks and non-Greeks in antiquity and the consequences for Eurocentrism. Bethesda, Maryland: CDL Press. American Journal of Archaeology 106 (2002) 24-25.
  6. Henry Hurst, Sara Owen (eds.), Ancient Colonizations. Analogy, Similarity & Difference.   London:  Duckworth, 2005. Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2008.11.08
  7. Tamar Hodos, Local Responses to Colonization in the Iron Age Mediterranean. London: Routledge. 2006. x, 264 p. : ill., maps, plans ; 24 ISBN : 0415378362. Journal of Hellenic Studies. 2011




“A guide for the preparation of lectures and papers” (Hebrew), in Lecture, Discussion, Persuasion: Proficiencies and values in verbal communication, Yaacov Malkin (Tel Aviv 1994), pp. 204-247.


Introduction to Greek Ethnicity. Winter 2000 (13 broadcasts, 23 minutes each).


Director of PhD Theses


  1. Netta Aloni Ronen, School of History, Tel Aviv University, The making of the Greek Pantheon (Awarded 1998).
  2. Dalit Regev, School of History, Tel Aviv University, Eastern Sigillata A - A History of Pottery (with Israel Roll and Susan Rotroff) (Awarded 2003).
  3. Stephanie Larson, University of Texas Austin, Boiotian Group Identity in the Late Archaic and Early Classical Periods. (Member of the Dissertation Committee) (Awarded 2001).
  4. Denise Demetriou, Negotiating Identity: Greek Emporia in the Archaic and Classical World. Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore (Awarded 2005).
  5. Assaf Yasur Landau. Tel Aviv University (Archeology), Social Aspects of the Aegean Migration to the Levant in the End of the 2nd Millennium BCE  (with Israel Finkelstein, Shlomo Bunimovitz) (Awarded 2003).
  6. Alexander Fantalkin, Tel Aviv University (Archeology), Contacts between the Greek World and the southern Levant during the seventh and the sixth centuries BCE (with Israel Finkelstein). (Awarded 2008)
  7. Alexandra Nocke, The Place of the Mediterranean in Modern Israeli Identity (With Joachim Schlör), Potsdam University, Berlin.
  8. Gavriel Shapira, School of History, Tel Aviv University, The Edges of the Earth and Herodotus (awarded 2012).
  9. Rachel Gottesman, School of History, Tel Aviv University, 'Europe', 'Asia' and the Myth of Io: Space Perceptions in Archaic Greece (awarded 2012).
  10. Amir Yerucham, Tel Aviv University. "Music, Society and Religion in Archaic Greece". (Awarded 2015)
  11. Nina Schwartz, School of History, Tel Aviv University, Strangers in Their Own City. Estrangement and Affinity in the Greek Secret Cults (proposal accepted; Phase II)
  12. Elon Heymans "Modes of exchange in the Iron Age" (with Israel Finkelstein and Alexander Fantalkin). (Awarded 2018).
  13. Hila Brokman, PhD candidate TLV University (Phase I).



Irad Malkin Research interests

Irad Malkin is the Israel Prize Laureate for History for 2014 and a Foreign Member of the Athens National Academy.  He is Professor emeritus of Greek history at Tel Aviv University, a Visiting Professor at Oxford University (2017-2022), and a co-founder and co-editor of the Mediterranean Historical Review (1986-2919). His research covers colonization, religion, myth, ethnicity, network theory, and the institution of drawing of lots. Aside from edited books, he is the author of of Religion and Colonization in Ancient Greece (1987); Myth and Territory in the Spartan Mediterranean (1994; French: 1999); The Returns of Odysseus: Colonization and Ethnicity (1998; Italian, Hebrew 2004); Ethnicity and Identity in Ancient Greece (Hebrew2003); A Small Greek World: Networks in the Ancient Mediterranean (2011; French 2018; Greek forthcoming). From Egalitarianism to Democracy: Greeks Drawing Lots: (with a section by Josine Blok), accompanied by


Irad Malkin Publications


BOOKS, Author:

  • Irad Malkin, (1987) Religion and Colonization in Ancient Greece, Brill: Leiden.
  • Irad Malkin, (1994) Myth and Territory in the Spartan Mediterranean, Cambridge UP: Cambridge. Re-issued in Electronic Version, Cambridge UP, 2002.  Paperback edition, Cambridge UP, 2003.
    • Irad Malkin, La Méditerranée spartiate: mythe et territoire, (translation of Myth and Territory in the Spartan Mediterranean) Belles Lettres: Paris, 1999. 2nd edition: 2004.
  • Irad Malkin, (1998) The Returns of Odysseus: Colonization and Ethnicity, University of California Press.
    • I ritorni di odisseo (Italian translation of The Returns of Odysseus, trans. Liana Lomiento). Carocci Publishing House, 2004.
    • Shivotav shel Odysseus (Hebrew translation of The Returns of Odysseus). Yediot Acharonot: Tel Aviv. 2004.
  • Irad Malkin, (2003) Ethnicity and Identity in Ancient Greece. [Hebrew].
  • Irad Malkin, (2011) A Small Greek World: Networks in the Ancient Mediterranean.  Oxford University Press, 2011; 2nd edition (paperback with corrections and additions) 2013.

Un tout petit monde: les résaux grecs de l’antiquité, French translation by Julie Delamard, Belles Lettres 2018.

  • Irad Malkin, Drawing Lots in Ancient Greece: From Egalitarianism to Democracy (forthcoming with a chapter by Josine Blok).


BOOKS, Editor, co-Editor:

  1. Irad Malkin and R.L. Hohlfelder (eds.), Mediterranean Cities: Historical Perspectives, Frank Cass, London, 1988.
  2. Irad Malkin (ed.), La France et la Méditerranée, Leiden, 1990.
  3. Irad Malkin and Zeev Tzahor (eds), Leaders and leadership in Jewish and World history. The Historical Society of Israel. Jerusalem, 1992 [Hebrew].
  4. Irad Malkin and Z.W. Rubinsohn (eds). Leaders and Masses in the Roman world: studies in honor of Zvi Yavetz, Mnemosyne Supplementum 139, Leiden, 1995.       
  5. Irad Malkin (ed.), Ancient perceptions of Greek ethnicity, Center for Hellenic Studies and Harvard University Press, Washington DC, 2001.
  6. Irad Malkin (ed.), Mediterranean Paradigms and Classical Antiquity .  London: Routledge. 2005.  ISBN 0415356350  (=Special Issue, Mediterranean Historical Review  18 (2003).
  7. Irad Malkin, Christy Constantakopoulou, and Katerina Panagopoulou (eds.) Greek and Roman Networks in the Mediterranean. London, Routledge, 2009.


  1. J.S. Clay, I. Malkin, and Y.Z. Tzifopoulos (eds.) (2017). Panhellenes at Methone: graphê in Late Geometric and Protoarchaic Methone, Macedonia (ca 700 BCE). Berlin.



  1. Irad Malkin, (1983). "The Word of the God in Ancient Greek Colonization," Zemanim xii [Hebrew].
  2. Irad Malkin, (1984). "What were the Sacred Precincts of Brea? (IG3 46)", Chiron xiv: 44-48.
  3. Irad Malkin, (1985). "What's in a Name? The Eponymous Founders of Greek Colonies." Athenaeum lxiii: 115-130.
  4. Irad Malkin, (1984-5). "Dieux et colons dans la Sicile archaïque." Kokalos xxx-xxxi  155-159.
  5. Irad Malkin, (1984-5). "The Origins of the Colonists of Syracuse; Apollo of Delos." Kokalos xxx-xxxi:  53-55.
  6. Irad Malkin, (1986). "Apollo Archegetes and Sicily." Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa S.III xvi.4: 959-972.
  7. Irad Malkin, (1986) “The state in early Greece and the Delphic Oracle” in Priesthood and Sate, Y. Gafni and G. Motzkin (eds.), Jeruslaem, pp. 31-49. [Hebrew]
  8. Irad Malkin, (1987) "La place des dieux dans la cité des hommes." Revue de l'histoire des religions cciv.4: 331-352.
  9. Irad Malkin, (1987) Arieh Fichman, "Homer, Odyssey III.153-85: A Maritime Commentary.". Mediterranean Historical Review ii.2: 250-258.
  10. Irad Malkin, N. Shmueli, (1988) "The City of the Blind and the Foundation of Byzantium." Mediterranean Historical Review III.1: 21-36.
  1. Irad Malkin, "Missionaires païens dans la Gaule grecque" in: Irad Malkin (ed.), La France et la Méditerranée, Leiden, 1990, pp. 42-52.
  1. Irad Malkin, (1989) "Delphoi and the Founding of Social Order in Archaic Greece." Metis iv.1: 129-153.
  2. Irad Malkin, (1990) "Lysander and Libys," Classical Quarterly 40: 541-545.
  3. Irad Malkin, (1990) "Territorialisation mythologique: les autels des Philènes en Cyrenaïque". Dialogues d'histoire ancienne 16: 219-229.
  4. Irad Malkin, (1991) "Sparta between Italy and North Africa: the Force of Mythological Associations", McGill Classical Monographs, pp.  45-60.
  5. Irad Malkin, (1991) "The idea of the Promised Land in Ancient Greece" in Chosen People, Elect Nation and Universal Mission, S. Almog, M. Heyd (eds.), Jerusalem, pp. 41-57 [Hebrew].
  6. Irad Malkin, (1991) "What is an aphidruma?" Classical Antiquity. 10: 77- 96.
  7. Irad Malkin, (1993) "Land Ownership, Territorial Possession, Hero Cults and Scholarly Theory". Nomodeiktes: Greek studies in honor of Martin Ostwald. Edited by R.M. Rosen and J. Farrell. Ann Arbor, pp. 225-234.
  8. Irad Malkin, (1993) “Colonisation de Sparte dans la mer Egée : tradition et archéologie. REA 95: 365-381.
  9. Irad Malkin, (1994) "Inside and Outside: colonization and the formation of the mother city". Apoikia. Studi in onore di G. Buchner. AION ArchStAnt 16:  1-9.
  10. Irad Malkin, (1996) "Territorial domination and the Greek sanctuary". Religion and power in the ancient Greek world, ed. P. Hellström = Boreas 24, Uppsala, pp. 75-82.
  11. Irad Malkin, (1996) "The Polis Between Myths of Land and Territory". The role of religion in the early Greek Polis. Third international seminar on ancient Greek cult. Swedish Institute at Athens. Ed. R. Hägg. Stockholm, pp. 9-19.)
  12. Irad Malkin, (1996) "Rhodes and Sicily: Dorian Colonization in two Islands". Rhodes: 24 centuries. International Symposium. Greek Academy, Athens, pp. 188-198.
  13. Irad Malkin, (1997) "Categories of early Greek colonization", Il dinamismo della colonizzazione greca, Claudia Antonetti (ed.), Loffredo: Napoli, pp. 25-38.
  14. Irad Malkin, (1998) "Geometric Ithaca, Odysseus, and Hellenism", in Homerica: Proceedings of the 8th international symposium on the Odyssey (1-5 September 1996), ed. Machi Apostolopoulou, Ithaca, pp. 335-348.
  15. Irad Malkin, ((1998) "The Middle Ground: Philoktetes in Italy". Kernos 11: 131-141.
  16. Irad Malkin, (1998) Michael Jameson, "The gravestone of Latinos of Rhegion", Athenaeum: 477-486.
  17. Irad Malkin, (1998) "Ithaka, Odysseus and the Euboeans in the eighth century." In Euboica: L'Eubea e la presenza euboica in Calcidica e in Occidente, M. Bats, B. d'Agostino (eds.), Collection Centre Jean Bérard 16 and AION ArchStAnt 12, Napoli, pp. 1-10.
  18. Irad Malkin, (1998) "Myth, religion, and Spartan `ideology' ". Politische Theorie und Praxis im Altertum, W. Schuller (ed.), Wissentschaftliche Buchgesellschaft: Darmstadt, pp. 43-49.
  19. Irad Malkin, (1999) "Ulysse protocolonisateur". Mediterraneo antico 2.1: 243-261.
  20. Irad Malkin, (2000) "La fondation d'une colonie apollonienne: Delphes et l'Hymne homérique à Apollon". 1892-1992: Delphes cent ans après la grande fouille: essai de bilan. Actes du colloque international organisé par l’École française d’Athènes, Athènes-Delphes, 17-20 septembre 1992. = BCH Suppl. 36. Ed. Anne Jacquemin, École française d’Athènes, pp. 69-77.
  21. Irad Malkin, (2001) "Greek ambiguities: between ‘ancient Hellas’ and ‘barbarian Epirus’.” In Ancient perceptions of Greek ethnicity, Irad Malkin (ed.), Center for Hellenic Studies and Harvard University Press, Washington DC, pp. 187-212.
  22. Irad Malkin, (2001) “Introduction” to Ancient perceptions of Greek ethnicity, Irad Malkin (ed.), Center for Hellenic Studies and Harvard University Press, Washington DC, pp. 1-28.
  23. Irad Malkin, (2001) “The Odyssey and the Nymphs,” Gaia 5: 11-27.
  24. Irad Malkin, (2002) "A colonial Middle Ground: Greek, Etruscan, and local elites in the Bay of Naples". In: The archaeology of colonialism. Claire L. Lyons and John K. Papadopoulos (eds.), The Getty Research Institute, pp. 151-181.
  25. Irad Malkin, (2002) ‘Exploring the Validity of the Concept of “Foundation”: A Visit to Megara Hyblaia.’ In V.B. Gorman and E.W. Robinson (eds.), Oikistes: Studies in Constitutions, Colonies, and Military Power in the Ancient World. Offered in Honor of A.J. Graham (Leiden, Boston, Köln, pp. 195-224.
  26. Irad Malkin, (2003) 'Tradition' in Herodotus: The Foundation of Cyrene” in Herodotus and his World: Essays from a conference in memory of George Forrest. Edited by Peter Derow and Robert Parker Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 153-170.
  27. Irad Malkin, (2003) “Pan-Hellenism and the Greeks of Naukratis.” La naissance de la ville dans l’Antiquité. Edited by François Queyrel. Paris: De Boccard, pp. 91-96.
  28. Irad Malkin, (2003) “Introduction” to Mediterranean Paradigms in Classical Antiquity, Special Issue of the Mediterranean Historical Review  18: 1-8.
  29. Irad Malkin, (2003) “Networks and the emergence of Greek identity” in Mediterranean Paradigms Classical Antiquity, Special Issue of the Mediterranean Historical Review 18: 56-74.
  30. Irad Malkin, (2004) “Postcolonial Concepts and ancient Greek colonization.” Colonialism and the Past. Barbara Fuchs and David J. Baker (eds.). Special Issue of the Modern Language Quarterly 65: 341-364.
  31. Irad Malkin, (2005). “Herakles and Melqart: Greeks and Phoenicians in the Middle Ground” in: Erich Gruen (ed.), Cultural borrowings and Ethnic Appropriations in Antiquity. Oriens et Occidens 8, Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, pp. 238-257.
  32. Irad Malkin, (2006). “Networks di identità: il mito di Odisseo nel Mediterraneo occidentale” In Frederica Frediani and Anna Omodei Zorini (eds.), Ulisse, variazioni di un mito Mediterraneo Milan: Franco Angeli. 2006, pp. 61-70.
  33. Irad Malkin, (2007). “Ethnicité et colonisation: le réseau d’identité grecque en Sicile.” Pallas 73 : 181-190
  34. Malkin, Irad and Christel Müller (2012) : « Vingt ans d’ethnicité : bilan historiographique et application du concept aux études anciennes », in : Capdetrey, Laurent et Julien Zurbach, (eds.), Mobilités grecques : migrations, réseaux, contacts en Méditerranée, de l’époque archaïque à l’époque hellénistique, Bordeaux. 2012 pp. 25-37.
  35. Irad Malkin (2014) “Between collective and ethnic identities” in Christel Müller et al (eds.) Culture matérielle et identité ethnique.= Dialogues d’histoire ancienne supplément 10, 2014, 285-294
  36. Irad Malkin (2015), "Foreign Founders: Greeks and Hebrews." In Foundation Myths in Dialogue. Naoíse Mac Sweeny (ed.). Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, pp. 2-40.
  37. Irad Malkin (2015). "Philistines and Phokaians: comparative hinterlands and Middle Grounds" In Contacts et acculturations en Méditerranée occidentale. Hommages à Michel Bats. Actes du colloque international d'Hyères-les-Palmiers (15-18 septembre 2011). Paris, éd. Errance/Centre Camille Jullian, 2014 (BiAMA 15).
  38. Irad Malkin (2015). “Turbulence, continuity, and the practice of Mediterranean space (11th–5th centuries BCE).” In Dabag, Mihran; Jaspert, Nicholas; Haller, Dieter; Lichtenberg, Achim (eds.) New Horizons: Mediterranean Research in the 21st Century, Bochum: Wilhelm : Fink/Schöningh: Paderborn, pp. 1-23.
  39. Irad Malkin, (2016) "Greek colonization: The Right to Return" in Lieve Donnellan, Valentino Nizzo, and Gert-Jan Burgers (eds.) Conceptualizing early Colonisation. Rome; Brussels; Academia Belgica., pp. 27-50.
  40. Irad Malkin (2017), “Vers une conception élargie des cercles de l’identité collective: la fondation des cités-États dans la Méditerranée antique.” (Re)Fonder. Les modalités du (re)commencement dans le temps et dans l’espace, Gervais-Lambony Ph., Hurlet Fr. et Rivoal I., éd., pp. 63-78 (Colloques de la MAE, René-Ginouvès, 14).
  41. Irad Malkin (2017) “Hybridity and Mixture” (Inaugural paper) In: Ibridazione e integrazione in Magna Grecia. Atti del LIV Convegno Internazionale di Studi sulla Magna Grecia. Istituto per la Storia e l’Archeologia della Magna Grecia, Taranto 2017, pp. 11-22.
  42. Irad Malkin (2017). “Pompeii e il Mediterraneo.” In Pompeii e i Greci, Massimo Osanna & Carlo Rescigno (eds.) Rome: Electa, pp. 83-92.
  43. Irad Malkin (2018), “Eretria between East and West” A. Mazarakis Ainian, with A. Alexandridou and X. Charalambidou (eds.), Regional Stories Towards a New Perception of the Early Greek world, Proceedings of the International Symposium in the honour of Professor Jan Bouzek, University of Thessaly, IAKA Department, 18-21/6/2015, Volos, Volos, University of Thessaly Press, pp. 145-154.
  44. Irad Malkin (2018) “Returning heroes and Greek Colonists.” In Biffis Giulia and Simon Hornblower (eds.). The Returning Hero: Nostoi and Traditions of Mediterranean Settlement. Oxford University Press: Oxford, pp. 83-104.
  45. Irad Malkin (2020) “Women and the foundation of Greek colonies.” In  M. Costanzi, M. Dana (éds.), Une autre façon d’être Grec : interactions et productions des Grecs en milieu colonial. Actes du colloque international organisé à Amiens (UJVP) et Paris (ANHIMA), 18-19 novembre 2016, Louvain, Peeters (Colloquia Antiqua), pp. 235-255.
  46. Irad Malkin (2021), “Greek networks vs regional hybridity? Greek women and Greek colonies.” Ancient West & East 20 (2021) 51-69
  47. Irad Malkin (in press). “The supreme arbitrator and the demos: city-founders and reformers.” In Citizenship in Antiquity, eds. Jakub Filonik, Christine Plastow, and Rachel Zelnick-Abramovitz (Routledge).
  48. Irad Malkin (2021) “Oracles and Networks: Sharing Divine and Human knowledge.” Acts of the Fourth Euro-Japanese Colloquium on the Ancient Mediterranean World Yoshiyuki Suto (ed.). Transmission and Organization of Knowledge in the Ancient Mediterranean World, Wien: Phoibos Verlag, 211-224.
  49. Irad Malkin (2022).“Egalitarianism and the foundation of Greek poleis” in S. Greaves and A. Wallace Hadrill (eds.) Rome and the colonial city. Oxbow books, 27-40
  50. Irad Malkin (accepted). “Lottery and Mixture in the Greek Polis.” Festschrift in honor of Josine Blok. Marek Wecsowski  and Vinciane Delforge (eds.). Brill: Leiden.
  51. Irad Malkin, (in press). “The ancient Greek lottery and modern democracies.” In Juval Portugali (Ed.), The Crisis of Democracy in the Age of Cities. Edward Elgar Publishing LTD. UK. Forthcoming 2023.
  52. Irad Malkin (submitted). “Zeus, the Divine Lottery, and the equality of chance.” Kernos.
  53. Irad Malkin (in progress), "Maritime perspectives and spatial dimensions in Xenophon's Anabasis."



Irad Malkin, "Greek sanctuaries and Greek society.” In Greek religion, ed. M. Detienne, G. Sissa. Solicited and delivered.

Irad Malkin, (2009) “Foundations” in Kurt Raaflaub and Hans van Wees (eds.), A Companion to Archaic Greece. Malden; Oxford: Wile-Blackwell (2009) 373-394.



    1. Irad Malkin, “Das Gelobte Land”, Damals 10 (1994) 26-30.
    2. Irad Malkin, "Israel et Pierre Vidal-Naquet”, in Pierre Vidal-Naquet: un historien dans la cité, F. Hartog et al. (eds.), Paris: la Decouverte, 1998, pp. 199-218.
    3. Irad Malkin, “Heroes and the foundation of Greek cities”, in Pedro Azara et al. (eds.), Mites de fundación de ciutats al món antic (Mesopotamia, Grécia I Roma), Monografies 2, Museu d’Arqueologia de Catalunya, Barcelona, 2002, pp. 123-130.
    4. Irad Malkin, “The Mediterranean City: Networks and Spaces.” Home Port: the Story of Haifa Port (Museum Catalogue). Edited by Yhudit Matzkel. Haifa: Haifa Museums, 2002, pp. 203-208.
    5. 'David Asheri: between colonization and de-colonization" (Hebrew). David Asheri, in memoriam. The Israeli National Academy: Jerusalem 2004, pp. 18-23.


Oxford Classical Dictionary 3rd edition, Oxford 1996. The entries: Incense, Libation, Snakes, Aparche, Archegetes, Metropolis, Votive Offerings, Nymphs, River-gods, Temenos, Kanephoros.


  1. F. de Polignac, La naissance de la cité grecque: cultes, espace et société viiie-viie, Paris 1984, Journal of Hellenic Studies cvii (1987) 227-228.
  2. S.E. Alcock & R. Osborne (eds.), Placing the gods: sanctuaries and sacred space in ancient Greece, Oxford 1994. Classical Philology (...)
  3. Claude Calame, Mythe et histoire dans l'Antiquité grecque: La création symbolique d'une colonie. Lausanne: Editions Payot, 1996. Pp. 185. Fr. 36.70 Classical Philology 94 (1999) 223-227.
  4. Lynette G. Mitchell and Peter J. Rhodes (eds.), The development of the polis in Archaic Greece. London: Routledge. 1997. Scripta Classica Israelica. 20 (2001) 293-298.
  5. John E. Coleman and Clark E. Walz (eds.), Greeks and Barbarians: Essays on the interactions between Greeks and non-Greeks in antiquity and the consequences for Eurocentrism. Bethesda, Maryland: CDL Press. American Journal of Archaeology 106 (2002) 24-25.
  6. Henry Hurst, Sara Owen (eds.), Ancient Colonizations. Analogy, Similarity & Difference.   London:  Duckworth, 2005. Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2008.11.08
  7. Tamar Hodos, Local Responses to Colonization in the Iron Age Mediterranean. London: Routledge. 2006. x, 264 p. : ill., maps, plans ; 24 ISBN : 0415378362. Journal of Hellenic Studies. 2011




“A guide for the preparation of lectures and papers” (Hebrew), in Lecture, Discussion, Persuasion: Proficiencies and values in verbal communication, Yaacov Malkin (Tel Aviv 1994), pp. 204-247.


Introduction to Greek Ethnicity. Winter 2000 (13 broadcasts, 23 minutes each).


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