Lasers and electro optics
Middle infrared spectroscopy
Biomedical optics
Monitoring of pollutants in water
Fiber lasers in the middle infrared
Infrared fiber sensors
Laser bonding of incisions in tissues
Middle infrared near field microscopy
Medical dosimetry
Prof. Abraham Katzir
office of the rector
B.Sc., Physics, Mathematics (with distinction) Hebrew University, Jerusalem, l964
M.Sc., Physics (with distinction), Hebrew University, Jerusalem, l966
Ph.D., Physics, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, l974
Academic Appointments
Israel Defense Forces, Res. Physicist, l965-l969
Soreq Nuclear Res. Center, Yavne, Res. Physicist, l969-l974
Calif. Inst. of Technology, Pasadena, Calif., USA Senior Res. Fellow, l974-l977
Tel Aviv University, l977-Present
AT & T Bell Laboratories, N.J., USA, (summers), Visiting member of technical staff, l979-l984
Visiting Professor, Boston University, Boston, Mass, l985-1987
Visiting Professor, MIT, Cambridge, Mass., l985-1987
Awards and Prizes
Fulbright Hays Fellowship, 1974
Fellow of SPIE, 1989
Director, SPIE, 1991-1994
Fellow of OSA, 1994
Chairman, Israel Lasers and Electro Optics Society (ILEOS), 2008