Dr. Ilana Yron-Steinitz

Retired in Faculty of Life Sciences
מנהלת הפקולטה למדעי החיים בדימוס
Dr. Ilana Yron-Steinitz
Fax: 03-5275979
Office: Britannia-Porter, 318

Research Interests

Cell Biology

  • Integrin mediated signal transduction events in normal and human melanoma cells.

  • Signals transduced by different extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins.

  • Cell adherence and migration on different ECM proteins.


  • Integrin mediated signal transduction events in malignancy, and their relevance to tumor progression.

  • The role of the interaction with different ECM proteins on the malignancy and invasiveness of human melanoma cells.

  • Alterations in cytoskeletal organization and focal adhesion in human melanoma cells and their role in tumor progression.

  • Oncogenic activity of major protein in the integrin signaling pathway.

  • The interaction between microenvironmental factors and adhesion molecules in Colon Carcinoma.

  • The role of selectin-selectin-ligand interaction in in the malignancy of colon carcinoma.


Recent Publications

Goldberg-Bittman L., Sagi-Assif O., Meshel T., Nevo I., Levy-Nissenbaum O., Yron I., Witz I.P., Ben-Baruch A. Cellular characteristics of neuroblastoma cells: Regulation by the ELR--CXC chemokine CXCL10 and expression of its receptor. Cytokine, Vol 29, (pp105-117), 2005.


Matityahu E., Meshel T., Yron I., Attal H. and Ben-Baruch A. Shared and distinct characteristics of the CXCL8 receptors CXCR1 and CXCR2: Regulation of FAK phosphorylation by cytoskeletal elements. Submitted for publication.


Zipin A., Israeli-Amit M., Meshel T., Sagi-Assif O, Yron I., Smorodinsky N. I., Many A., Czernilofsky P. A., Morton D. L. and Witz I. P. Tumor-micro-environment interactions. The fucose-generating FX enzyme controls adhesive properties of colorectal cancer cells. Cancer research, Vol.64 (pp6571-8) 2004.


Feniger-Barish, R., I. Yron,. T. Meshel, E. Matitiahu, A. Ben-Baruch. IL-8-induced migratory responses through and CXCR2: Association with phosphorylation and cellular redistribution of focal adhesion kinase. Biochemistry Vol.42 (pp2874-2886) 2003.


Kahana, O., micksche, M., witz, I. P., and I. Yron. The focal adhesion kinase (p125fak) is constitutively active in human malignant melanoma. Oncogene Vol. 21 (pp3969-3977), 2002.


Kahana, O., micksche, M., witz, I. P., and I. Yron. The possible role of focal adhesion kinase (p125fak) in the malignancy of human melanoma. Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. on Tumor Microenvironment, Progression, Therapy and Prevention, Baden, Austria. I.P. Witz, Ed., Monduzzi Editore,S.p.A., Bologna, Italy, pp. 89-94, 2002.


Yron, I., M. Deckert, M.E. Reff, A. Munshi, M.A. Schwartz, A. Altman. Integrin-dependent tyrosine phosphorylation and growth regulation by VAV. Cell Adh. Commun. Vol. 7, 1999 (pp. 1-11).


Lanir, N., M. Zilberman, I. Yron, G. Tennenboem, Y. Schechter, B. Brenner. Reactivity patterns of antiphospholipid antibodies and endothelial cells. Effect of antiendothelial antibodies on cell migration. J. Lab. Clin. Med. Vol. 131, 1998 (pp. 548-556).


Bonnefoy-Berard, N., A. Munshi, I. Yron et al. Vav: Function and regulation in hematopoietic cell signalling. Stem Cells Vol. 14, 1996 (pp. 250-268).


Roybort, M., I. Yron, B. Fisch. Autoimmune disorders and reproductive failure (letter to the editor). Human Reproduction Vol. 11, 1996 (pp. 1138-1141).


Fisch, B., S. Fried, Y. Manor, J. Ovadia, I.P. Witz, I. Yron. Increased antiphospholipid antibody activity in in-vitro fertilization patients is not treatment-dependent but rather an inherent characteristic of the infertile state. Amer. J. Reprod. Immunol. Vol. 34, 1995 (pp. 370-374).


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