Prof. Ido Israelowich

Department of Classics
חוג ללימודים קלאסיים סגל אקדמי בכיר
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Prof. Ido Israelowich
Office: Gilman-humanities



2021 Habilitation, (Universität Bayreuth)

2005-2008 D.Phil Ancient History (Oxford) 

2002-2005 M.Phil Ancient History (Oxford) 

1994-1998 BA History and Philosophy (Tel Aviv) 



2011- Senior Lecturer, Tel Aviv University

2010-11 Fixed-term Lectureship, Tel Aviv University 

2008-10 Yad Hanadiv Post-doctoral Fellow 



2021 - Professeur invité, Collège de France

2020 - Visiting Fellow (Michaelmas term), Wadham College

2018- Guest Professor Equipe d'anthropologie médicale et médico-légale (UVSQ / Laboratoire DANTE - EA 4498) 

2017-2018- Member l'UMR 8167 Orient & Méditerranée à l'Université de Paris Sorbonne 

2017- International Visiting Fellow, University of Bamberg

2014-2015- Member of Senior Common Room, Wadham College, Oxford 




1.      Ido Israelowich (2012): Society, Medicine and Religion in the Sacred Tales of Aelius Aristides (Leiden, Brill). 

2.      Ido Israelowich (2015): Patients and Healers in the High Empire (Baltimore, Johns Hopkins University press).


Refereed Articles in journals: 

1.      Ido Israelowich (2008): ‘The world of Aelius Aristides’ Scripta Classica Israelica Vol. 26: 91-110. 

2.      Ido Israelowich (2008): ‘The Rain Miracle of Marcus Aurelius: (Re)-creation of consensus’, Greece and Rome Vol. 55: 83-102. 

3.      Ido Israelowich (2014): ‘Physicians as figures of authority in the Roman courts’, Historia Vol. 63: 445-462. 

4.      Ido Israelowich (2016): ‘The use and abuse of Hippocratic medicine in the Apology of Lucius Apuleius’, Classical Quarterly Vol. 67:635-44. 

5.      Ido Israelowich (2017): ‘The extent of the patria potestas during the High Empire: the decision of non tollere as a case in point’, Museum Helveticum 47:237-54. 

6.      Ido Israelowich (2017). ‘The theme of illness in Sophocles’ Ajax’, SCI 36: 1-16. 

7.      Ido Israelowich (2018). ‘Roman motherhood: A legal, social, and medical perspective’, Zmanim (Hebrew).

8.      Ido Israelowich (2017). ‘An epileptic Aristides? A neglected aspect of Aristides’ reception’, Ancient Society 47: 237-54.

9.      Ido Israelowich (2019). ‘Helvidius Priscus an arbiter ex compromisso’, Klio 102.2, 599-609. 

10.  Ido Israelowich (2020). ‘From the lex Aquilia to tort law: the emergence of forensic science’, Journal of Legal History, 44: 60-77.

11.  Ido Israelowich (2020). ‘Land surveyors and the Roman court’, RIDA 66: 135-53.

12.  Ido Israelowich (2021). ‘The use of diet and regimen by midwives during pregnancy, child birth, and postnatal care’, Phoenix 74.1: 1-26.

13.  Ido Israelowich (2021). ‘ Local production and global trade: Roman means of arbitration in the commerce of wine’’, Hermes, 149: 53-69.

14.  Ido Israelowich (2021). Visigoth medici: a legal and genealogical study’, Studies in Late Antiquity, 5.4. 618-38.


Refereed Articles in edited collections: 

1.      Ido Israelowich (2014): ‘The Authority of Physicians as Dream Interpreters in the Pergamene Asclepieion’, in: D. Michaelides (Ed.): Medicine and Healing in the Ancient Mediterranean World (Oxbow), 285-90. 

2.      Ido Israelowich (2014): ‘Identifications of Physicians during the High Empire’, in: Depauw, M., and Coussement, S., (Eds): Identifiers and Identification Methods in the Ancient World (Leuven: Peeters), 233-52. 

3.      Ido Israelowich (2016): ‘Medical care in the Roman army during the High Empire’, in W.V. Harris (ed.) Perspectives on Popular Medicine in Classical Antiquity (Leiden: Brill), 216-30. 

4.      Ido Israelowich (2016): Aristides as a teacher: rhetorical means for self-promotion in the fourth Sacred Tale', In L. Pernot, G. Abbamonte, and M. Lamagna (eds.) Aelius Aristide écrivain (Brussels, Brepols), 236-247. 

5.      Ido Israelowich (2021): ‘Environment’, in: L. Totelin (ed.) Cultural History of Medicine in Antiquity (London, Berg/Bloomsbury), 21-41.

6.      Ido Israelowich (2018): “UNE OFFRE TRÈS VARIÉE OU: COMMENT IL FAUT RECONNA.TRE LE MEILLEUR M.DECIN”, in: Annie Verbanck-Piérard, V. Boudon-Millot et Danielle Gourevitch, Au temps de Galien. Un médecin grec dans l’Empire romain, ed. Somogy et Musée royal de Mariemont, (Paris), 90-100. 

7.      Ido Israelowich (2018): “LES MALADIES D’AELIUS ARISTIDE, UN CONTEMPORAIN DE GALIEN”, in: Annie Verbanck-Piérard, V. Boudon-Millot et Danielle Gourevitch, Au temps de Galien. Un médecin grec dans l’Empire romain, ed. Somogy et Musée royal de Mariemont, (Paris) 219-23.

8.      Ido Israelowich (2020): ‘The involvement of provincial cities in the administration of school teaching’, in Jonathan Price, Yuval Shahar and Margalit Finkelberg, (eds), Rome: An Empire of Many Nations (Cambridge) (forthcoming).



Co-editor of Scripta Classica Israelica 2014-2016


Book Reviews: 

1.      Yann Le Bohec, (2005). Histoire de lAfrique Romaine 146 avant J.-C. – 439 après J.- C. (Paris), Mediterranean Historical Review 22(2006). 

2.      Clarisse Prêtre and Philippe Charlier, (2010). Maladies humaines, thérapies divines: analyse épigraphique et paléopathologique de textes de guérison grecs (Paris) BMCR (2010).

3.      Jackues Jouanna, (2012). Greek Medicine from Hippocrates to Galen (Leiden) SCI (2013). 

4.      Janet Downie, (2013). At the Limits of Art (Oxford), Seherpunkte (2014).
Steven M. Oberhelman, ed. (2013). Dreams, Healing, and Medicine in Greece: From 

5.      Antiquity to the Present (Surrey, UK: Ashgate) Bull. Hist. Med. 88 vol. 4 (2014). Janiszewski, P., Stebnicka, S., and Szabat, S. (2015). Prosopography of Greek Rhetors and Sophists of the Roman Empire (Oxford: Oxford University Press) SCI (2016). 

6.      Kaius Tuori, The Emperor of Law: The Emergence of Roman Imperial Adjudication. Oxford studies in Roman society and law. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 2016. SCI 2018. 

7.      Gesine Manuwald, Cicero, Agrarian Speeches: Introduction, Text, Translation, and Commentary. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 2018. SCI 2019. 

  1. Louise Cilliers, Roman North Africa: Environment, Society and Medical Contribution, Amsterdam University press, 2020, Social History of Medicine.



Major Grants:

2013-2017: Israel Science Foundation, Individual Research Grant: ‘Professionals and professionalism in the High Roman Empire’ (PI) (EUR 100,000) 

2018-2021: Israel Science Foundatiion, Individual Research Grant: ‘Forensic experts in the Roman courts during the High Empire and Late Antiquity’ (PI) (EUR 80,000) 

2008-2010: Yad Hanadiv Postdoctoral Fellowship ($80,000) 


Other Awards: 

2016: Bamberg University and Israeli Academy: Two conferences on Roman Law and Ecumenical Law (with Peter Riedlberger) 

1/11/2013: Israeli Academy: Conference on Legal Documents in Ancient Society 

2001-2012: Vice Chancellor’s Office Fund, Tel Aviv and Humanities Faculty Research Fund, Tel Aviv: Joint Israel Universities Seminar in Ancient Studies 

2005-2008: Pollard Fund (Wadham College) 2005-2008
2002-2004: Kenneth Lindsay Scholarship (The Anglo-Israel Association) 2002-2004 2002-2003: AVI Fellowship 2002-2003 





1.      Ido Israelowich (2018): “History of medicine and history of diseases: cross roads of retrospective diagnoses”, Musée du Quai Branly - Jacques Chirac, Paris 

2.      Ido Israelowich (2017): ‘Forensic medicine and Roman Law’, Warwick University. Ido Israelowich (2017): ‘The Roman arbitri’, Bern University 

3.      Ido Israelowich (2017): ‘Disputed maternity and paternity during the High Roman Empire’, Oxford University 

4.      Ido Israelowich (2017): ‘Land surveyors and land disputes in the Roman courts of the High Empire’, Edinburgh University 

5.      Ido Israelowich (2016): ‘Forensic medicine in classical antiquity, Warwick University 

6.      Ido Israelowich (2013): 'The influence of Roman imperialism, professionalism and urbanization on the rise of jurists during the late Republic', St John's College, University of Oxford 

7.      Ido Israelowich (2013): ‘The rise of professionalism during the late Republic: physicians, school-teachers, and jurists’, Exeter University 

8.      Ido Israelowich (2011): ‘Surgery in the Roman army’, Global Young Academy Annual Meeting, Berlin 

9.      Ido Israelowich (2010): ‘A struggle over the patients’ trust in classical antiquity: male physicians versus midwives’, University of Amsterdam 

10.  Ido Israelowich (2009): ‘Medicine in the Roman army’, Bar Ilan University 

11.  Ido Israelowich (2009): ‘Traces of medical technical works in Vegetius’ Epitoma rei militaris’. 1st Annual German-Israeli Frontiers of Humanities Symposium (GIFOH). 


Papers Presented: 

1.      Ido Israelowich (2019): “From the lex Aquilia to Tort Law. The Emergence of Forensic Science”, Bayreuth University.

2.      Ido Israelowich (2019): ““Legal remedies for shipping by sea: materia medica and nutriments as a case in point”, A Conference on Roman Maritime Law, held in Helsinki, 12th-13th September, 2019.

3.      Ido Israelowich (2019): “The Ontology of Roman Forensic Science”, SIHDA, Edinburgh University.

4.      Ido Israelowich (2018): “Doing what needs to be done: “surgeons, surgical tools, and surgery in the Roman army” Pain in the ancient world, Exeter University 

5.      Ido Israelowich (2018): “Médecine, maladie, mort et religions de l’Antiquité gréco- romaine” Université Paris-Descartes 

6.      Ido Israelowich (2016): “Diagnosing madness during the High Roman Empire: Questions and answers as a diagnostic method”, KU Leuven 

7.      Ido Israelowich (2016): “Some changes Roman family law under Constantine”, Bamberg University 

8.      Ido Israelowich (2016): “Diagnosing madness during the High Roman Empire: questions and answers as a diagnostic method”, Catholic University, Leuven 

9.      Ido Israelowich (2015): 'The impact of the Roman imperial army on the notions of health, diet, and medicine', Greek Diet, Health, and Medicine in the Roman World Abstract Acceptance, Exeter University. 

10.  Ido Israelowich (2015): 'The economy of medical practice during the High Empire', EAHMH, Cologne 

11.  Ido Israelowich, (2015): 'The extent of family law during the High Empire: the decision of non tollere as a case in point’, Aspects of family law in the ancient world, UCL. 

12.  Ido Israelowich (2014): 'State regulation of public physicians during the High Roman Empire', SSHM, Welcome Unit for the History of Medicine, University of Oxford. 

13.  Ido Israelowich (2014): 'Retired army doctors during the High Empire'. 

14.  Ido Israelowich (2013): 'The motives behind the foundation of the Roman imperial medical corps: risk and disaster on and off the Roman battlefield', EAHMA (Lisbon). 

15.  Ido Israelowich (2013): 'Work migration in the late Republic', Processes of integration in the Roman World (Nottingham University). 

16.  Ido Israelowich (2012): ‘‘The role of the Roman army in passing medical knowledge from Antiquity to the Middle Ages’, Passages from Antiquity to the Middle Ages V (University of Tampere, Finland). 

17.  Ido Israelowich (2012): ‘‘Madness and mental illness in the yes of Roman law’, ‘Homo patiens’ (Humbolt University, Berlin). 

18.  Ido Israelowich (2012): ‘Cura furiosus’, Approaches to ancient medicine (University of Cardiff). 

19.  Ido Israelowich (2011): ‘Body and mind in Sophocles’ Ajax’, Conference of the European Association for the History of Medicine and Health, Descartes Centre for the 

20.  History and Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities and by the University Medical Centre (Utrecht). 

21.  Ido Israelowich (2011): ‘The (ir)rational illness of Ajax: Hippocratic medicine in Sophoclean tragedy?’, The Greeks and the Irrational: A Conference in Memory of Martin Ostwald The Hebrew University Jerusalem. 

22.  Ido Israelowich (2010): ‘The legal status of doctors during the high Roman empire’, ATINER, Athens. 

23.  Ido Israelowich (2010): ‘Identity and identification of physicians during the high empire’, Legal Documents in Ancient Societies, K. U. Leuven/Brussels Academy. 

24.  Ido Israelowich (2010): ‘Generals, architects, experts of physiognomic, and physicians: the role of the Roman imperial army in shaping the Graeco-Roman health care system’, Workshop on Ancient Medicine, University of Oslo. 

25.  Ido Israelowich (2010): ‘Medical tourism during the high Roman Empire’, Approaches to Ancient Medicine Conference, Cardiff University. 

26.  Ido Israelowich (2010): ‘Towards a vocational history: the impact of the Augustan revolution on the spread and codification of the medical profession’, Conference of the Society for the Social History of Medicine, Universities of Durham and Newcastle. 

27.  Ido Israelowich (2010): ‘Belief and knowledge in ancient medicine; a reconsideration’, Belief and its Alternatives in Greek and Roman Religion, University of St Andrews. 

28.  Ido Israelowich (2009): ‘The legal status of physicians in the Roman Empire’, Seminar Series, Tel Aviv University. 

29.  Ido Israelowich (2008): ‘The use of dream contents in medical practice in classical antiquity’, Seminar Series, The Hebrew University. 

30.  Ido Israelowich (2008): ‘The authority of physicians as dream interpreter in the Pergamene Asclepieion’, Medicine in the Ancient Mediterranean World, University of Cyprus. 

31.  Ido Israelowich (2008): ‘Epilepsy in Classical antiquity: Sopater’s diagnosis of Aelius Aristides’, Approaches to Ancient Medicine, Reading University. 

32.  Ido Israelowich (2008): ‘Aristides the Epileptic?’, Israeli Society for the Promotion of Classical Studies, Tel Aviv University. 

33.  Ido Israelowich (2007): ‘The Religious Experience of Aelius Aristides’, AMPAH, Oxford University. 

34.  Ido Israelowich (2007): ‘Dreams, Medicine and Society in the Work of Aelius Aristides’, History School Seminar Series, Tel Aviv University. 

35.  Ido Israelowich (2006): ‘Reconsidering Private Religions: Divine Knowledge and Knowledge of the Divine in the Work of Aelius Aristides’, Ancient History Seminar Series, Tel Aviv University. 

36.  Ido Israelowich (2006): ‘Dreams in Ancient Medicine’, The Cohn Institute: Culture and Society Forum, Tel Aviv University. 

37.  Ido Israelowich (2006): ‘Geography and Identity in the Work of Aelius Aristides’, Israeli Society for the Promotion of Classical Studies, Tel Aviv University.



Global Young Academy
Israeli Society for the Promotion of Classical Studies 

European Association for the History of Medicine and Health 

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