Prof. Seev Hirsch

Emeritus in Coller School of Management
הפקולטה לניהול ע"ש קולר אמריטוס
Prof. Seev Hirsch
Fax: 09-9572124

Short Biography

Seev Hirsch is emeritus professor of international business at Tel Aviv University. He was Jaffe Professor of International Trade at the Leon Recanati Graduate School of Business Administration since 1981. He was a founding member of the School and served as its second dean. He joined Tel Aviv University in 1965, after getting his MBA and doctorate from the Harvard Business School in Boston. He studied economics and statistics at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Prior to becoming an academic, he was a member of Kibbutz Maagan Michael and founding member of Kibbutz Tel Kaztir.

Since 2008 he has been heading a team which includes Dr. Niron Hashai of the Hebrew University and Mr. Dan Katarivas of the Israel Manufacturers Association which has been publiing an annual survey of Israel's leading Multinational Enterprises (MNEs). The Survey is part of a long term study of the rapid global expansion of MNEs from emerging markets, initiated and coordinated by the Vale-Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment at Columbia University.

He is a member of the European International Business Academy (EIBA) and has been elected an EIBA Fellow.

Seev Hirsch founded and directed the MBA program at the College of Management, at Rishon Lezion. In recent years he directed a series of courses on entrepreneurship and industrial management for Arab and Jewish university graduates. Initiated and financed by Steff Wertheimer, chairman of the Iscar Industries group, the program sought to promote entrepreneurship, export oriented industrial development and business cooperation between Arab and Jews in Israel. By 2008, over two hundred and thirty students, including more than seventy Arabs, participated in the Course.
He was visiting professor at the Economics Department of the University of Reading and the Institute of International Economics and management at the Copenhagen Business School. He worked for the World Bank in Washington and served as advisor to the United Nations at the Iran Planning Institute, Teheran.
He served on a number of public committees including the Heth Committee on Charter Flights, the "Ne'eman" committee on the Mediterranean-Dead Sea Hydro-Electric Project and the Bejski Commission of Enquiry into the Collapse of Israel's Bank Shares.
He was associate director of the International Economic and Social Commission of the World Jewish Congress, was on the board of the Israel Foundation Trustees, and was academic director of JIM- the Jerusalem Institute of Management.

Seev Hirsch published numerous books and articles on international trade, investment and business, on the economic relations of the European Community with small outsiders and on economic aspects of the Middle East peace process.

Fields of Interest

  • Internationalization of High Technology Firms
  • Economic Aspects of Peacemaking
  • International Transactions in Services
  • Regulation of Trade and Investment Between State trading and market economies
  • Nation States and Multinational Enterprises

Selected publications


Location of Industry and International Competitiveness (Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1967) two printings.
The Export of Six Manufacturing Industries: A Comparative Study of Denmark, Holland and Israel (New York: Praeger, 1971)


Rich Man's, Poor Man's and Every Man's Goods: Aspects of Industrialization. Kiel Study No. 148, Institute of World Economics at the University of Kiel (Tuebingen: J.C.B. Mohr 1977)


With Ruth Arad and Alfred Tovias, The Economics of Peacemaking: Focus on the Egyptian - Israeli Situation (London: Macmillan for the Trade Policy Research Center, 1983).


with Tamar Almor, eds. Small Outsiders' Response to European Integration, (Copenhagen, Handelshojskolens Ferlag 1996).


Selectded Papers and Chapters in Books

"The United State' Electronic Industry in International Trade, National Institute Economic Review, No. 34, November 1965 Reprinted in L.T. Wells (ed), The Product Life Cycle and International Trade (Boston: Harvard University Press, 1972). Japanese translation, 1975.


"Technological Factors in the Composition and Direction of Israel's Industrial Exports", in R. Vernon (ed), The TEchnology Factor in International Trade (New York: Columbia University Press, 1970)


"Anatomy of Five Export Industries in European Countries and in Israel", The Economic Quarterly, Vol. 17, Nos. 65-66, 1970, pp. 27-38 (Hebrew)


"An International Trade and Investment Theory of the Firm", Oxford Economics Papers, Vol. 28, No. 2, 1976, pp. 258-70.


"The Leontief Paradox in a Multi-Country Setting", Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv, Vol. 113, No. 3, 1977, pp. 402-22.


"The Nationality of Multinationals" European International Business Academy Newsletter- Issue no.9, November 2011.


With N. Hashai & D. Katarivas, Five Annual Surveys of Israeli Multinationals, The Emerging Market Global Players Project, The Vale Columbia Center on Sustainable International Investment. Partnership of Tel Aviv University School of Business with Hebrew University School of Business, Israel Manufacturers Association and Columbia University:
2008 Israeli Multinationals Rise in Foreign Markets
2009 - Ranking of Israeli MNEs
2010 - I - Israel's leading multinationals continue to expand domestically and abroad despite the crisis
2010 - II - Crisis moderates the expansion of Israeli multinationals
2011 - Israeli multinationals back on track after a difficult year

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