Dr. Liora Hendelman

The Moshe Dayan Center for Middle Eastern and African Studies
מרכז דיין - לחקר המזה"ת סגל אקדמי בכיר
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Dr. Liora Hendelman
Phone: 03-6406440
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Fax: 03-6406665
Office: Gilman-humanities, 406


Academic Education

2001-2007 - Tel Aviv University, Israel 
Ph.D. The Department Middle Eastern and African History.
Dissertation Title: “The Gender of Modernity: The Women's Press and Representations of Women in Iranian Popular Culture between the White Revolution and the Islamic Revolution (1963-1979)”.
Supervisors: Professor David Menashri and Professor Billie Melman
1995-2000 - Tel Aviv University, Israel
M.A., (Summa Cum Laude), Department Middle Eastern and African History, 2000.
Honors Thesis: “A Woman and A Women’s Body in Modern Persian Writings”.
Supervisor: Professor David Menashri
1992-1995 - Tel Aviv University, Israel
B.A., Middle Eastern and African History and Political Science

Professional Experience

  • 2019 - Director of the Alliance Center for Iranian Studies at Tel Aviv University.
  • 2010-to date teaches at the Department of Middle Eastern and African History, Tel Aviv Universty.
  • 2014-to date Senior Research Associate, The Alliance Center for Iranian Studies, Tel Aviv University.
  • 2010-13 Research Fellow at the Alliance Center for Iranian Studies, Tel Aviv University.
  • 2009-10 - Adjunct Teacher ("Amit Horaah Beit"), the Department of Middle East and Islamic Studies, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
  • 2009-10 - Member of the Truman Institute Research Group - The Gendered Other: Muslims and Jews in the Middle East, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
  • 2008-09 - Adjunct Teacher, Rothberg International School, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
  • 2007-08 - Instructor, The School for Overseas Students, Tel Aviv University.
  • 2006-to date Content editor of the Center for Iranian Studies Website.
  • 2006 - Co-editor of Iran-Pulse: Updates and Overviews on Iranian Current Affairs, published by the Aliance Center for Iranian Studies, Tel Aviv University.
  • 2005 - Forum Iran Coordinator, the Center for Iranian Studies, Tel Aviv University.
  • 2005-07 - Teaching Assistant, The Department of Middle Eastern and African History, Tel Aviv University.
  • 2003-06 - Teaching Assistant, Tel Aviv University's Preparatory Program.




Creating the Modern Iranian Woman: Popular Culture Between Two Revolutions, Cambridge University Press, November 7, 2019.


Editor, Iran Then and Now: Society, Religion and Politics, Ramat Gan: Hakibutz Hameuhad, 2017. [in Hebrew].


Co-editor with David Menashri, Iran – Anatomy of Revolution, Tel Aviv: Hakibbutz Hameuchad, 2009, [in Hebrew].


Articles and Chapters in Books

Online Antisemitic Propaganda and Negationism in the Islamic Republic of Iran: Ahmadinejad and His Enduring Legacy," in Mikael Shainkman (ed.), Antisemitism Today and Tomorrow: Global Perspective on the Many Faces of Contemporary Antisemitism (Boston: Academic Studies Press, 2018), pp. 184-204  


"♦ The Other 'Ashura': The Martyrdom of Fatima in Contemporary Shi'i Discourse," in Meir Hatina and Meir Litvak (eds.), Martyrdom and Sacrifice in Islam: Theological, Political and Social Contexts, (London and New York: I. B. Tauris, 2017), pp. 207-223.


"♦ The Odyssey of Jalal Al-e Ahmad's Gharbzadegi - Five Decades After" in Kamran Talattof (ed.), Persian Language, Literature and Culture: New Leaves, Fresh Looks (London, Routledge, 2015), pp. 258-286.


"♦ Grotesque Corporeality and Literary Aesthetics in Sadeq Chubak's The Patient Stone," Iranian Studies, vol. 47: 4 (2014), pp. 569-593.


"♦The Mirror Has Two Faces": The Islamic Republic's Dual Policy toward the Internet, ORIENT, IV / 2013, pp. 44-48.


"♦The Virtual Frontiers of the Iranian Blogistan," in Barry Rubin (ed.), The Middle East - A Guide to Politics, Economics, Society, and Culture, vol. 1, (Armonk, NY: M. E. Sharpe, 2012), pp. 288-300


""♦Cultura Oficial" in Post-Revolutionary Iran: The Case of State Sponsored Political Wall Murals," in Barry Rubin (ed.), The Middle East - A Guide to Politics, Economics, Society, and Culture, vol. 2, (Aemonk, NY: M. E. Sharpe, 2012), pp. 425-433.


"♦Judeo-Persian Communities: The Islamic Republic of Iran (1979-2009)," in Houman Sarshar (ed.), Jewish Communities of Iran (New York: Encyclopedia Iranica Foundation, 2011), pp. 69-79.


"♦Guardians of New Spaces: Home and Exile in Azar Nafisi's Reading Lolita in Tehran, Marjane Satrapi's Persepolis Series and Azadeh Moaveni's Lipstick Jihad," Hagar, Studies in Culture, Polity and Identities  8:1 (Summer 2008), pp. 45-62.


"♦Promises and Perils of Weblogistan: Online Personal Journals and the Islamic Republic of Iran," The Middle East Review of International Affairs, 11: 2 (June 2007), pp. 77-93.


For a list of articles and chapters published in Hebrew click here


Analysis & Short Reviews

Espionage, Moles and Bribery: Iran's Covert Activity in Iraq, ACIS Iran Pulse no. 103, January 1, 2020


Visiting the Iranian 'Nazi Center' Online ACIS Iran Pulse No.74, (April 15, 2015)


Recent Nazi Inclinations in the Virtual Domain of Iran, ACIS Iran Pulse No. 40 (December 6, 2010); also posted by  Middle East Foreign Policy Blogs (December 2010).


Analysis: Hell Hath No Fury, The Jerusalem Post (June 25, 2009).


Up Close and Personal: the Rollercoaster of Iran-Egypt Relations, ACIS Iran Pulse No. 28 (March 2009), also posted in "Iran-Egypt Relations,” Iran Almanac (May 2009).


Iran Bans "Women" – The Shutting Down of Zanan, ACIS Iran Pulse 21 (April 2008).


A Mid-Term Assessment of Ahmadinejad's Gender Policy, ACIS Iran Pulse 16 (September 2007).


Iranian Blogs of War During the Israeli-Lebanese Conflict, ACIS Iran Pulse 4 (October 2006).


Active Participation in Scientific Conferences (from first to last)


2002 – "Vital or Volatile? Gendered Bodies in Two Iranian Novels," presented at The Fourth Biennial Conference of the Society for Iranian Studies, Bethesda, USA.


2003 - ”The Veil is the Flag of the Revolution”: Fashion Politics in Iran," presented at the conference Women and the Political Process in the Middle East, Tel Aviv University.


2004 - "A Persian Odyssey: Four Decades to Jalal Ale Ahmad’s “Gharbzadegi," presented at The Fifth Biennial Conference of the International Society of Iranian Studies, Bethesda, USA.


2005 - "Robes behind Veils Iran Version: The Story of Women Practicing the Law in the Islamic Republic" presented at The 13th Annual Conference on Women and Gender Studies and Feminist Theories, Tel Aviv University.


2006 - "Robes behind Veils Iran Version: The Story of Women Practicing the Law in the Islamic Republic," The 13th Annual Conference on Women and Gender Studies and Feminist Theories, Tel Aviv University.


 2006 - "Iranian Women Following the Elections," presented at a round table discussion: Women in the Middle East: Progress or Regress, Cultural Affairs Office, United States Embassy, Tel Aviv.


2006 - "The Ayatollah's Weekly Column: Morteza Motahhari and the Modern Woman Magazine,” presented at the CIS international conference on Iran: Modern Religious Thought and Society, Tel Aviv University.


2007 - “Reading Pygmalion in Iran: Clerics and the 1960s Popular-Press," presented at The Joint Meeting of the American Journalism Historians Association and the AEJMC History Division, New York University, USA.


2007 - “Guardians of New Spaces": Home and Exile in the Memoirs of Iranian Women," presented at the conference Iran - the Emerging Challenge in Multiple Perspectives, Los Angeles, USA.


2007 - "Unveiling the Sexual in Iran: Leading Ayatollahs and Women's Commercial Magazines," presented at The Joint Popular Culture Association (PCA) and American Culture Association (ACA) 2007 National Conference, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.


2007 - "Iranian Press Presents: Zan-i Rouz and the Ayatollah of Fariman," presented at The Middle East Studies Association Annual Meeting (MESA), Montreal, Canada.


2007 - "Blogestan as an Arena of Subversive Culture," presented at The Third Annual Conference of the Netvision Institute for Internet Studies, Tel Aviv University.


2008 - “The Internet in Iran: a Path for Freedom or Government's Propaganda?," presented at Media in the Middle East: Community, Nationality & Nation, The Van Lear Jerusalem Institute, Jerusalem.


2008 - "Iranian Use of Internet for Propaganda and Holocaust Denial," presented at Understanding the Challenge of Iran,  Yale University, New Haven, USA.


2008 - "Contemporary Urban Youth Culture in Iran," presented at the conference on Children, Youth and Gender, The Harry S. Truman Institute the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.


2008 - "Hyphenated Identities in Autobiographies of Iranian Women Writers," presented at the symposium on Women Authors Constructing Iran in Israel, Tel Aviv University.


2009 - "Beyond Cultural Imperialism: The Media and Rise of Celebrity Culture in Iran," presented at the conference on Spare Time Culture in Islamic Societies, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.


2009 - ""Sex and the City": New Media Practices among Tehran's Youth," preanted at the conference on Youth in the Middle East – A Conservative or Revolutionary Generation?, Tel Aviv University.


2009 - "Surfing the Iranian Net: Methodological Challenges," presented at the symposium on The Middle East on the Web: Virtual Communities and Social Networks on the Internet, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.


2009 - "Young and Restless: Urban Youth Culture in Tehran," presented at the symposium on The Iranian Revolution: Thirty Years After, Tel Aviv University.


2009 - “Iranian Cyber-hate: The Islamic Republic’s Anti-Semitic Propaganda Online” presented at a conference on Rewriting Histories in Modern Iran, Tel Aviv University.


2009 - “Between a Rock and a Hard Place: Iranian Youth & the Post-Election Turmoil” presented at the first Abir international conference, The Middle East in Transition, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.


2010 - "Between Exclusion and Glorification: Transformations in the Image of Fatima in the Revolutionary Discourse" presented at the workshop The Shi'a – Theology, Law & Culture, The Nehemia Levtzion Center for Islamic Studies, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and the Center for Iranian Studies, Tel Aviv University.


2010 - "From the Iranian Revolution of 1979 to the Civil Protest of 2009" presented at the Research Forum of the Moshe Dayan Center for Middle Eastern and African Studies, Tel Aviv University.


2010 - "Sleepless in Iran: New Media and Youth Culture in Tehran" presented at the conference Jewish Iranian Legacy: Life, Politics, and Culture, the Samuel Jordan Center for Persian Studies and Culture, University of California Irvine, USA.


2011 - "Think Local, Act Global: The Struggle of Iranian Women for their Rights in the first Decade of the 21st Century" presented at the conference on The Legacy of the Past and the Challenges of Future - The Jews of Iran, organized by the ACIS & Beit Hatfutsot , TAU.


2011 - "The Internet and the Underground Youth Culture in Iran" presented at Predicting Revolutions: Iranian Cinema and the Islamic Revolution, a joint conference of The Nehemia Levtzion Center for Islamic Studies & the Truman Institute, held at the Konrad Adenauer Conference Center, Jerusalem.


2011 - ""Fatima is Fatima" in the Post-revolutionary Shi'i Narrative" presented at Gender & Women Studies in the Middle East: Contemporary Perspective, a joint conference of the Truman Institute and the Department of Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies, the Hebrew University. 


2011 - "Youth in Iran Caught between Reality and Virtuality" presented at The Middle East  Revolutions on the Eve of a New Order, the Annual Conference of Dayan Center, TAU.


2012 - "Antisemitism and Holocaust Denial in Iran's Online Propaganda Network"  presented at the Conference on Holocaust Remembrance in the Shape of Jewish Identity, organized by The Kantor Center for the Study of Contemporary European Jewry, TAU.


2012 - "From Obscure Sainthood to Prominent Martyrdom: Images of Fatima in the Post-Revolutionary Shi'i Discourse" presented at Self-Sacrifice and Death in Modern Islam: History, Ethos and Politics, International Workshop, the Levtzion Center for Islamic Studies, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.


2013 - "Death Becomes You: Iran's National Commemoration of Martyrs on the World Wide Web" presented at Constructing Nationalism in Iran from the Qajars to the Islamic Republic, International Workshop, The Alliance Center for Iranian Studies, TAU.


2013 - "The Politics of Diversity: Immigration and In-migration of Iranian Jews" presented at the conference Dunyadaki Yahudi Gocleri, Osmanli ve Turkiye'deki Yahudiler, The Association of International Relations Studies of Turkey (TUIC), Istanbul.


2014 - "The Tragedy of Fatima as a Site of Memory in the Islamic Republic's National Discourse" presented at The 38 Annual Conference of the Middle East and Islamic Studies Association of Israel (MEISAI), Sapir College.


2014 - "New Media in the Middle East: The Case of Iran following the Arab Spring" presented at Social and Political Change in the Arab World, a symposium organized by the Gershon H. Gordon Faculty of Social Sciences, TAU.


2015 - "Iran-Israel Relations in Historical & Cultural Perspective" The Tenth conference of Dni Izraela, co-organized by The Oriental Department of the Jagiellonian University and JCC, Cracow, Poland.


2015 - "Big Expectations, Old Anxieties: Public Reactions to the Nuclear Agreement in Iran" presented at Between the Iranian Nuclear Agreement and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: The Israeli Strategic-Existential Discourse. A two-days symposium held by the Tami Steinmetz Center for Peace Research, TAU.


2016 - "The Modest Dress Code for Women in Iran and Israel - A Comparative Perspective" presented at The Eleventh conference of Dni Izraela, organized by The Oriental Department of the Jagiellonian University, Cracow, Poland.


2016 - "Small Newspapers, Big Revolution: The Women's Press in the Late Qajar Era" Guest Lecture at the Iran Forum seminar, held by the Alliance Center for Iranian Studies, TAU.


2016 - "Digitized Martyrs: Online Commemoration of the Imposed War" presented at The Eleventh Biennial of the Society for Iranian Studies Conference, University of Vienna, Austria.


2016 - "All Stays in the Family: the Modern Woman in the Late Pahlavi Era" presented at Women & Gender in The Middle East - Joint Workshop of The Dayan Center and Sapir Academic Collage.


2016 - Discussant - "Translation and Hybridity in the Works of Contemporary Middle Eastern Artists" by Iris Gilaad. Gilda - the Forum of Research Students - The David and Yolanda Katz Faculty of the Arts, Tel Aviv University.


2017 - "Iran's Many Faces:" Trends and Changes Among the Contemporary Youth," presented at Joint Symposium of the ACIS and Hakibbutz Hameuhad upon the launch of the Book: Iran Then and Now: Society, Religion & Politics, Tel Aviv University.


2017 - "To Be Beautiful or Not To Be: Gender and Class in the Iranian Beauty Pageant of the Pahlavi Era" presented at The 41 Annual Conference of The Middle East & Islamic Studies Association of Israel, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem.


2018 - "The personal Status of Minorities and Women in the Islamic Republic of Iran: A Comparative perspective"  presented at The10th Annual Persian Gulf Studies Conference on "Minority Communities in the Persian Gulf," The University of Haifa.


2018 - "Online memory and commemoration: martyrdom on Iran's virtual space" presented at a joint symposium of the Alliance Center for Iranian Studies (TAU) and the Jack & Elis chair for Arab studies (the Hebrew University), held at Tel Aviv University.


2018 - "Branding the Nation in Iran Air Advertising of the Late Pahlavi Era" presented at The Fifth World Congress for Middle Eastern Studies (VOCMES), Seville, Spain.


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