Prof. Hava[Havi] Dreifuss

Department of Jewish History
חוג להסטוריה של עם ישראל סגל אקדמי בכיר
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Prof. Hava[Havi] Dreifuss
Phone: 03-6409079
Fax: 03-6405542
Office: Carter, 218


Prof. Havi Dreifuss is a historian of the Holocaust in Eastern Europe at the Department of Jewish History at Tel – Aviv University. For years Prof. Dreifuss worked at Yad Vashem during her study at the Hebrew University, and since November 2010 she heads the The Center for Research on the Holocaust in Poland at The International Institute for Holocaust Research, Yad Vashem. Her research deals with various aspects of everyday life in the Holocaust, including: the relationship between Jews and Poles, religious life in light of the Holocaust, Jewish existence facing the extermination. 



"We Polish Jews"? The Relations between Jews and Poles during the Holocaust – The Jewish Perspective, Yad Vashem: Jerusalem 2009 [In Hebrew, English version forthcoming]

Changing Perspectives on Polish-Jewish Relations during the Holocaust, Yad Vashem: Jerusalem 2012

Warsaw Ghetto - The End (April 1942-June 1943) - Accepted for publication (Yad Vashem: Jerusalem, in Hebrew)


Christians in the Ghetto: All Saint's Church, Birth of the Holy Virgin Mary Church and the Jews of the Warsaw Ghetto, Yad Vashem Studies, Vol. 31, 2003, pp. 153-173

H. Ben-Sasson and L. Pries, Twilight Days: Missing Pages from Avraham Levin’s Warsaw Ghetto Diary, May – July 1942, Yad Vashem Studies, Vol. 33, 2005, pp. 7-60

“At the Present Time, Jewish Warsaw Is Like a Cemetery”: Life in the Warsaw Ghetto during the Great Deportation’, in Moshe Zimmermann (ed.), Three Generations of Historians on German and Jews under the Nazi Regime: Festschrift in Honor of Otto Dov Kulka, The Hebrew University Magnes Press: Jerusalem 2006, pp. 353-383

'Polish-Jewish Relations during the Holocaust: A Changing Jewish Viewpoint', in Robert Cherry and Annamaria Orla-Bukowska (ed.), Rethinking Poles and Jews: Troubled Past, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers: Brighter, Lanham, Boulder, New York, Toronto and Plymouth 2007, pp. 89-97

“Something has Broken in Me” The Diary of Rutka Laskier and the Writings of Jewish Youth in the Holocaust, in Rutka's Notebook: A Voice From the Holocaust, Times Books and Yad Vashem: New-York 2007, pp. 78-89

"Hell has Come  to Earth" An Anonymous Women's Diary from the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, Yad Vashem Studies, Vol. 36, 2, 2008, pp. 13-43

'Imanuel Ringelblum: The Man and His Writings From the Great Deportation to the Ghetto Uprising', in Israel Gutman (ed.), Emanuel Ringelblum: The Man and the Historian, Yad Vashem: Jerusalem 2010, pp. 155-178

'Zuckerman: A Witness and Resource, A leader and A Man', Moreshet, No. 10 (2013), pp. 104-127

, "The Works of My Hands is Drowning in the Sea and You Would Offer Me Song?!" Orthodox Behavior and Leadership in Warsaw during the Holocaust, in Glenn Dynner and Francois Guesnet, Warsaw, the Jewish Metropolis: Essays in Honor of the 75th Birthday of Professor Antony Polonsky's, Brill Academic Publishers:Leiden and Boston 2015, pp. 467-495


SELECTED ARTICLES in other Languages

Historiografia ultraortodoksyjna i Holocaust – Moshe Prager jako studium przypadku (Polish: Ultra-Orthodox Historiography and the Holocaust – Moshe Prager as a Case-Study), Duchowość żydowska w Polsce, Kraków, 2000 (pp. 391-403)

„Chcemy wierzyć w inną Polskę” Stosunki żydowsko-polskie w podziemnej prasie żydowskiej Getta Warszawskiego (Polish: “We Want to Believe in a Different Poland” Polish-Jewish Relationship in the Jewish Underground Press in Warsaw), Zagłada Żydów: Studai i materialy, Vol. 1, 2005, (pp. 96-113).

Stusunki polsko-źydoskie e dobie Zagłady: zmiana żydowskiego punktu widzenia, w Robert Cherry i Annamaria Orla-Bukowska (Red.), Polacy i Zydzi: kwestia otwarta, Warszawa, Więz, 2008, s.107-116


L'historiographie orthodoxe et la Shoah: ses repercussions dans le monde universitaire, Revue d histoire de la Shoah, Vol.188, Janvier/Juin 2008 (pp. 453-477)

'La Pologne et les Polonais vus par les Juifs polonaise pendant la Shoah: un regard qui a évolué', in Jean-Charles Szurek et Annette Wieviorka (ed.), Juifs et Polonais 1939-2008, Albin Michel: Paris 2009 (pp.109-122)



The Holocaust: An Introduction (Part I and II):





‘Warsaw Ghetto’, Guy Miron (Ed.), Encyclopedia of the Ghettos during the Holocaust, Jerusalem 2009, pp. 897-921


The Test of Jewish Solidarity: An Interview with Dr. Havi Dreifuss


The Development of the Final Solution

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