Prof. Hanna Lerner

Political science studies
בית הספר למדע המדינה סגל אקדמי בכיר
Prof. Hanna Lerner
Phone: 03-6407131
Fax: 03-6409515
Office: Naftali - Social Sciences, 517


Prof. Hanna Lerner is the head of the School of Political Science, Government and International Affairs at Tel Aviv University. She is also the Director of the Hertog Institute for Government. Her research focuses on comparative constitution making, on religion and democracy, and on global justice and global governance especially around the issue of international labor rights in transnational supply chains.

She received her BA in philosophy and history and her MA in philosophy (magna cum laude) from Tel-Aviv University, and earned her MPhil and PhD in political science from Columbia University, New York.

Prof. Lerner is the author of Making Constitutions in Deeply Divided Societies (Cambridge University Press, 2011) and editor of Global Justice and International Labour rights (with Yossi Dahan and Faina Milman-Sivan, Cambridge University Press, 2016), Constitution Writing, Religion and Democracy (with Asli Bali, Cambridge University Press, 2017) and Comparative Constitution Making (with David Landau, Edward Elgar 2019). Her articles appeared in numerous books and in journals including Law and Social Inquiry, World Politics, Michigan Journal of International Law, Theoretical Inquiries in Law, Constellations, Nations and Nationalism, Journal of Social Philosophy, Cornell International Law Journal. She had also co-edited a special issue of American Behavioral Scientist on religion and constitutionalism.

In 2014 she co-convened a research group on constitutionalism, religion and human rights at the Center for Interdisciplinary Research (ZiF), Bielefeld University, Germany. Prof. Lerner also held visiting fellowships at Princeton University and the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. Before joining Tel Aviv University she served as deputy director of the School of Educational Leadership at the Mandel Institute in Jerusalem. She also has vast experience as a journalist and radio news editor, and was the founding director of the news department of Radio Darom.

Research Interests

Comparative Constitution Making, Constitutional Politics, Religion and Democracy, Global Justice, International Labor Rights


Hanna Lerner, Making Constitutions in Deeply Divided Societies. Cambridge University Press, 2011. 

Yossi Dahan, Hanna Lerner and Faina Milman-Sivan, eds. Global Justice and International Labour Rights. Cambridge University Press, 2016. 

Aslı U. Bali and Hanna Lerner, eds. Constitution Writing, Religion and Democracy. Cambridge University Press, 2017.

David Landau and Hanna Lerner, eds., Comparative Constitution Making. Edward Elgar, 2019.


For complete list of publications see here, and SSRN 

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