Prof. Goren Gordon

Dep. of Industrial Engineering
מחלקה להנדסת תעשיה סגל אקדמי בכיר
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Prof. Goren Gordon
Phone: 03-6408422
Office: Wolfson - Engineering, 410

Curiosity Lab

In the Curiosity Lab we research curiosity from different perspective: development of artificial curiosity algorithms, their implementation in curious robots, development of model-based curiosity assessment tools.

In the Curiosity Lab we also develop social robots for the promotion of 21st centruy skills in children.


Goren Gordon PhD, PhD MBA. Goren has six academic degrees, a BA, MSc and PhD in Quantum Physics, a BMSc, MBA and another PhD in Neurobiology. He did his postdoc in MIT Media Lab’s Personal Robots Group. Goren is the head of the Curiosity Lab in Tel-Aviv University. He studies mathematical models of curiosity, implementing them in curious social robots and using them to assess and promote curiosity in children. Goren also developed Quantum Computer Games, has a teaching certificate from MIT and loves to dance and play role-playing and board games.


Machine learning, Social robots, Curiosity assessment

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