Prof. Uri Goldbourt

Emeritus in School of Public Health
ביה"ס לבריאות הציבור אמריטוס
Prof. Uri Goldbourt
Phone: 03-6409040
Fax: 03-6409868
Office: Sackler School of Medicine, 921


Dr. Uri Goldbourt is Professor emeritus of epidemiology and preventive medicine at the Sackler Medical faculty in Tel Aviv University (TAU). He was appointed Senior lecturer in 1985 and promoted to Associate Professor in 1989 and Professor in 1994. During 1995-1999 he served as chairperson of the department of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine. He co-initiated the M.Sc studies program in epidemiology at TAU. Dr. Goldbourt holds a B.Sc. Degree in Mathematics, Physics and Statistics from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem (1964) and MA degree in Statistics from the Hebrew University (1966) and a PhD from Tel Aviv University (1984).

Dr. Goldbourt was a visiting associate at the NHLI (currently NHLBI) at NIH, Bethesda in 1973-75 and returned as visiting professor in 1991-2. He also served as visiting professor at Chicago Loyola University School of medicine in 1999/2000 and Columbia University NY School of Public health (2008).

Dr. Goldbourt initiated the foundation and development of the Israeli Society of epidemiology (1983). He subsequently established and chaired the Israeli Heart Society Working group on Epidemiology and Preventive Cardiology (1997). He also served (2012 – current) as council member of the Israeli Statistical Society. He was recipient of the Richard Meltzer Honorary Prize from the Israeli Heart Society in 2007 and in 2012 was installed as the 14th Honorary Life member of the Society.

Dr. Goldbourt is a fellow of the American Heart Association (since 1979) and The European Society of Cardiology. Between 2004 and 2011 he served as a Council member of the International Society on Cardiovascular Epidemiology and Prevention, affiliated with the World Heart federation. He serves as grader in domestic as well as major international cardiology, epidemiology and other meetings and has chaired sessions in innumerable meetings. At the Wingate Teachers College of Sports of Physical education Dr. Goldbourt taught for 35 years and between 2000 and 2013 served as the Chairperson the Supreme Academic Council.

Dr. Goldbourt's main scientific interests span epidemiologic methods, hypertension, dyslipidemia in CHD, nutritional epidemiology of CHD and, since 2000, also epidemiology of stroke and dementia. He has published widely in peer-reviewed journals (author and coauthor of ~350 publications in English language journals). He was instrumental in renewing and maintaining scientific activity at the Israeli Ischemic Heart Disease study (initial examination of 10,232 civil servants and municipal employees in Israel in 1963, 1965 and 1968). Later, he compiled that manuals for two major clinical trials involving 13-18 heart centers in Israel including SPRINT (1983, n=2276) and SPRINT 2 (1986, n=826) and BIP( bezafibrate Infarction project, 15,700 screenees and 3,090 active participants, 1990-). He continues to publish from these studies, including major international collaborations in the fields of lipid control, fatty acid and CHD deaths, and long-term meta analysis of cohort studies, coordinated in Oxford, Cambridge (GB), Sidney and the Harvard University medical school.


Extra - curricular activities:

  • Dr. Goldbourt has laid the foundation for the systematic statistical documentation of athletics in Israel. Member of ATFS (Association of Track and Field Statisticians) since 1968. "Athletics in Israel 1935-1970" provided the original listing of national record progression, and full lists of National champions in each event before and after independence (1948).
  • Editor, Sports federation of Israel athletic yearbooks 1971/2, 1972/3 1973-1976, 1982/3. "Athletics 70" (David Eiger, Uri Goldbourt and Arik Cooks, eds) told the story of the first 69 championships and listed all the past national champions and results.
  • In 1972/3: chairman, technical Committee of Athletics, Israel Sports Federation. Over the eight athletics seasons, 1975/6 through 1982/83, Chairman of the Israel Athletic Association. Established the national Women team, 1976 (With David Eiger) and revived the national Men team, 1980.
  • Dr. Goldbour is a co-founder of the "Small Nations Meet" with Greece, Northern Ireland, Luxemburg and Wales, 1980 to 1983.
  • First Israeli representative in the International Calendar meetings and Head of the Delegation to the inaugural non-Olympic World Championships in Helsinki, 1983.
  • Dr. Goldbour has attended at numerous world championships and Olympic Games: Munich 1972, Rome 1987, Tokyo 1991; Stuttgart 1993, Goteborg 1995, Atlanta 1996, Seville 1999, Edmonton 2001, Paris 2003, Athens 2004, Helsinki 2005, Beijing 2008, Berlin 2009, London 2012 and Moscow 2013, in reporting capacity to Yediot Aharonot and/or Haaretz daily and "World of Running" magazine (in capacity of Head of the editorial board).


Research Interests

  • Epidemiologic methods
  • Hypertension and dyslipidemia in Coronary Heart Disease
  • Nutritional epidemiology of Coronary Heart Disease
  • Epidemiology of stroke and dementia

Selected Publications

Click here for a complete list of Prof. Goldbourt's Peer-Reviewed Articles.

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