Prof. Jacob Glazer

Emeritus in Coller School of Management
הפקולטה לניהול ע"ש קולר אמריטוס
Prof. Jacob Glazer
Phone: 03-6409052
Fax: 03-6407741
Office: Recanati - Business Administration

Short Biography

Jacob (Kobi) Glazer received his Ph.D in Economics from the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University, in 1986. He is currently a professor of economics at the Faculty of Management, Tel Aviv University and the Department of Economics, the University of Warwick. He is the Chair of the Master of Health Administration (MHA) program and the Academic Director of the Executive MBA programs at Tel Aviv University. In addition, he serves as the Head of the Kovens Institute for Health Systems' Management and is the incumbent of the Issachar Haimovich Chair for Strategic Management at Tel Aviv University.

Glazer's main areas of research are health economics, industrial organization and game theory. He has served as a consultant to many research projects funded, among others, by the NIH, NIA and the VA, in the US and to various organizations in Israel such as the Israeli Medical Association, the Israeli Ministry of Health and the Maccabi Healthcare Services. He is currently an Associate Editor of the Journal of Health Economics.




Fields of Research

Health Economics, Economic Theory




2016   Jacob Glazer and Ariel Rubinstein, “Bounded Rationality and Mechanism design”,

           World Scientific Publishers, ISBN: 978-981-3141-32-2 

2017   Jacob Glazer and Thomas G. McGuire, “Models of Health Plan Payment and Quality Reporting,”

           World Scientific Publishers, ISBN: 978-981-3202-87-0


Selected Recent Refereed Articles

Jacob Glazer and Thomas G. McGuire, "Making Medicare Advantage a Middle-Class Program,” the Journal of Health Economics, 32, 2013, 463– 473.

Thomas G. McGuire, Jacob Glazer, Joseph P. Newhouse, Sharon-Lise Normand, Julie Shi, Anna D. Sinaiko, and Samuel Zuvekas,  “Integrating Risk Adjustment and Enrollee Premiums in Health Plan Payment,” the Journal of Health Economics, (32) 2013.

Jacob Glazer and Ariel Rubinstein, “Complex Questionnaires,” Econometrica, 82, 1529-1541, 2014.

Jacob Glazer and Thomas G. McGuire, " Paying Medicare Advantage Plans: To Level or Tilt the Playing Field", the Journal of Health Economics, Volume 56, December 2017, Pages 281-291.

Shuli Brammli-Greenberg, Jacob Glazer and Ephraim Shapiro, “The Inverse U-Shaped Religion-Health Connection among Israeli Jews.”  Journal of Religion &Health,  2018, 57(2), 738-750

Jacob Glazer and Ariel Rubinstein, "Coordinating with a "Problem Solver", Management Science, 65 (2019), 2813–2819. 

Shuli Brammli-Greenberg; Jacob Glazer; Ruth Waitzberg; “Modest risk-sharing significantly reduces health plans’ incentives for service distortion,” European Journal of Health Economics, December 2019, Volume 20, Issue 9, pp 1359–1374

Jacob Glazer, Ilan Kremer and Motty Perry, “The Wisdom of the Crowd when Acquiring Information is Costly,” Management Science, forthcoming 2021.

Jacob Glazer, Helios Herrera and Motty Perry, “Fake Reviews,” the Economic Journal, forthcoming 2021.

Jacob Glazer and Ariel Rubinstein, “Story Builders,” the Journal of Economic Theory, Forthcoming 2021.


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