Prof. Galit Yovel

Faculty of Social Sciences
ביה"ס למדעי הפסיכולוגיה סגל אקדמי בכיר
Prof. Galit Yovel
Phone: 03-6405474
Fax: 03-6409547
Office: Sharett - Educational Sciences, 254

Short Biography

Prof. Galit Yovel received her PhD in Psychology (Cognitive Neuroscience) from the University of Chicago in 2001 under the supervision of Prof. Jerre Levy and Prof Ken Paller (Northwester University). She then completed a post-doctoral training in fMRI of high level vision with Prof. Nancy Kanwisher in the department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences at MIT. Galit joined the Department of Psychology as a faculty member in 2005.

Fields of Interest

Cognitive Neuroscience of high-level vision. Face and Object Perception. Individual Differences in visual processing.

Selected Publications


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