My major research areas include philosophy of education and sociology of education. My research explore the sociocultural aspects of integrating technology and education, and specifically deals with questions pertaining to democracy, education, and citizenship. In addition, I am interested in aesthetic education. I believe that the humanistic education has an important role in advancing critical skills, creativity, and autonomous thinking.
Dr. Dan Mamlok

General Information
1999-2002- Tel Aviv University, Political Science and Philosophy, B.A.,
2003-2006- Tel Aviv University, Philosophy, M.A. (cum laude)
Master’s thesis: The Discourse and Its Order: Reflection and Critique over the Debates about Conscientious Disobedience
Supervisor: Prof. Anat Matar
2013-2017- Miami University , Educational Leadership, Culture, and Curriculum, Ph.D.
Doctoral dissertation: Digital Technology and Education in the Age of Globalization
Supervisors: Profs. Kathleen Knight Abowitz and Richard Quantz
Fall 2013-Spring 2016- Miami University (Oxford, OH), Department of Educational Leadership , Teaching Associate (instructor of record)
Summer 2017- Spring 2018- Miami University (Oxford,OH), Department of Educational Leadership, Adjunct Professor
2018- 2020- Concordia University (Montreal, QC), Department of Education, Postdoctoral Fellow
Project: “Children’s Narrative Construction of the Self and the Other”, Project Someone (Social Media Education Every Day)
2020-Present- Tel Aviv University, School of Education, Lecturer
Selected Publications
Mamlok, D. (2015). The loss of aura in education. Philosophical Studies in Education 46:
Mamlok, D. (2016). Negative and positive freedom: Considering education and the digital world. Philosophical Studies in Education 47: 88-97.
Mamlok, D., & Knight-Abowitz, K. (2017). Education for digital citizenship. Philosophy of Education Yearbook 2017: 336-350.
Mamlok, D. (2018). Mathematics education, ethics, and the limitations of ethno-mathematics. Philosophy of Education Yearbook 2018: 166-170.
Knight-Abowitz, K., & Mamlok, D. (2019). #NeverAgainMSD Student Activism: A Response to Ruitenberg’s “Educating Political Adversaries.” Philosophy of Education Yearbook 2019:
Knight-Abowitz, K., & Mamlok, D. (2019). The case of #NeverAgainMSD: When proceduralist civics becomes public work by way of political emotion. Theory & Research in Social Education 47 (2): 155-175. DOI: 10.1080/00933104.2019.1586611.
Mamlok, D. (2020). For a pedagogy of ambivalence. Philosophical Studies in Education 51: pp. 129-138.
Levin, I., & Mamlok, D. (2021). Culture and society in the digital age. Information 12 (2), 68.
Knight-Abowitz, K., & Mamlok, D. (2021). NeverAgainMSD student activism: Lessons for agonist political education in an age of democratic crisis. Educational Theory 70(6),
Mamlok, D., & Knight-Abowitz, K. (2021). 132 words: A critical examination of digital technology, education, and citizenship. Technology, Knowledge and Learning.
Rosenfeld, I. Yemin, M.,I & Mamlok, D. (2022) Agency and professional identity among mobile teachers: how does the experience of teaching abroad shape teachers’ professional identity?. Teachers and Teaching, DOI: 10.1080/13540602.2022.2097216
Mamlok, D. (2023). The Quest to Cultivate Tolerance Through Education. Studies in Philosophy and Education.
Mamlok, D. (2023). Bill 21 as an Exemplar of the Fragility of Tolerance. Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education.
Chang Kredl, S. Mamlok, D., & Venkatesh, V. (2023). Dark play and children’s construction of the other. American Journal of Play.
Mamlok, D. (2021). The great promise of educational technology: Citizenship and education in a globalized world. New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan.
Book Chapters
Mamlok, D. (2016). Education of and for difference: Re-thinking of Critical Pedagogy. In T. Poetter, K. Waldrop, C. Bolyard, & V. Bell-Robinson (Eds). Curriculum Windows: What curriculum theorists of the 1980s can teach us about schools and society today (pp. 1-14). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
Encyclopedia Entries
Mamlok, D. (2017). Active listening, music education, and society. In G. Noblit (Ed.). Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Education. New York: Oxford University Press. DOI: 10.1093/acrefore/9780190264093.013.186.
Papers Presented at Scientific Meetings
Mamlok, D. (2014). The loss of aura in education. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Ohio Valley Philosophy of Education Society. Dayton, OH.
Mamlok, D. (2015). Negative and positive freedom in education: Berlin and Dewey on freedom in teacher and student work. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Ohio Valley Philosophy of Education Society. Dayton, OH.
Mamlok, D. (2015). Education of and for Difference: Re-thinking of Critical Pedagogy. Paper presented in a book event session at the annual meeting of the Curriculum and Pedagogy Group Society. Cleveland, OH.
Mamlok, D. (2016). The ethics of civil disobedience for public education. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Ohio Valley Philosophy of Education Society. Dayton, OH.
Mamlok, D., & Gitlin, A. (2016) The transformation of schooling: Creating spaces of difference. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Curriculum and Pedagogy Group Society. Cleveland, OH.
Mamlok, D., & Knight-Abowitz, K. (2017). Education for digital citizenship. Paper presented at the Philosophy of Education Society 2017 annual meeting. Seattle, WA.
Mamlok, D., & Knight-Abowitz, K. (2017). Digital technology, education, and citizenship: A critical examination. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association 2017 annual meeting. San Antonio, TX.
Knight-Abowitz, K., & Mamlok, D. (2017). Agonist democracy and citizen engagement. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Ohio Valley Philosophy of Education Society. Mundelein, IL. Mundelein, IL.
Mamlok, D (2018). Mathematics education, ethics, and the limitations of ethno-mathematics. Invited response to Chen, general session. Paper presented at the Philosophy of Education Society 2018 annual meeting. Chicago, IL.
Knight-Abowitz, K., & Mamlok, D. (2019). #NeverAgainMSD student activism: A response to Ruitenberg’s “educating political adversaries.” Paper presented at the Philosophy of Education Society 2019 annual meeting, Richmond, VA.
Mamlok, D. (2019). Ambivalence in education in difficult times. In the panel: Pedagogies of Ambivalence and ambiguity. Paper presented at the Philosophy of Education Society 2019 annual meeting. Richmond, VA.
Mamlok, D. (2019). Ambivalence in education: Revisiting Bauman’s accounts of modernity, ambivalence, and the construction of the other. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Ohio Valley Philosophy of Education Society. Nashville, IN.
Mamlok, D., & Chang-Kredl, S. (2020). Children’s construction of self and other: Engaging with media and cultural artifacts. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association 2020 annual meeting.
Mamlok, D. (2022). The Algorithm Never Lies: Knowledge, Education, and Media in Post-Truth Era. Paper presented at the 2022 Philosophy of Human-Technology Relations annual conference. Copenhagen, Denmark.