Prof. Jacob Sonnenschein's research has been focused on the HISH (Holography Inspired Stringy Hadron) model. This is a modern version of the stringy description of hadrons: mesons, baryons, glueballs and exotic hadrons that he invented and developed. The research included setting up and developing the basic concepts and tools of the model, in particular the quantization of a bosonic string with particles on its ends. At the same time he has also applied the model to experimental data and found nice agreement with the spectra of all hadrons and their decay width. Using the powerful tool of the gauge/gravity duality, he has also investigated aspects of nuclear matter, in particular its crystalline structure and the phase transition to quark matter. Another topic he investigates is topological non-trivial classical solutions of pure Maxwell theory. He has developed a technique based on special conformal transformations to generate an infinite set of knot-like solutions of the electric and magnetic fields, and showed that similar configurations exist also in pressure-less hydrodynamics. He developed a Lagrangian formulation for the EM configurations which is the first step toward quantizing them.
Prof. Jacob Sonnenschein
B.Sc. in Physics; Technion Israel Institute of Technology, 1972-1975
M.Sc. in High Energy Physics; Weizmann Institute, 1981-1982
Ph.D. in High Energy Physics; Weizmann Institute, 1983-1987
Academic Appointments
Teaching assistant Weizmann Institute, 1984-1986
Post-Doctoral research in Stanford Linear Accelerator center, 1987-1989
Post-Doctoral research, Dept. of Physics UCLA, 1989-1990
Senior lecturer, School of Physics Tel Aviv University, Sep. 1990
Tenure position, School of Physics Tel Aviv University, May. 1993
Associate Professor, School of Physics Tel Aviv University, Oct. 1993
Full Professor, School of Physics Tel Aviv University, Oct. 1998
Adviser, "Einstein center" Weizmann Institute of Science, 1990-1999
Member of the Institute for advanced study Princeton, 2001-2002
Awards and Prizes
Distinction in B.Sc studies, Technion- Institute of Technology, 1975
Best student Prize of school of Subnuclear Physics Erice Italy, 1985
Brener Prize for distinction in P.h.D studies, Weizmann Institute, 1986
Dr. Chaim Weizmann Post-doctoral Fellowship, 1987
Prof. J. Schwinger Post-Doctoral Fellowship, 1989
Israel Academy of Science, research grant, 1993
Binational Science Foundation USA-Israel research grant, 1993
German Israel Foundation, research grant, 1994
ISF Excellence center, Center of physics of basic interactions, 1995, 1997
ISF Excellence center, Center of physics of basic interactions, 1998, 2000
ISF Excellence center, 2000-2004, 2006-2009, 2010-2013
ISF Excellence center, 2004
ISF Excellence center, 2006
Deutch-Israeliche Projektkooperation DIP, 2006
German Israel Foundation research grant, 2007
Binational Science Foundation USA-Israel grant, 2008
ISF Excellence center, 2010
Binational Science Foundation USA-Israel grant, 2012