Prof. Avital Gasith

Retired in School of Zoology
ביה"ס לזואולוגיה בדימוס
Prof. Avital Gasith
Phone: 03-6407185

Research Interests

Avital Gasith’s interests lie in  freshwater ecology, conservation and rehabilitation of aquatic systems (stream pollution and rehabilitation, structure and function of the littoral zone in lacustrine ecosystems, conservation of rain-pool ecosystem). His research includes the role of flooded shore vegetation in the ecology of Lake Kinneret (fish reproduction), the impact of stone quarrying on the ecosystem of dryland Negev streams, integrating road runoff in roadside ecosystems, restoration of abandoned  agricultural land (creation of a community nature park by restoring native vegetation and construction of a rain-pool). He is Head of the Environmental Studies Master’s Program (Porter School, TAU). 


Specific research interests include:  

  • Stream ecology, health, pollution and rehabilitation
  • Structure and function of littoral zone in lakes
  • Aquatic conservation (streams, rain pools)
  • Amphibia studies


Recent Publications

For the full list


Since 1998

Gasith, A. M. Bing, Y. Raz and M. Goren.1998. Fish community parameters as indicators of habitat conditions: the case of the Yarqon stream, a lowland polluted stream in a semiarid region (Isreal). Ver. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 26: 1023-1026.


Gasith, A. and S. Gafny. 1998. The importance of physical structure in lakes: the case study of Lake Kinneret and general implications. In: E. Jeppesen, M.A. Sondergaard, M.O. Sondergaard & K. Christoffersen (Eds.), The structuring role of submerged macrophytes in lakesSpringer-Verlag. Berlin. . pp. 331-338.


Gasith, A. And M.V. Hoyer. 1998. Structuring role of macrophytes in lakes: changing influence along lake size gradients. In: E. Jeppesen, M.A. Sondergaard, M.O. Sondergaard & K. Christoffersen (Eds.), The structuring role of submerged macrophytes in lakes. Springer-Verlag. Berlin. pp. 381-392.


Broza M. M. Halpern, B. Teltsch, R. Porat and Gasith, A. 1998. Shock chloramination: potential treatment for chironomidae (Diptera) larvae nuisance abetment in water supply systes. J. Econom. Entomol., 91


Gasith, A. And D. Pargament. 1998. Practical obstacles to effective implementation of environmental enforcement : the case of the coastal streams of Israel. In A.Shapira (Ed.) The Tel-Aviv University studies in law. pp. 117-134. Graphit Press, Jerusalem. pp. 312.


Ganfy S. and Gasith, A. 1999. Temporal and Spatial appearances of submersed macrophytes in the littoral zone of Lake Kineret, Israel. Aquatic Botany, 62:249-267.


Gasith, A. And V.H. Resh.1999. Streams in mediterraneanclimate regions: abiotic influences and biotic responses to predictable seasonal events. Ann. Rev. Ecol. Syst. 30:51-81.


Gafny S. And Gasith, A. 1999. Limnology and water quality dynamics of Enan Reservoir: a multipurpose man-made impoundment. In Dor and M. Juanico (Eds.), Hypertrophic reservoirs for wastewater storage and reuse. Springer-Verlag. Berlin. pp: 369-387.


Gafny S. and Gasith, A. Spatial distribution and temporal dynamics of the epilithon community in the littoral zone of Lake Kinneret, Israel. Ver. Internat. Verein. Limnol. Vol. 27 (in Press


Viner, Y. T. Zohary and Gasith, A. Dinoflagellate sedimentation followed by sediment traps with short (24h) collection periods: should a preservative be used? In: Heiskanen, A.S., Lundsgraad, C., Reigstadt, M. Floderus, S. Olli, K. (Eds.), Sedimentation and recycling in aquatic ecosystems - the impact of pelagic processes and planktonic fodd-web structure. Proc. NOSTRA (in Press).


Goren M. And Gasith, A. The maintenance of fish biodiversity in habitats affected by human activity in the upper Jordan Valley (in Press).


Gafny S. And Gasith, A. Spatial and temporal variation in the standing biomass and community structure of emergent macrophytes: effect of water level fluctuatios. Arch Hydrobiol., (in Press).


Gasith, A. S. Gafny and M. Goren. Response of the fish community of rocky habitats to lake level fluctuations: possible effect of varying habitat choice . Arch Hydrobiol. (in Press).


Gafny S. M. Goren and Gasith, A. Habitat condition and fish assembalge structure in a coastal Mediterranean stream (Yarqon, Israel)) receiving domestic effluents. Hydrobiologia (in Press).


Rilov, G., Gasith, A., Evans, S.M. and Y. Benayahu. Unregulated use of TBT-based anti-fouling paints in Israel (eastern Mediterranean): high contamination and imposex levels in two marine gastropods. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. (in Press).


Rilov, G., Benayahu, Y. and Gasith, A. Low abundance and skewed population structure of the whelk Stramonita haemostoma along the Israeli Mediterranean coast. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. (In Review).


Rilov, G., Benayahu, Y. and Gasith, A. (2004) Prolonged lag in population outbreak of an invasive mussel: a shifting-habitat model. Biological Invasions 6: 347–364 


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