Benjamin Arbel Ph.D.
Professor Emeritus of Early Modern History
Department of History
Tel Aviv University
List of Publications
December 2017
1. Trading Nations. Jews and Venetians in the Early Modern Eastern Mediterranean (Leiden: Brill, 1995), xi+237 pp.
2. Cyprus, the Franks and Venice (13th-16th Centuries) (London: Ashgate, 2000) (Variorum Collected Studies Series CS 688), xii+332 pp.
3. The Italian Renaissance: The Emergence of a Secular Culture (Tel Aviv, 2000), 144 pp. [in Hebrew]
4. Studies on Venetian Cyprus (Nicosia, Cyprus Research Centre, 2017).
Edited books and special issues:
5. [B. Arbel, B. Hamilton and D. Jacoby] Latins and Greeks in the Eastern Mediterranean after 1204 (London: F. Cass, 1989), 245 pp. [also published as a special issue of Mediterranean Historical Review, 4/1, June, 1989].
6. Intercultural Contacts in the Medieval Mediterranean. Studies in Honour of David Jacoby (London: F. Cass, 1995), 340 pp. [also published as a special issue of Mediterranean Historical Review, 10/1-2, June-Dec. 1995].
7. (in collab. with J. Terkel and S. Menache) Human Beings and other Animals in Historical Perspective (Jerusalem, 2007), 408 pp. [in Hebrew].
8. Venetian Letters (1354-1512) from the Archives of the Bank of Cyprus Cultural Foundation and other Cypriot Collections (Nicosia: Bank of Cyprus Cultural Foundation, 2007), 212 pp.
9. Minorities in Colonial Settings: Jews in Venice's Hellenic Territories (15th-18th Centuries), special issue of the Mediterranean Historical Review, 27/2 (Dec. 2012).
10. (in collaboration with Evelien Chayes and Harald Hendrix), Cyprus and the Renaissance (Turnhout, Brepols, 2012).
In Preparation:
11. Animals as Ethical Subjects
1. "The Republic that Ruled the Seas", in M. Harsgor, ed., Introduction to the Renaissance, Tel Aviv: Ministry of Defence Publications, 1978, pp. 83-92 [in Hebrew].
2. "The Jews in Cyprus: New Evidence from the Venetian Period", Jewish Social Studies, 41 (1979), pp. 23-40, reprinted in: Cyprus, the Franks and Venice, op. cit.
3. "Cypriot Population under Venetian Rule: A Demographic Study", Μελέται καί Υπομνήματα, 1 (1984), pp. 183-215, reprinted in: Cyprus, the Franks and Venice, op. cit..
4. "Urban Assemblies and Town Councils in Frankish and Venetian Cyprus", in T. Papadopoullos and B. Englezaki, eds., Πρακτικά του Δεύτερου Διεθνούς Kυπρολογικού Συνεδρίου (Nicosia, 1986), vol. 2, pp. 203-213, reprinted in: Cyprus, the Franks and Venice, op. cit.
5. [B. Arbel et G. Veinstein], "La fiscalité vénéto-chypriote au miroir de la législation ottomane: le qânûnnâme de 1572”, Turcica, 18 (1986), pp. 7-51.
6. "Venezia, gli Ebrei e l’attività di Salomone Ashkenasi nella guerra di Cipro” [Venice, the Jews and Solomon Ashkenasi's Activity during the War of Cyprus], in G. Cozzi (ed.), Gli ebrei e Venezia (Milan, Edizioni Comunità, 1987), pp. 163-197.
7. "Venetian Trade in Fifteenth-Century Acre: The Letters of Francesco Bevilaqua (1471-72)", Asian and African Studies, 22 (1988), pp. 227-288.
8. "A Royal Family in Republican Venice: The Cypriot Legacy of the Corner della Regina", Studi Veneziani, n.s. 15 (1988), pp. 131-152, reprinted in: Cyprus, the Franks and Venice, op. cit.
9. "Venice and the Jewish Merchants of Istanbul in the Sixteenth Century", in A. Toaff and S. Schwarzfuchs, eds., The Mediterranean and the Jews: Finance and International Trade (XVIth-XVIIIth Centuries) (Ramat Gan, Bar Ilan University, 1989), pp. 92-109.
10. "Traffici marittimi e sviluppo urbano a Cipro (secoli XIII-XVI)” [Maritime Traffic and Urban Development in Cyprus (13th-16th Centuries)], in E. Poleggi (ed.), Città portuali del Mediterraneo (Genua, Sagep Editrice, 1989), pp. 89-94.
11. "Résistance ou collaboration? Les Chypriotes sous la domination vénitienne”, in M. Balard (ed.), Etat et colonisation au Moyen Age et à la Renaissance (Lyon, La Manifacture, 1989), pp. 131-143, reprinted in: Cyprus, the Franks and Venice, op. cit.
12. "The Cypriot Nobility from the Fourteenth to the Sixteenth Century: A New Interpretation", in B. Arbel, B. Hamilton and D. Jacoby (eds.), Latins and Greeks in the Eastern Mediterranean after 1204 (London, Frank Cass, 1989), pp. 175-197, reprinted in: Cyprus, the Franks and Venice, op. cit.
13. "Sauterelles et mentalités. Le cas de la Chypre vénitienne”, Annales ESC, 44e année, No 5 (1989), pp. 1057-1074, reprinted in: Cyprus, the Franks and Venice, op. cit.
14. “Mediterranean Cultural Crossroads: Frankish and Venetian Cyprus”, Zemanim, 34-35 (1990), pp. 82-93 [in Hebrew]
15. "Salomone Ashkenazi, mercante e armatore” [Solomon Ashkenazi, Merchant and Shipowner], in G. Todeschini and P.C. Ioly Zorattini (eds.), Il mondo ebraico. Gli ebrei tra Italia nord-orientale e Impero asburgico dal Medioevo all'Età contemporanea (Pordenone, Studio Tesi, 1991), pp. 109-128.
16. "Levantine Power Struggles in an Unpublished Mamluk Letter of 877 AH/1473 CE", Mediterranean Historical Review, 7 (1992), pp. 92-100.
17. "Nur Banu (c. 1530-1583): A Venetian Sultana?", Turcica, 24 (1992), pp. 241-259.
18. "Slave Trade and Slave Labor in Frankish and Venetian Cyprus", Studies in Medieval and Renaissance History, n.s. 14 (1993), pp. 149-190, reprinted in: Cyprus, the Franks and Venice, op. cit.
19. "The Reign of Caterina Corner (1473-1489) as a Family Affair", Studi Veneziani, n.s. 26 (1993), pp. 67-85, reprinted in: Cyprus, the Franks and Venice, op. cit.
20. "Venezia e il Mediterraneo nel Cinquecento” [Venice and the Mediterranean in the Sixteenth Century], in J. Hinojosa Montalvo (ed.), 1490: en el umbral de la modernidad. El Mediterráneo europeo y las ciudades en el tránsito de los siglos XV-XVI (Alicante, 1994), pp. 15-22.
21. "Greek Magnates in Venetian Cyprus: The Case of the Synglitico Family", Dumbarton Oaks Papers, 49 (1995), pp. 325-337, reprinted in: Cyprus, the Franks and Venice, op. cit.
22. "Venetian Cyprus and the Muslim Levant, 1473-1570", in N. Coureas and J. Riley Smith (eds.), Cyprus and the Crusades (Nicosia: Cyprus Research Centre, 1995), pp. 159-185, reprinted in: Cyprus, the Franks and Venice, op. cit.
23. "H Κύπρος υπό Ενετική Κυριαρχία” [Cyprus under Venetian Rule], in Th. Papadopoullos (ed.), Ιστορία της Κύπρου [History of Cyprus], vol. 4, Part A, (Nicosia: Makarios III Foundation, 1995), pp. 455-536.
24. "Régime colonial, colonisation et peuplement: Le cas de Chypre sous la domination vénitienne", in Sources. Travaux historiques, vols. 43-44 (Paris, 1996), pp. 95-103, reprinted in: Cyprus, the Franks and Venice, op. cit.
25. "The Economy of Cyprus during the Venetian Period (1473-1571)", in V. Karageorghis and D. Michaelides (eds.), The Development of the Cypriot Economy from the Prehistoric Period to the Present Day (Nicosia: University of Cyprus and Bank of Cyprus, 1996), pp. 185-192.
26. [B. Arbel and A. Luttrell] "Plundering Ancient Treasures at Bodrum (Halicarnassus): A Commercial Letter written on Cyprus, January 1507", Mediterranean Historical Review, 11 (1996), pp. 79-86.
27. "Colonie d’Oltremare” [Overseas Colonies], in A. Tenenti and U. Tucci (eds), Storia di Venezia dalle origini alla caduta della Serenissima, vol. V: Il Rinascimento. Società ed economia (Rome: Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana, 1996), pp. 947-985.
28. “The Mystery of Abraham Castro – and its Solution”, in The Days of the Crescent. Chapters in the History of the Jews in the Ottoman Empire, ed. M. Rozen (Tel Aviv, 1996), pp. 333-357 [in Hebrew].
29. "Attraverso il Mediterraneo nel 1499: una nave veneziana naufragata a Cipro e il suo carico” [Crossing the Mediterranean in 1499: A Venetian ship wrecked in Cyprus and its Cargo], in G. Airaldi, ed., Le vie del Mediterraneo. Idee, uomini, oggetti (secoli XI-XVI), ed. Gabriella Airaldi (Genua: ECIG, 1997), pp. 103-115.
30. "The List of Able-Bodied Jews at the Cretan Town of Chania (Canea), 1536", in Daniel Carpi Jubilee Volume (Tel Aviv: Tel Aviv University, 1997), pp. 21-33.
31a. “Κύπρος: Επαρχία τής Βενετικής Δημοκρατίας. Συνέχειες καί Ασυνέχειες” [Cyprus as a Venetian Territory: Continuity and Change], in Bυζαντινή Μεσαιωνική Κύπρος, eds. D.P. Papanikola-Bakirtzis and M. Iakovou (Nicosia: Bank of Cyprus Cultural Foundation, 1997), pp. 161-174.
31b. “Cyprus under Venice: Continuity and Change", English version of No. 28 in: Byzantine Medieval Cyprus, eds. D. Papanikola-Bakirtzis and M. Iakovou (Nicosia: Bank of Cyprus Cultural Foundation, 1998), pp. 161-174.
32. "L’eredità genovese a Cipro, 1464-1571” [The Genoese Heritage in Cyprus, 1464-1571], in L. Balletto (ed.), Oriente e Occidente fra medioevo ed età moderna. Studi in onore di Geo Pistarino, (Genua: Università degli Studi di Genova, 1997), vol. 1, pp. 21-40, reprinted in: Cyprus, the Franks and Venice, op. cit.
33. "Riflessioni sul ruolo di Creta nel commercio Mediterraneo del Cinquecento” [Reflections on the Role of Crete in the Trading System of the Sixteenth-Century Mediterranean], in Venezia e Creta, ed. G. Ortalli (Venice: Istituto Veneto, 1998), pp. 245-259.
34. "Roots of Poverty and Sources of Richness in Cyprus under Venetian Rule", in Πλούσιοι καί Φτωχοί στην Κοινωνία της Ελληνολατινικής Ανατολής - Ricchi e poveri nella società dell'Oriente Grecolatino, ed. Chryssa A. Maltezou (Venice: The Hellenic Institute, 1998), pp. 351-360.
35. "Entre mythe et histoire: La légende noire de la domination vénitienne à Chypre”, Etudes balkaniques: Cahiers Pierre Belon, 5 (1998), (Matériaux pour une histoire de Chypre (IVe-XXe siècles), pp. 81-107, reprinted in: Cyprus, the Franks and Venice, op. cit.
36. "The Port Towns of the Levant in Sixteenth-Century Travel Literature", in A. Cowan (ed.), Mediterranean Urban Culture, 1400-1700 (Exeter: Exeter University Press, 2000), pp. 151-164.
37. "Renaissance Geographical Literature and the Nile", in The Nile: Histories, Cultures, Myths, eds. H. Erlich and I. Gershoni (New York: Rienner, 2000), pp. 105-119.
38. “Cypriot Villages from the Byzantine to the British Period: Observations on a Recent Book”, Eπετηρίδα του Kέντρου Eπιστημονικών Eρευνών (Annual of the Cyprus Research Centre), vol. 26 (2000), pp. 439-456.
39. "Shipping and Toleration: The Appearance of Jewish Shipowners in the Early Modern Period", in Seafaring and the Jews, Special issue of Mediterranean Historical Review, vol. 15/1 (June 2000), ed. N. Kashtan, pp. 56-71.
40. "Supplying Water to Famagusta: New Evidence from the Venetian Period", in Proceedings of the Third International Congress of Cypriot Studies (Nicosia, 1996), vol. 2 (Nicosia: Society of Cypriot Studies, 2001), pp. 651-656.
41. "Au service de la Sérénissime: Donato d’Aprile et la donation du royaume de Chypre à Venise par le roi Jacques II”, in Dei Gesta per Francos. Crusade Studies in Honour of Jean Richard, eds. M. Balard, B.Z. Kedar & J. Riley-Smith (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2001), 425-434.
42. "Jews in International Trade: The Emergence of the Levantines and Ponentines”, in R. Davis and B. Ravid (eds), The Jews of Early Modern Venice (Baltimore & London: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2001), pp. 73-96, 264-271 [notes].
43. “Animal Rights in Historical Perspective”, in Animals, Society and What’s between them, I. Tesler, J. Terkel, I. Meged (Tel Aviv: Tel Aviv University, 2001), pp. 17-28 [in Hebrew].
44. "The Ionian Islands and Venice’s Trading System during the Sixteenth-Century", in Κέντρο Μελετών Ιονίου – Εταιρεία Ζακυνθιακών Σπουδών, Πρακτικά ΣΤ’ Διεθνούς Πανιονίου Συνεδρίου [Acts of the 6th International Pan-Ionian Congress (Zakynthos, 1997)], vol. 2 (Athens: Centre for Ionian Studies and Society for Zakynthian Studies, 2001), pp. 147-160.
45. “Machiavelli’s Mule and Montaigne’s Cat: Renaissance Men and other Animals”, Zmanim, 77 (2002/1), pp. 28-43. [in Hebrew]
46. “Roman-Catholics and Greek-Orthodox in the Early-Modern Venetian State”, in The Three Religions. Interdisciplinary Conference of Tel Aviv University and Munich University, Venice, October 2000, eds. Nili Cohen & Andreas Heldrich (Munich: Herbert Utz Verlag, 2002), pp. 73-86.
47. "Maps of the World for Ottoman Princes? Further Evidence and Questions concerning 'The Mappamondo of Hajji Ahmed”, Imago Mundi , 54 (2002), pp. 19-29.
48. “The Treasure of Ayios Symeon: a Micro-Historical Analysis of Colonial Relations in Venetian-Ruled Cyprus”, Kambos. Cambridge Papers in Modern Greek, 10 (2002), pp. 1-19.
49. “Jews, the Rise of Capitalism and Cambio: Commercial Credit and Maritime Insurance the Early Modern Mediterranean World”, Zion 69/2 (2004), pp. 157-202 [in Hebrew].
50. “The Last Decades of Mamluk Trade with Venice: Importations into Egypt and Syria”, Mamluk Studies Review, 8/2 (2004), pp. 37-86.
51. “Les listes de chargement des navires vénitiens (XVe-début du XVIe siècle): un essai de typologie”, Chemins d’outre-mer. Etudes sur la Méditerranée médiévale offertes à Michel Balard (Paris: Publications de la Sorbonne, 2004), vol. I, pp. 31-50.
52. [with Minna Rozen] “Great Fire in the Metropolis: The Case of the Istanbul Conflagration of 1569 and its Description by Marcantonio Barbaro”, in Mamluks and Ottomans. Studies in Honour of Michael Winter, eds. A. Ayalon and D. Wasserstein (London: Routledge, 2006), pp. 134-165.
53. “The Attitude of Orientals to Animals in Renaissance Eyes”, in B. Arbel, J. Terkel and S. Menache (eds.), Human Beings and Other Animals in Historical Perspective (Jerusalem: Carmel, 2007), pp. 277-292 [in Hebrew].
54. “Maritime Trade and International Relations in the Sixteenth-Century Mediterranean: The Case of the Ship Ghirarda (1575-1581)”, in V. Costantini and M. Koller (eds.), Living in the Ottoman Ecumenical Community. Essays in Honour of Suraiya Foroqhi (Leiden: Brill, 2008), pp. 391-408.
55. “The ‘Jewish Wine’ of Crete”, in Μονεμβάσιος οίνος, Μονοβας(ι)ά – Malvasia (Athens: National Hellenic Research Foundation, 2008), pp. 81-88.
56. “Operating Trading Networks in Times of War: A Sixteenth-Century Venetian Patrician Between Public Service and Levant Trade”, in S. Faroqhi & G. Veinstein (eds.), Merchants in the Ottoman Empire (Leuven: Peeters, 2008), pp. 23-33.
57. “Cyprus on the Eve of the Ottoman Conquest”, in Michalis N. Michael, Matthias Kappler, Eftihios Gavriel (eds), Ottoman Cyprus (Wiesbaden: Otto Harassowitz, 2009), pp. 37-48.
58. “L’elezione dei prelati greci a Cipro durante la dominazione veneziana” [The Election of Greek Prelates in Cyprus during the Venetian Domination], in C. Maltezou, A. Tzavara, D. Vlassi eds., I Greci durante la Venetocrazia: uomini, spazio, idee (XIII-XVIII sec.), (Venezia: The Hellenic Institute, 2009), pp. 373-380.
59. “The Venetian Domination of Cyprus: Cui Bono?”, in La Serenissima and La Nobilissima. Venice in Cyprus and Cyprus in Venice (Nicosia: Bank of Cyprus Cultural Foundation, 2009), pp. 45-55.
60. “Venice and Kytherian Falcons: Ecological Aspects of Renaissance Colonialism”, in Acts of the 8th International Congress of Pan-Ionian Studies (Kythera, 21-25 May 2006) (Athens: Society of Kytherian Studies, 2009), vol. III, pp. 38-46.
61, "Nûr Bânu (1530-1583): Venedigli bir Sultan?", Belleten Tuk Tarihi Kurumu, 73 (2009), pp. 201-219 [translation of No. 17].
62. "The Attitude of Muslims to Animals: Renaissance Perceptions and Beyond", in Animals and People in the Ottoman Empire, ed. Suraiya Faroqhi (Istanbul: Eren, 2010), pp. 57-74.
63. “Jews and Christians in Sixteenth-Century Crete: Between Segregation and Integration”, in "Interstizi": culture ebraico-cristiane a Venezia e nei domini veneziani tra basso medioevo e prima epoca moderna, eds. Uwe Israel, Robert Jütte & Reinhold C. Mueller (Roma: Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura, 2010), pp. 281-294.
64. “Aspects of Renaissance Studies, 1985-2005: A Survey of Three Periodicals and Some General Remarks", in G. Harlaftis, N. Karapidakis, K. Sbonias & V. Vaiopoulos (eds) The New Ways of History: Developments in Historiography (London & New York: Tauris Publishers, 2010), pp. 117-124.
65. "The Renaissance Transformation of Animal Meaning: From Petrarch to Montaigne", in Linda Kalof and Georgina Montgomery (eds), Making Animal Meaning, (East Lansing: Michigan State University Press, 2011), pp. 59-80.
66. "La République de Venise face à la conquête ottomane de l'État mamelouk", in La conquête ottomane de l'Egypte, eds. Benjamin Lellouch & Michel Nicolas (Leiden-Boston: Brill, 2012), pp. 113-142.
67. "Introduction", in Minorities in Colonial Setting: The Jews in Venice's Hellenic Territories, ed. Benjamin Arbel, special issue of Mediterranean Historical Review, 27/2 (2012), pp. 117-128.
68. "What Happened to Famagusta's Jews Following the Ottoman Conquest of 1571?", in Minorities in Colonial Setting: The Jews in Venice's Hellenic Territories, ed. Benjamin Arbel, special issue of Mediterranean Historical Review, 27/2 (2012), pp. 241-249.
69. "Cypriot Wildlife in Renaissance Writings", in B. Arbel, Evelien Chayes and Harald Hendrix, eds. Cyprus and the Renaissance (Turnhout: Brepols, 2012), pp. 321-344.
70. "Venice's Maritime Empire in the Early Modern Period", in E. Dursteller (ed.), A Companion to Venetian History, 1400-1797 (Leiden: Brill, 2013), pp. 125-253.
71. "A Fresh Look at the Venetian Protectorate of Cyprus (1474-89)," in Candida Syndicus and Sabine Rogge, eds, Caterina Cornaro, Last Queen of Cyprus and Daughter of Venice (Munster / New York: Waxmann, 2013), pp. 213-29.
72. "Translating the Orient for the Serenissima: Michiel Membrè in the Service of Sixteenth-Century Venice", in Albrech Fuess and Bernard Heyberger eds, La frontière méditeranéenne du XVe au XVIIe siècle (Turnhout : Brepols, 2013), pp. 253-281.
73. "Elijah of Pesaro's Description of Famagusta (1563)", in Gilles Grivaud and George Tolias (eds), Cyprus as a Crossroads. Geographical Perceptions and Representations from the Fifteenth Century, Athens: Sylvia Ioannou Foundation, 2014, pp. 123-136.
74. "Maritime Trade in Famagusta during the Venetian Period (1474-1571)", in Crusader to Venetian Famagusta, eds. Michael J.K. Walsh, Tamás Kiss and Nicholas Coureas (Budapest: Central European University Press, 2014), pp. 91-103.
75. "Notes on the Delmedigo of Candia", in Studi in onore di Piercesare Ioly Zorattini, eds Maddalena Del Bianco, Riccardo Di Segni and Marcello Massenzio (Florence: Leo S. Olschki Editore, 2014), vol. I, pp. 119-130.
76. “Jewish Wine and Jewish-Christian Relations in Crete under Venetian Rule”, in Zemanim, 128 (December 2014), pp. 12-17. [in Hebrew]
77. “Cesare Vivante (1920-2014) e la sua ‘Memoria dei padri’. Un ricordo e una lettura”, StoriAmestre, March 2015, [online since 9 March 2015].
78. [With Jacob Metzer], ‘Introduction: Between History and Economy’ [an introduction to a special issue dedicated to economic history], Zmanim 129 (Winter 2015), pp. 4-7 [in Hebrew]
79. "Una chiave di lettura dello Stato da Mar veneziano nell'età moderna:
la situazione coloniale", in Il Commonwealth veneziano, eds. Gherardo Ortalli, Oliver J. Schmitt and Ermanno Orlando (Venice: Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti, 2015), pp. 155-179.
80. “Port Dredging in the Venetian Stato da Mar: the Case of Famagusta”, Επετηρίδα του Κέντρου Επιστημονικών Ερευνών, 37 (2013-2014) (Nicosia, 2015), pp. 103-144.
81. "Mediterranean Jewish Diasporas and the Bill of Exchange: Coping with a Foreign Financial Instrument (14th-17th centuries)", in Union in Separation: Diasporic Groups and Identities in the Eastern Mediterranean (1100-1800), eds Georg Christ Franz-Julius Morche, Roberto Zaugg, Wolfgang Kaiser, Stefan Burkhardt, Alexander D. Beihammer (Rome: Viella, 2015), pp. 527-542.
82. “The Beginnings of Comparative Anatomy and Renaissance Reflections on the Human-Animal Divide”, Renaissance Studies, 31/2 (April 2017), pp. 201-222.
83. “Le donne ebree a Candia alla luce delle fonti testamentarie (c.1430-c.1530)”, Thesaurismata 45 (2015), Studi in onore di Maria Francesca Tiepolo, [published in 2017], pp. 1-43.
84. “Roman Catholics and Greek Orthodox in Venetian Overseas Colonies, (Mid-Fifteenth to Mid-Seventeenth Century)”, in Katsumi Fukasawa, Pierre-Yves Beaurepaire and Benjamin Kaplan, eds, Religious Interactions in Europe and the Mediterranean World. Coexistence and Dialogue from the 12th to the 20th Centuries, London: Routledge, 2017, pp. 245-260.
85. “Daily Life on Board Venetian Ships: The Evidence of Renaissance Travelogues and Diaries”, in Rapporti mediterranei, pratiche documentarie, presenze veneziane: le reti economiche e culturali (XIV-XVI sec.) (Venice: Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti, 2017), pp. 183-219.
86. “The Triumph of the Mule in Sixteenth-Century Cyprus”, in Studies on Venetian Cyprus (Nicosia: Cyprus Research Centre, 2017), pp. 241-247
1. Review of D.B. Ruderman, The World of a Renaissance Jew: The Life and Thought of Abraham ben Mordecai Farissol (Cincinnati, 1981), in The Historian, 46 (1984), pp. 604-605.
2. Review of J. Richard, Le livre des remembrances de la secrète du royaume de Chypre (1468-1469) (Nicosia, 1983), in Le Moyen Age, 92 (1986), pp. 511-514.
3. Review of A. and B. Tenenti, Il prezzo del rischio. L'assicurazione mediterranea vista da Ragusa (1563-1591) (Rome, 1985), in Turcica, 18 (1986), pp. 247-249.
4. "Three Studies on the Venetian Money Market", Review of F.C. Lane and R.C. Mueller, Money and Banking in Medieval and Renaissance Venice, vol. 1: Coins and Moneys of Account (Baltimore and London, 1985); A.M. Stahl, The Venetian Tornesello: A Medieval Colonial Coinage (New York, 1985); and G. Corazzol, Livelli stipulati a Venezia nel 1591 (Venice, 1986), in Mediterranean Historical Review, 2 (1987), pp. 117-122.
5. Review of B. Lewis, The Jews of Islam (Princeton, 1984) in The Historian, 49 (1987), pp. 387-389.
6. Review of A. Thevet, Cosmographie du Levant, ed. F. Lestringant (Geneva, 1985), in Mediterranean Historical Review, 5/1 (June, 1990), pp. 95-97.
7. Review of M. Balard, Les croisades (Paris, 1988), in Mediterranean Historical Review, 6 (1991), pp. 116-117.
8. Review of P. Edbury, The Kingdom of Cyprus and the Crusades, 1191-1374 (Cambridge, 1991), in Mediterranean Historical Review, 7 (1992), pp. 230-231.
9. Review of G. Migliardi O'Riordan, Archivio del consolato veneto a Cipro (fine XVII - inizio XIX). Inventario e regesti (Venice, 1993), in Mediterranean Historical Review, 8 (1993), pp. 243-248.
10. Review of M.P. Pedani, In nome del Gran Signore: Inviati ottomani a Venezia dalla caduta di Costantinopoli alla guerra di Candia (Venice, 1994), in Mediterranean Historical Review, 9 (1994), pp. 281-284.
11. Review of P. Brummett, Ottoman Seapower and Levantine Diplomacy in the Age of Discovery (New York, 1994), in New Perspectives on Turkey, 14 (1996), pp. 127-140 [including Brummett's response].
12. Review of P.M. Kitromilides and M.L. Evriviades (eds), Cyprus, revised edition, World Bibliographical Series vol. 28 (Oxford, 1995), in Mediterranean Historical Review, 14/1 (June 1999), pp. 73-74.
13. Review of E. Kittell and T. Madden (eds), Medieval and Renaissance Venice (Chicago, 1999), The Medieval Review [online], 00.03.18, pp. 1-11.
14. Review of R.C. Mueller, The Venetian Money Market. Banks, Panics, and the Public Debt, 1200-1500 (Baltimore & London, 1997), in Mediterranean Historical Review, 16/2 (Dec. 2001), pp. 88-90
15. Review of Maria Pia Pedani, Dalla frontiera al confine, Quaderni di studi Arabi. Studi e testi, 5. (Venezia-Roma, 2002), in Mediterranean Historical Review 19/2 (2004), pp. 103-106.
16. Review the Hebrew translation of of Carlo Ginzburg, The Cheese and the Worms. The World of a Sixteenth-Century Miller (Jerusalem, 2005), Zmanim, 97 (Winter 2007), pp. 106-110. [in Hebrew]
17. Review of Paskalis Kitromilides, Κυπριακή Λογιοσυνή, 1571-1878. Προσωπογραφική Θεώρηση, Κέντρο Επιστημονικών Ερυνών, Πηγές και Μελέτες της Κυπριακής Ιστορίας, XLIII (Nicosia, 2002), in Mediterranean Historical Review, 21/2 (2006), pp. 280-281.
18. Review of Damien Coulon, Barcelone et le grand commerce d’Orient au Moyen Age. Un siècle de relations avec l’Égypte et la Syrie-Palestine (ca. 1330-ca. 1430) (Madrid-Barcelona, 2004) in Mamluk Studies Review 11/1 (Jan.2007), pp. 225-232.
19. Review of Paola Lanaro (ed.), At the Center of the Old World: Trade and Manufacturing in Venice and the Venetian Mainland, 1400-1800 (Toronto, 2006), in The American Historical Review, Feb. 2008, pp. 276-278.
20. Review of Giorgio Denores, A Discourse on the Island of Cyprus, edited by Paschalis Kitromilides (Venice, 2006), in Mediterranean Historical Review, 25/1 (2010), pp. 103-105.
21. Review of S.D. Goitein and M.A.Friedman, India Traders of the Middle Ages: Documents from the Cairo Geniza ("India Book") (Jerusalem, Leiden & Boston, 2008), in Zmanim, 112 (Autumn 2010), pp. 113-116. [in Hebrew]
22. Review of Gerassimos D. Pagratis, The Reports of the Venetian Baili and Provveditori of Corfu (16th Century) (Athens, 2008), The Modern Greek Studies Yearbook, 26/27 (2010-2011), pp. 356-359.
23. Review of Pamela O. Long, David McGee and Alan M. Stahl, eds, The Book of Michael of Rhodes, 3 vols (Chicago / London: MIT Press, 2009), Mediterranean Historical Review, 29/2 (2014), pp. 186-194.
“Ashkenazi, Solomon”; “Nicolay, Nicholas”; “Passi, David” in The Encyclopedia of Jews in the Islamic World (Leiden, 2010)
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