Prof. Anastasia Gorodzeisky

Department of Sociology and Anthropology
חוג לסוציולוגיה ואנתרופולוגיה סגל אקדמי בכיר
Prof. Anastasia Gorodzeisky
Phone: 03-6408938
Office: Naftali - Social Sciences, 625


Ph.D., Tel-Aviv University, 2009

Research Interests

Global Migration and Immigrant Integration, Cross-National Comparative Sociology, Public Attitudes toward Immigrants and Immigration; Politics of Knowledge.

Selected Publications

 Czymara, C. & Gorodzeisky, A. Hostility on Twitter in the Aftermath of Terror Attacks. Journal of Computational Social Science (accepted for publication).


Leykin, I. and Gorodzeisky, A. 2024. Is Anti-immigrant Sentiment Owned by the Political Right? Sociology, 58, 3-22.


Semyonov, M., Gorodzeisky, A., Raijman, R., & Hinz, T. 2024. Endorsement of Wage Discrimination against Immigrants: Results from a Multifactorial Survey  Experiment in Israeli Society. Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, 89, 100891


Gorodzeisky, A., Feniger, Y., & Ayalon, H. 2023. Child’s Age at Migration, High School Course-taking and Higher EducationChildren and Youth Services Review, 155, 107188. 


Caller, S. & Gorodzeisky, A. 2022. Racist Views in Contemporary European Societies. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 45, 1627-1648.


Gorodzeisky, A. 2022. The Influx of Refugees and Temporal Change in Attitudes towards Asylum Seekers: A Cross-National Perspective. European Sociological Review, 38, 648-662.


Gorodzeisky, A. & Leykin, I. 2022. On the West–East Methodological Bias in Measuring International Migration. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 48, 3160-3183.


Gorodzeisky, A. & Leykin, I. 2020. When Borders Migrate: Reconstructing the Category of ‘International Migrant’. Sociology, 54, 142-158.


Gorodzeisky, A. & Richards, A. 2020. Do Immigrants Trust Trade Unions? A Study of 18 European Countries. British Journal of Industrial Relations, 58, 3-26.


Gorodzeisky, A. & Semyonov, M. 2018. Competitive Threat and Temporal Change in Anti-Immigrant Sentiment: Insights from a Hierarchical Age-Period-Cohort Model. Social Science Research, 73, 31-44.


Gorodzeisky, A. & Glikman, A. 2018. Two Peoples – Two Stories: Anti-Immigrant Attitudes in Post Socialist Russia. Social Problems, 65, 543-563.


Gorodzeisky, A. & Semyonov, M. 2017. Labor Force Participation, Unemployment and Occupational Attainment among Immigrants in West European Countries. PLOS ONE, 12(5):e0176856.


Gorodzeisky, A., Sarid, O., Mirsky, J. & Slonim-Nevo, V.2014. Immigrant Families: Mothers and Fathers’ Proficiency in a Host-Country Language and Psychological Well-Being of Daughters and Sons. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 45, 713 – 727.


Gorodzeisky, A. & Richards, A. 2013. Trade Unions and Migrant Workers in Western Europe. European Journal of Industrial Relations, 19, 239-254. 


Gorodzeisky, A. 2013. Mechanisms of Exclusion: Attitudes toward Allocation of Social Rights to Out-group Populations. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 36, 795-817. 


Gorodzeisky, A. 2013. Does the Type of Rights Matter? Comparison of Attitudes towards the Allocation of Political versus Social Rights to Labor Migrants in Israel. European Sociological Review, 29, 630-641.


Gorodzeisky, A. & Semyonov, M. 2009. Terms of Exclusion: Public Views toward Admission and Allocation of Rights to Immigrants in European Countries. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 35, 401-423.


Semyonov, M., Raijman, R., & Gorodzeisky, A. 2006. The Rise in Anti-foreigner Sentiment in European Societies, 1988-2000. American Sociological Review, 71, 426-449. 


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