Prof. Amit Pundik

Faculty of Law
מנהלת הפקולטה למשפטים סגל אקדמי בכיר
Prof. Amit Pundik
Phone: 03-6406506
Office: Minkoff - Law, 331


Dr. Amit Pundik has been a lecturer at Tel Aviv University, Faculty of Law, since 2011. He started his professional life in the software industry but in 2000 decided that his interests lay elsewhere. He commenced his studies at the Hebrew University, Jerusalem in the joint programme of Law and “Amirim”, a programme for multi-disciplinary education in the Humanities. During his studies he was co-editor in chief of the Hebrew University Law Review (Mishpatim) and an active member of the University Debating Club. In 2004 he was awarded the Chevening scholarship to read for an LLM at University College London, where he specialised in Procedural law (and in theatre-going). After a year in London he proceeded to Oxford as a Clarnedon Scholar, to write a doctorate on the connection between free will and statistical evidence, under the supervision of Professor John Gardner and Professor Adrian Zuckerman. After two years at Oxford he crossed the lines to the University of Cambridge, where he took up a position of Lecturer and Fellow in one of its younger colleges (only 125 year old), Hughes Hall. After more than six years in England Amit returned to Israel and joined the Buchmann Faculty of Law at Tel Aviv University. In addition, he has taught at Oxford for three consecutive years, a part of their BCL degree, and at Cornell Law School in 2015.


Outside academic life Amit is a volunteer with “Big Brothers Big Sisters of Israel”, an organisation which helps children and teenagers who grow up in single-parent families. He likes History and his home city of Jerusalem. 

Research Interests and Teaching

Evidence and proof, statistics, causation, freedom of the will, consent, sexual offences, and political liberty.


2005-2009 Balliol College, University of Oxford , DPhil in Law
2004-2005 University College London,  LLM in Procedural Law (Distinction)
2000-2004 Hebrew University, Israel ,  LLB (Summa cum Laude, 5th/241)


Academic Appointments

2017 – present

Senior Lecturer (with tenure), The Buchmann Faculty of Law, Tel Aviv University

Criminal Law, Evidence Law, and Sexual Offences Seminar

2019 - 2020

Academic Visitor, Faculty of Law, University of Oxford 


Visiting Professor, Cornell Law School, Cornell University

2014 - 2016

Lecturer, BCL Evidence Course, University of Oxford 

2011 - 2017

Lecturer (tenure-track), The Buchmann Faculty of Law, Tel Aviv University

2007 - 2011

PHG Foundation College Lecturer in Law, Hughes Hall, University of Cambridge
Lectures in Clinical Negligence andsupervisions in Tort Law, first year undergraduates


Full CV

Representative Publications

"Rethinking the Use of Statistical Evidence to Prove Causation in Criminal Cases: A Tale of (Im)Probability and Free Will", 40(2) Law & Philosophy 97-128 (2021)


"Predictive Evidence and Unpredictable Freedom", 40(2) Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 238-264 (2020)


"Coercion and Volition in Law and Philosophy", 31 Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence 107 (2018)


"Freedom and Generalisation", 37 Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 189-216 (2017)

Response paper: Federico Picinali, “Generalisations, Causal Relationships, and Moral Responsibility” (2016) 20:2 International Journal of Evidence & Proof 121


"Against Racial Profiling", 67 University of Toronto Law Journal 175-205 (2017)


"Coercion and Deception in Sexual Relations", (2015) 28 Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence 97


Full CV